Chapter 141 I Don’t Want This Marriage 26
On Monday night, after Lan Shuang finished packing her luggage and was sitting on the carpet to rest, she saw the roses in a beautiful crystal vase out of the corner of her eye.

Delicate and charming, not withered yet, with lingering fragrance.

With a thought, she picked up her phone from the bed and sent Jiang Lusheng a message: [I'm going on a business trip tomorrow, so I don't want to give away milk tea or coffee tomorrow. 】

Jiang Lusheng was having a video conference, and had to switch languages ​​from time to time. When he heard the notification, he turned his head and looked over. The words in his mouth hadn't stopped, his thoughts were not affected at all, and he spoke quickly. The others were curious. And he couldn't help admiring him, as expected of President Xiao Jiang who was able to take on the lead at a young age, and he didn't have any flaws when he was single-minded and dual-purpose.

But it also reminded them that these people also followed suit.

They quietly sent messages in the group.

I love going to work the most: [What is the president doing?Whose news? 】

Juan Wang: [Probably something happened, have you noticed? When the CEO heard the reminder just now, his complexion suddenly changed, and the corners of his eyes and brows softened instantly. I suspect that he has seen the news of his sweetheart! 】

Fishing at work: [I, I, I!I noticed that too!You can guess who it is when you hear the voice, so it shouldn't be a special concern, right?Or set a special prompt sound? 】

Juan Wang: [You must be the truth! 】

Everyone secretly poked and ate their own boss's melons, and they had to pretend to be serious on the surface, and they couldn't be elated, otherwise the big devil would kill them!

Jiang Lusheng didn't care about what these employees were thinking. After he picked up the phone and saw Lan Shuang's news, the smile on his mouth suddenly froze, business trip?Doesn't it mean that we won't be able to see each other for many days?

He thought for a while and asked: 【Where are you going on a business trip?how many days? 】

Rose: [Three days, um, go to S City to discuss a project, if it goes well, you can come back in two days. 】

Jiang Lusheng frowned and pondered. He was very busy during this time. He had originally made an appointment to have dinner with Lan Shuang on the weekend, but they were interrupted due to sudden work, so they didn't make it. Now that Lan Shuang was going on a business trip, he couldn't get away. Well, the company is at a critical moment. Everyone has been working overtime day and night these days, so we can't delay because of his emotional affairs.

After weighing the pros and cons, he did not reply immediately, but first said to the few people in the meeting: "Wait for me for 5 minutes, I will deal with personal matters."


Several people happily agreed, then turned their heads and began to rub their stiff faces.

Jiang Lusheng briefly turned off the camera, took out his mobile phone and wrote a few notes on business trips, checked that there were no problems and sent them to Lan Shuang.

Mr. Rose: 【You have to take good care of yourself outside. The conditions of a business trip are certainly no better than at home. When you stay in a hotel, you have to be extra careful and prepare your things. 】

Mr. Rose: [Remember to send me a message when you arrive at the place to report that you are safe. 】

Jiang Lusheng looked at the message he sent, and suddenly jokingly said: 【Am I a bit like an uncle? 】

Lan Shuang couldn't help laughing after watching it, and said to 888: "Is this the legendary father's boyfriend?"

888: "Thank you for the invitation, single dogs don't participate in the topic of young couples, they are easy to blacken."

Lan Shuang fell on the carpet with her mobile phone in her arms and laughed.

Rose: [Thank you, it's very practical, I've saved it. 】

Rose: [Cats love each other.jpg]

Mr. Rose: [Cats compare hearts.jpg]

"Stole my pictures..." Lan Shuang put away her phone with a smile, looked at the memo Jiang Lusheng had given her, checked her things again, and closed the suitcase after making sure that there was no problem.


Early the next morning, Lan Shuang had breakfast and took Lan Shuangting's car to the airport. Everyone had just arrived and happened to set off together.

When Lan Shuang saw Lu Yihan, she was startled: "What's wrong with you?"

Haggard like a drug addict.

With huge dark circles under his eyes, Lu Yihan looked at the radiant and charming Lan Shuang with complicated eyes, hesitated to speak, and finally just shook his head, just as he was about to board the plane, Lan Shuang didn't ask any more questions.

He just asked 888 after he was seated on the plane: "Lu Yihan won't be worried about getting infected with something he shouldn't touch, right?"

888: "That's not true. He took Su Le to visit his mother on weekends."

"So that's how it is." Lan Shuang immediately understood, after seeing her mother, she realized the heavy burden on her shoulders, and she suffered from insomnia, right?

She smiled without sympathy, "Yes."

Then put on the blindfold and close your eyes to rest.

Little did she know that Lu Yihan, who was sitting obliquely behind her, had been staring at her in a daze.

On weekends, he took Lele to the hospital, and then...

He ran away from the original ward and asked the medical staff to find out that it had been transferred to the general ward. He was very angry and asked why?
At that time, the head nurse said very coldly: "I'm sorry, Mr. Lu, because the fee you paid is not enough for the single ward, so you can only transfer to the ordinary ward, but you don't have to worry, the medical equipment and medication are still the same as before. "

Lu Yihan's face turned green at the time, but he tried his best not to have an attack. Without money, he has no confidence, so what can he say?

Su Le also persuaded him, "Let's go see Auntie first."


The new ward is a triple room, and Lu Yihan's mother, Zhou Wanting, is in the middle.

Zhou Wanting is in good spirits now, and her eyes lit up when she saw her son coming, but her face has lost its original charm, her cheeks are sunken, and her eyes are protruding. terror.

Su Le was startled for a moment, but she quickly realized that this was Lu Yihan's mother.

How could this be?Su Le thought that his mother's illness might be very serious, but he didn't expect it to be this serious.

She stood there for a while, a little at a loss.

Lu Yihan didn't notice her abnormality, walked quickly to the bedside, held Zhou Wanting's hand and asked, "Mom, how do you feel? Are you still used to the new environment?"

Zhou Wanting nodded, "It's okay."

She sighed a long time, which is the kind of voice that elderly people often make, which makes people feel old, hopeless, depressed and uncomfortable.

Lu Yihan's heart felt sore, and he was so blocked that he couldn't help holding her hand a little harder: "Mom, how is your body feeling? I've been too busy recently, so I can't take care of you, I'm sorry."

"Oh, it's still the same. The doctor said that I can't do surgery with my body. I'm too weak. I need to take good care of it."

Su Le finally had a chance to interject. She came over and asked softly, "What's wrong with Auntie?"

Lu Yihan pursed his lips and looked at Zhou Wanting, who asked suspiciously, "Who is this?"

Su Le smiled and said, "My name is Su Le, and I'm Brother Han's girlfriend."

Lu Yihan lowered his head when he heard the words, Zhou Wanting was taken aback, "Su Le? Isn't your ex-girlfriend named Lan Shuang? Aren't you two getting engaged soon?"

(End of this chapter)

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