Chapter 143 I Will Not End This Marriage 28 (Fifth Watch)
In the evening, the general manager sent a message to the four of them, telling them to dress formally and prepare for the reception banquet.

Lan Shuang had prepared her clothes long ago. After taking a bath, she changed into a small white suit and skirt, which was well tailored to show the advantages of her figure to the greatest extent, and was ingenious in some details. There is a little bit of shimmer, which looks playful and delicate, which is very suitable for her age.

She put on a simple necklace and earrings, her hair was rolled up, she looked very gentle and majestic, she took a look in the mirror, and after confirming that there was no problem, Lan Shuang opened the door and went out.

Coincidentally, Lu Yihan also pushed the door out, and the two walked to meet each other.

Obvious surprise flashed in Lu Yihan's eyes, but Lan Shuang didn't respond. She glanced at the slightly ordinary suit on Lu Yihan's body, nodded, turned around and left without saying anything.

But this made Lu Yihan more embarrassed than anything else, he clenched his fists, looked down at his black suit, and pursed his lips.

After the four met in the lobby, the general manager came down, and the five of them took two cars to the dinner venue prepared by the other party.

This dinner also invited a lot of media. It was a small new product launch event. The general manager and the others were invited to participate. After handing over the invitations, the waiters immediately ushered them in.

Soft and relaxing music played in the resplendent hall, and those high-class people dressed in decent dresses gathered together in twos and threes to talk, and the decanted red wine and champagne were placed in exquisite glasses, exuding a seductive aroma.

Seeing someone coming in, they all turned their heads to look over, and seeing the general manager immediately came up to meet him, many of them recognized Lan Shuang who was beside him, and they were curious but did not dare to make connections rashly.

It was Lan Shuang who came forward to greet everyone generously, and said to a familiar lady, "Long time no see, Aunt Fu."

Aunt Fu took Lan Shuang's hand with a smile, and said kindly, "Oh, I haven't seen Shuangshuang for a while, why are you here?"

Lan Shuang looked back at the general manager with a smile, "I came with the boss. During the internship period, I came to discuss cooperation with the boss."

"Did you go to the branch for an internship? Why didn't you go to the head office?"

Aunt Fu nodded to the general manager, who returned the greeting with a smile, and then said to Lan Shuang, "I'm going to meet some old friends, you guys talk first, just come back before the dinner starts."

"it is good."

Lan Shuang agreed, and took Aunt Fu to the side to chat, while she watched Lu Yihan's movements from the corner of her eye.

Lu Yihan followed the general manager, but he couldn't get in the way. He could only serve as a foil, because he was so inconspicuous that few people even connected him with the young master of the Lu family who was engaged to Lan Shuang.

This kind of ignorance is even more embarrassing to be targeted. Being targeted at least means that you are still being looked down upon. Ignoring means treating you as a dispensable decoration or garbage, and it is not worth taking a look from others.

For a person like Lu Yihan who has excess self-esteem to the point of conceit, this is like cutting his flesh with a blunt knife.

He stood behind nervously, unable to bear to look at Lan Shuang.

Lan Shuang had already bid farewell to Aunt Fu, and was talking to several other young ladies, looking calm and confident with ease.

Some people didn't know what was said, they all laughed, and as if they had a sense, Lan Shuang suddenly turned her head and looked over.

Lu Yihan panicked, he didn't know why, and subconsciously wanted to escape, but Lanshuang's eyes just touched his body like a superficial touch, leaving no trace.

Lu Yihan felt lost again.

After Lan Shuang turned around, he looked at her dress even more presumptuously. Her face was undoubtedly beautiful. Even if it was put together with the poster of the spokesperson, the female stars on it were not as good as her. She had a natural noble temperament , no one can compare.

In addition, her height-fitting suit added a lot of color to her, with just the right amount of glitter to make her shine without being too tacky.

In contrast, the other ladies dressed up to attend were a bit inferior.

Zhou Wanting's words rang in his ears again, and Lu Yihan couldn't help being shaken.

That's right, why doesn't he like such a girl who is better than Su Le in every aspect?

The dinner started soon, Lan Shuang, as the general manager's assistant, sat next to the general manager, and the other three sat behind.

The host on the stage said a bunch of witty words to enliven the atmosphere, and then the organizers came out to introduce their new products for the next season, and invited several models to the stage to show everyone.

Lan Shuang looked at it seriously, and felt that the idea was really good. She occasionally chatted with the general manager next to her, and then her phone vibrated. She picked it up and saw that it was Jiang Lusheng's message.

Mr. Rose: [I just got off work, how is your side, is it going well? 】

Lan Shuang simply replied: [At the dinner party, it is not convenient to reply to the message, we will talk later]

Jiang Lusheng didn't send any more messages when he saw this one. He locked the screen and stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window looking at the moon in the sky with a coffee cup.

Tonight's moon is very round and looks very bright. How pleasant would it be if I could walk under the moon with my sweetheart and enjoy the summer night breeze?

It's a pity that his sweetheart was blown far away by the wind, and he couldn't catch up.

After taking the last sip of coffee, he picked up his mobile phone and went out, carefully looked for the angle, and took a picture of the most beautiful moon, planning to send it to Lan Shuang when she finished.

However, before Lan Shuang could reply, the spam news feed came first. He glanced at it and wanted to swipe it away, but was attracted by a certain word on it. He paused and clicked on it.

The title is very hot: The daughter of the Lan Group is suspected of rekindling her old relationship with her ex-boyfriend, and they keep looking at each other ambiguously.

Jiang Lusheng's face suddenly turned cold, "Heh—the resurgence of old feelings? Looking at each other ambiguously?"

How dare you write it.

He slid down, his fingertips froze, and there are photos?
It looked like it was at the entrance of a very high-end hotel. Lan Shuang and Lu Yihan walked up side by side. The angle was chosen very delicately. It seemed that half of Lan Shuang's body was close to Lu Yihan's body.

And the second picture is in the lobby, there is a distance between Lan Shuang and Lu Yihan, Lan Shuang looked back and smiled, Lu Yihan just looked at Lan Shuang fixedly, the picture is a bit blurry, but it is precisely because of the blur that it looks more ambiguous .

Jiang Lusheng's lip line couldn't help but tightened. In the last picture, Lan Shuang and Lu Yihan were sitting back and forth, holding their mobile phones at the same time. There was an obvious smile on the corner of Lan Shuang's mouth.

The text below diverges in various ways, saying that Lan Shuang and Lu Yihan are interns in the company together, and the old relationship has rekindled after a long time. information.

Jiang Lusheng finished watching sullenly, and almost crushed the phone.

There was a layer of coldness in his eyes, "The resurgence of old feelings? Dreaming."

It is impossible for him to leave any sparks behind!
His eyes fell on the rose garden on the side, and he suddenly had an idea.

 The explosion is over, ah... so empty, please vote for it, the effect is good, and then explode again at the end of the month

(End of this chapter)

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