Chapter 142 I Don’t Want This Marriage 27
Zhou Wanting's memory still stays at the time when Lu Yihan came to see her and said that she was going to get engaged, so seeing Su Le now, she was completely dazed, suspecting that she had not slept for a year, but slept for a year.

After she finished speaking, she looked Su Le up and down, and Su Le was a little nervous and uncomfortable, and said in a low voice, "Auntie, Lan Shuang has regretted her marriage, Brother Han is with me now."

"Repentance?" Zhou Wanting asked in disbelief: "How could she suddenly repent? Who is it?"

Her voice suddenly became sharp, and the patients and their family members in the two beds next to her all looked over, and Lu Yihan immediately wanted to find a crack in the ground to slip in.

He got up and pulled up the curtains on both sides, and said in a low voice, "Mom, you are not in good health, so don't get excited, it's not what you think."

Zhou Wanting frowned: "What's going on? Tell me clearly!"

Seeing this, Su Le was at a loss, and was glared at by Lu Yihan. He pulled Su Le up and said, "I'll send Su Le back first, and I'll talk to you when I get back."

Zhou Wanting didn't say anything, but just looked at Su Le, obviously dissatisfied.

Su Le felt uncomfortable, and asked directly after leaving the hospital gate: "Is your mother very dissatisfied with me? Why are you so unhappy?"

"I haven't asked you yet, why did you say this in front of my mother? You have seen her appearance, she can fall down in a bad health, and you still want to talk about my divorce, so you are not afraid to make her angry Anyhow?"

"I... can't I see the light? Can't I say that I'm with you?"

"That's not what I meant!" Lu Yihan suddenly felt tired, waved his hands and said, "It's easy to take a taxi here, you can go back by yourself later, I don't want to quarrel with you right now, we can talk about it when we calm down."

Then turned around and left.

Su Le stood there and stared wide-eyed, unable to believe that he just threw herself down like this, but after waiting for a long time for Lu Yihan not to come back, Su Le finally recognized the reality, and left with red eyes.


After returning to the ward, Lu Yihan met the eyes of the people around him, and sat down beside the bed sullenly.

Zhou Wanting's face became more haggard: "You can't be like your father, playful and flirtatious. I haven't seen Lan Shuang before, so you brought another one. Which one do you like?"

Seeing that he couldn't hide it anymore, Lu Yihan held Zhou Wanting's hand and said earnestly, "Mom, in fact, Su Le and I have been together for a long time, and we haven't told Lan Shuang, nor you."


Zhou Wanting was shocked: "What do you mean? Are you stepping on two boats?"

Lu Yihan briefly told how he and Lan Shuang were together, and how he was with Su Le, Zhou Wanting was speechless for a long time after hearing this.

"...So, you don't have any feelings for Lan Shuang, but you have to stay with her in order to treat me and return to Lu's house?"

"Well, at that time I was really forced to have no choice but to go this way, so I lied to Lan Shuang from the beginning, but I didn't think of cheating at the time, but when I met Su Le later, I found out that she was It's the type I like, I couldn't control myself, so I stayed with her and lied to her at the time."

Zhou Wanting looked at her son silently, unable to utter the words of reprimand. If she was someone else, she could stand on the moral high ground and point at him, but she is his mother, and he did it to make her sick. In doing so, she has no right to say anything.

"No wonder I was transferred to a single ward. After Lan Shuang broke up with you, she didn't want to bear the medical expenses anymore?" Zhou Wanting said suddenly, and Lu Yihan was taken aback.

"Lan Shuang? No, isn't the Lu family always paying for the medical expenses?"

Zhou Wanting was puzzled: "Really? But one time I was half asleep and half awake, and heard two doctors chatting beside my bed, saying that there were two moneys sent to the hospital, one of them was Lu's family, and the other didn't know who it was. I listen to you." That being said, I thought it was Lan Shuang and the nurse who left after your wedding was cancelled."

Lu Yihan was completely stunned, the others were still sitting there, but his thoughts drifted to nowhere.


The voice of the stewardess on the plane interrupted Lu Yihan's memory, Lu Yihan waved his hand: "I don't need anything, thank you."

The stewardess left.

Lu Yihan blinked his dry eyes, looked at the corner of Lan Shuang's clothes, and heard his fucking words again.

"If it doesn't work, you can go back to find Lan Shuang. At least she really likes you. She has a good family background and talent. She is no worse than that Su Le. Is she not as good-looking as Su Le? I think Su Le It looks just normal."

"No, Lan Shuang... looks beautiful."

"That's it, why don't you like such a girl who is good in every aspect? How can Su Le be better than her? Do you really like Su Le or is it just a temporary novelty?"

"Son, you should think about it carefully. Mom is old and can't take care of you, and the Lu family is not a good person. Only marry a wife who can help you and love you, so Mom can rest assured."


Lu Yihan pinched his eyebrows wearily, leaned back on the back of the chair, did he really want to go back to find Lan Shuang?

This question remained unanswered until the time I got off the plane.

The general manager took them to the hotel first, and they were all on the same floor. Lan Shuang didn't know when the room card was assigned, but when she went upstairs, she found that she and Lu Yihan were opposite each other.

The two of them were stunned when they walked to the door.

The general manager didn't expect such a coincidence, he hesitated and asked Lan Shuang: "How about we switch?"

Lan Shuang said with a smile: "It's okay, don't bother."

As she spoke, she opened her door and entered with the suitcase.

Lu Yihan hesitated for a moment, then opened the door and walked in.

Lan Shuang went back to her room to tidy up her things, and asked 888, "How is it? Has the female partner's resentment value decreased?"

888 said excitedly: "I'm about to tell the host that the female partner's resentment value has been reduced by another ten~ It's already thirty points, and there are seventy points left!"

Lan Shuang nodded: "This shows that Lu Yihan is getting more and more regretful, but he hasn't reached the peak of regret. I have to find a way to make him regret sooner."

"Host, what do you want to do?"

Lan Shuang put down the things in her hand, checked the bed and said: "As the saying goes, it is easy to go from frugality to extravagance, but difficult to go from luxury to frugality. After seeing the good life of the rich and the rich, who wants to live in a thatched cottage all day long?"

"You mean to show Lu Yihan a good life? But the food he lives in Lu's house is not bad."

Lan Shuang shook her head: "Of course it doesn't mean that. This is my first business trip. After the end, I invite everyone to have a meal and give some souvenirs. It should be normal, right?"

888 suddenly realized: "Are you trying to contrast your wealth with Su Le?"

Lan Shuang nodded: "Yes, this kind of behavior is generally not advocated, but you don't need to pay so much attention to these two people."

(End of this chapter)

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