Chapter 144 I Don’t Want This Marriage 29
The new product launch here is coming to an end, the media has been asked to leave, and then it is time for the official dinner, everyone moved to the huge restaurant on the second floor to eat. Unlike the first floor, the environment on the second floor is more fresh and elegant, with It is full of all kinds of fresh flowers, and the front is a large transparent glass. Looking out from here, you can clearly see the sea in the distance and the lights of thousands of families below.

Everyone is very particular about where they sit. The VIP sits in the front, and the others step back according to their status. It stands to reason that Lan Shuang should sit with the general manager, but she was called away by some ladies and ladies halfway. up.

Lu Yihan glanced at it, feeling more and more unhappy.

“The western food here is pretty good.”

"Really? Then we have to try it out. We don't have many chances to eat here."

The other two people in the same group were eating while talking, but Lu Yihan was in a daze.

One of them poked his arm and asked, "Xiao Lu, why don't you eat? No appetite?"

"Ah, it's a bit." Lu Yihan picked up the red wine on the table and drank it down.

Seeing this, the person next to him picked up the wine glass and tasted it, and sighed: "This time I really got the honor of the general manager. I have never drank such a good wine in my life, and this may be the only time in my life."

"Hey, don't even think about us two poor ghosts."

The two laughed at themselves to resolve the embarrassment, but Lu Yihan remained silent.

They looked at each other, felt bored, and stopped talking.

This meal Lu Yihan couldn't taste the taste, and when it was finally over, the group went back to the first floor to start tonight's dance.

It is said to be a dance party, but in fact, this is the highlight of the event. Only when you are full of wine and food can you talk about business. Basically, at this stage, you will start negotiating in circles.

And those who came with them are not of much use for the time being, and they can communicate with each other.

Naturally, the party was looking for a dance partner, so Lu Yihan subconsciously turned his attention to Lan Shuang, but someone was one step ahead of him.

A stylish and handsome man in a silver-gray suit greeted him. Lan Shuang seemed to know him very well, smiled and nodded in agreement, and the two walked onto the dance floor.

Even though Lan Shuang wasn't wearing an evening gown today, she was in good shape and pretty. Standing in the middle of the dance floor didn't violate harmony at all. She even attracted the attention of many people because of her different clothes.

Lu Yihan noticed it, and his eyes darkened.

After the dance, just as the others were about to move, Lu Yihan suddenly stepped forward and took Lan Shuang's hand first: "Sorry, the second dance is mine."

Lan Shuang was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look at him, and the others also looked at the two suspiciously, and then showed ambiguous expressions.

In front of so many people, Lu Yihan thought that Lan Shuang would not reject him.

Lan Shuang did not intend to reject him, after a moment of silence, she put her hand on Lu Yihan's shoulder: "Okay."

The two stood together, the handsome man and the beautiful woman were extremely eye-catching, and they were also ex-fianced couples, so they were full of gossip. It's a pity that those media were invited out, otherwise they would have something to write about if they were photographed.

"Lu Yihan, why did you suddenly ask me to dance?"

Lan Shuang moved slowly following the music, but she didn't look at Lu Yihan, her gaze kept on the ground.

From this angle, Lan Shuang's eyelashes are very long, and when she trembles slightly, she has a feeling of fragility that is completely inconsistent with her bright appearance.

Lu Yihan's heart moved, and he said softly: "It's nothing, just seeing so many people looking at you, I'm afraid you won't be able to refuse."

Lan Shuang smiled lightly, looked over from bottom to top, "Really?"

Lu Yihan couldn't help being slightly taken aback, but the next moment she looked away again, "Aren't you afraid that Su Le will be jealous if he finds out? I don't want her to go to the company to make trouble again."

"Don't worry, she won't. I'll tell her to stop going to the company in the future and wait for me downstairs if she has something to do. She won't disturb you."

Lu Yihan said anxiously.

Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows, why did what she said sound like an underground affair?
It was really an idea that Lu Yihan's weird brain circuit could come up with.

So now she has switched identities with Su Le back then?

It's ridiculous.

The curvature of Lan Shuang's lips increased, but her smile was slightly cold, "Forget it, I don't think I will stay in the company for too long. After my internship is over, I'm going to go out and start a company by myself."

"Ah? Why?" Lu Yihan asked softly, "Is it because of me? If so..."

"Mr. Lu, you don't have to be so nervous. It has nothing to do with you. From the day we broke up, we have nothing to do with each other. I will not change my original plan because of an irrelevant person. These are what I planned early in the morning."

Lan Shuang stopped suddenly while speaking, took her hand back from Lu Yihan's shoulder, turned around and left.

Lu Yihan was dumbfounded, what he said was good just now, why did he suddenly turn his back on him?

He subconsciously chased after her, and found that Lan Shuang was going to the bathroom with his bag. He hesitated for a moment, but followed.

The men's and women's toilets here are on the opposite side, separated by a public sink.

Lu Yihan was carelessly washing his hands in front of the sink, but his ears kept listening to the movement inside.

Lan Shuang went to the bathroom to take a breather, she didn't want to deal with those people, she was so tired.

She took out her mobile phone from her bag, and found that Jiang Lusheng had called her 10 minutes ago, but she didn't answer, and then sent a WeChat instead.

Mr. Rose: [How is it?went well?Is the dinner party over? 】

Mr. Rose: [The moon tonight is beautiful. 】

Mr. Rose: [picture]

Lan Shuang clicked on the picture and saw that it was indeed a picture of the moon. The moon was very round and bright, and there was a hand below it for comparison.

"Heh—" She couldn't help but chuckled, how could a person who looked so mature and stable be able to Biye?But this hand is really nice.

She couldn't help zooming in a little to look at his hands, but suddenly found something, she immediately zoomed in again, there seemed to be many scratches on his fingers and palms.

She quickly sent a message and asked: [How did you get your hands?So many wounds? 】

Jiang Lusheng was sitting on the bay window, with one leg propped up, his right hand resting casually on his knee, a little scarlet flickering on the fingertips.

He slowly exhaled a puff of smoke, and the faint smoke rose in the moonlight, blurring his overly cold facial features cut by light and shadow, looking decadent and sexy.

When the phone rang, he was about to take a second puff. When he heard the sound, he immediately extinguished the cigarette and pressed it into the ashtray. He picked up the phone and saw that it was Lan Shuang. Seeing that she had found the wound on his hand, he couldn't bear it He couldn't help slightly pursing his lips, and the slightly long broken hair covered the light in his eyes with moisture.

He glanced at his scarred right hand, and instead of typing, he sent a voice message, [Nothing, just now I accidentally tripped while looking for an angle in the rose garden, and subconsciously grabbed something when I fell, The result was scratched. 】

 Watch Jiang Lusheng go crazy

(End of this chapter)

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