Chapter 146 I Don’t Want This Marriage 31
Lan Shuang: "..."

The villain in her heart crossed her waist, hum, she is so calm, then she will sleep!

"Okay, good night."

As she said that, she was about to lie down, and the quilt was pulled up, ready to hang up.

Jiang Lusheng immediately asked in a low voice, "Don't you look at my hand?"

In this tussle, the one who is tempted first is destined to be the loser, and if you want to get care and love, it is necessary to show weakness appropriately.

There's no shame in acting like a baby with your sweetheart.

Lan Shuang's eyes crooked: "Ah, I almost forgot, it depends, how did you take a shower when your hand was injured? Did you not deal with it? Don't make it worse."

Jiang Lusheng turned the phone around and pointed it at his right hand, "Actually, it's okay, it's just scratches, and I've had them before. Roses are always pricked by thorns, and it's fun to get used to it."

Lan Shuang slightly raised her eyebrows, and said in an unclear tone: "There are so many thorns in roses, why do you want to raise them?"

Jiang Lusheng: "There is no reason, it is love at first sight. I think this kind of flower is beautiful and wild, full of vitality, and it blooms warmly and intensely. I like this color. Those thorns are their symbols. Without thorns, a rose is not a rose No, I don't like it."

Lan Shuang looked at his bruised palm and pursed her lips, "Then your hobbies are indeed quite unique."

Jiang Lusheng had a long laugh, "Well, so I am always very patient with roses, and I enjoy the process of plucking the thorns."

Lan Shuang lowered her voice: "Turn your hands over."

Jiang Lusheng obeyed, and there were a few long scratches on the back of his white hands, which were red and swollen, which looked shocking.

"You didn't deal with it at all, Jiang Lusheng, you are so cruel to yourself."

Lan Shuang's tone was soft, but Jiang Lusheng could still hear the anger hidden behind him. He froze for a moment, then turned the phone to face himself, "It's okay, Tian Tian, ​​I'm in good health, I'll be fine after a night of sleep. It looked a bit scary, but the wound wasn't deep at all."

"Really?" Lan Shuang lowered her eyes with a smile on her face, "I'll go back the day after tomorrow, I hope your hand has healed when I go back, otherwise we'll cancel the weekend dinner, I don't want to fight with a right hand Those who cannot exert themselves eat."

After finishing speaking, she hung up the phone directly and lay down to sleep.

888 wondered: "Host, why are you angry?"

Lan Shuang snorted: "It's nothing, some people just like to do some bad work, and treat me as a fool, and if I don't teach him a lesson, I will dare in the future."


The screen suddenly went dark, reflecting Jiang Lusheng's astonished face.

From meeting Lan Shuang to confirming his intention to start hunting, his motivation and purpose are very clear, so every step he takes is leisurely, watching her jump into his trap little by little, he has an indescribable feeling in his heart. satisfaction.

He thought that the rose's thorns could be softened for him, but because of his mistake, the injured rose retreated and erected the thorns, which is really too bad.

Jiang Lusheng put down the phone, put his hands in front of his eyes, and leaned against him in silence for a while, but after 5 minutes, he suddenly laughed again, and the laughter became louder and louder.

"Rose is angry because of me. Does that mean that I have a different position in her heart? Otherwise, why would she be angry because of a small wound?"

After figuring this out, Jiang Lusheng suddenly felt that his trick was actually effective, but it was a pity that he could only use it once.

He picked up his phone and sent a message to Lan Shuang: [Sorry, I will take good care of myself. 】

Mr. Rose: [Don't be angry, sleep well, I will take good care of my hands in the next few days. 】

Mr. Rose: [Good night. 】

Lan Shuang turned the phone on silent, tried not to look at it, and fell asleep after a while.

People in the ambiguous period are pulling, and people in the regret period are drunk.


After Lan Shuang left, Lu Yihan was ridiculed by several men in the middle. Lan Shuang suddenly announced that he was going to get married.

Especially after knowing that the other party is just an illegitimate child who can't stand on the stage, these people are extremely unwilling, but Lan's family is powerful, and Lan Shuang likes Lu Yihan, no one dares to find fault with him, but now it's different.

Without Lan Shuang and the Lan family, Lu Yihan and the Lu family behind him, these people really don't look down on them.

"Isn't this Young Master Lu? Tsk tsk tsk, I haven't seen you for a few days, so why?"

Lu Yihan watched them approaching, with obvious malice on his face, he didn't intend to make trouble, turned around and wanted to leave, but found that he was blocked by someone.

These four people surrounded him, and the leader was the young master of the Fang family, who had always been secretly in love with Lan Shuang. Although he didn't confess his love publicly, these young masters all knew about it.

Fang Hui looked Lu Yihan up and down, then smiled disdainfully: "What kind of a good person do I think that Lan Shuang likes him so much, so it turns out that's nothing more than that."

Lu Yi looked at him coldly: "So? What do you want to do? Fight for Lan Shuang? If you like her, go after her. What's the use of stopping me?"

"It's useless, but I'm happy." Fang Hui put his hands in his pockets and took a step closer, "Didn't you break up with Lan Shuang, what are you still pestering Lan Shuang for? You won't regret it, will you?"

Lu Yihan looked around, this is the corner of the lobby, almost no one would come here, no wonder they dare to be so unscrupulous, the current situation is not good for him, he has to get out as soon as possible.

"It's useless if I regret it or not. The final choice is in Lan Shuang's hands. If she likes me, she will still be with me. If she doesn't like me, it's useless for me to say anything. Instead of wasting time with me, It's better to warn Lan Shuang's new boyfriend."

Fang Hui was taken aback: "What did you say? New boyfriend?"

Seeing the drama, Lu Yihan deliberately pretended to be indifferent and said: "Yes, a man has been chasing her recently, and the two of them seem to be quite ambiguous, don't you know?"

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, they really didn't know about this.

"You're not bluffing me, are you? What's that man's name?"

Lu Yihan smiled, and his eyes were deep: "The surname is Jiang, I don't know the specifics, everyone calls him Mr. Jiang, if you want to check, you can find it, don't waste time on me."

After speaking, he took advantage of Fang Hui's dazed time to push him away and walked away quickly.

After leaving the venue, he looked at the endless stream of cars outside and clenched his hands tightly.

Both of them coveted Lan Shuang, that was the one he didn't want, now that he regretted it, he had to go back to him!Don't even think about it!
At this moment, he finally completely gave up the initial obsession, planning to chase Lan Shuang back again.

"Lan Shuang... wait for me."

A stern look flashed in Lu Yihan's eyes, and he completely let his ambition expand.


This night, Lan Shuang slept fairly well. After waking up, she was a little confused. Before she woke up, she heard 888 say: "Host, you are awake. I have good news for you. The hostess' resentment value will be reduced by [-]!"

(End of this chapter)

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