Chapter 147 I Don’t Want This Marriage 32
This sound directly woke Lan Shuang up. She sat up and said in surprise, "So fast? What happened after last night? What happened to him?"

888 looked at the picture on the screen and said: "After the host left last night, Lu Yihan was humiliated by a few sons in a corner, probably because of this he opened up his second line of Ren and Du."

Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows: "Brother Young Master? Why are you blocking him? Could it be because of the original owner?"

888 nodded: "Yes, in this circle, everyone agrees that Lan Shuang is the moon, and you can only watch it from a distance and not play with it, because the Lan family is absolutely the first family, and they all think it is the right one to marry Lan Shuang. Those who belong to the right family can only do it, but they were cut off by an illegitimate son of Lu Yihan, these sons of the direct line must not be happy, and the leader Fang Hui, the eldest son of the Fang family, has always been secretly in love with the original owner, of course the original owner does not know about this."

"Fang Hui?" Lan Shuang thought for a while, but she really didn't have any impression.

"That's right, Fang Hui knew that you were going to marry Lu Yihan and was so angry that he almost broke Lu Yihan's leg, but was stopped by his family. When he knew that your wedding with Lu Yihan was blown up, he directly asked someone to buy a pair of them." The car's fireworks were set off all night in the suburbs."

Lan Shuang couldn't help laughing, "Mr. Fang is really a man of temperament."

888 also smiled and said: "Yeah, I'm just a little timid. I haven't dared to confess to the original owner. I saw you dancing with Lu Yihan last night. I thought you two wanted to rekindle the old relationship, so I went to warn Lu Yihan. I guess I was stimulated. Lu Yihan knew If you have no power or power, you can only be abused by others, so I want to catch you and climb up, host, what are you going to do next?"

"It's a trick. He wants to grab me to climb up now, and it depends on whether I am willing or not. The original owner who was dedicated to him is dead. In this life, he will never be able to get the original owner's forgiveness."

Lan Shuang got up to wash and change her clothes. After tidying up, she was about to have breakfast when someone knocked on the door.

She opened the door suspiciously and saw that it was Lu Yihan, "Is there something wrong?"

She glanced at Lu Yihan up and down. Lu Yihan was wearing a casual gray sportswear and a hoodie, looking young and energetic. He smiled and asked, "Do you want to have breakfast?"

Lan Shuang leaned against the door, not intending to move at all, she smiled coldly, "I'm sorry, Mr. Lu, you have a girlfriend, and as someone who has had a little past with you, I think I should avoid suspicion, so—— Go yourself."

With that she closed the door.

Lu Yihan: "..."

He stood awkwardly on the spot for a while, seeing that there was no one around, and then he breathed a sigh of relief. If his colleagues saw this, the gossip group would be updated again.

He was a little helpless. He thought about it for a long time last night. He tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. He suffered a lot. While he couldn't get over the hurdle in his heart, he didn't want to just give up on Su Le, but his reason told him that Su Le couldn't give him any help. The family is very ordinary, even struggling. Most of the time, I accommodate Su Le and buy things for her.

But now he is in urgent need of money, but Su Le can't help, Lan Shuang is the best choice.

Moreover, Lan Shuang can also give him a status that no one else can give him. When he was with Lan Shuang, no one dared to laugh at him face to face. No matter where he went, everyone was very enthusiastic about him, but now?
Anyone can step on him, even think he's a fart.

This gap was too great, and he couldn't stand it for a day.

He hesitated again and again, although he didn't have the courage to knock on the door again, but he still didn't want to just give up, thinking that Lan Shuang would definitely go out after a while, he planned to sit here and wait.

Unexpectedly, the rabbit didn't wait, and waited for a waiter first.

With a bag in his hand, the waiter knocked on Lan Shuang's door and glanced at Lu Yihan who was opposite him, but he just nodded without asking any further questions.

Lan Shuang opened the door helplessly: "Mr. Lu, I said...uh."

She blinked, looked at the waiter at the door, and asked dumbfoundedly: "Sorry, I admitted the wrong person, what's the matter?"

The waiter smiled politely and handed her the bag in his hand: "Miss Lan, someone ordered takeaway for you, please sign for it."

Their hotel can order takeaways, but for the privacy and safety of customers, the takeaway staff are not allowed to enter the guest rooms, so they are delivered by the waiter.

Lan Shuang was puzzled, she didn't... oh, I see, it's Jiang Lusheng, right?

She casually asked, "Who ordered it?"

"I don't know either," said the waiter.

"Okay, thank you."

After Lan Shuang took it, the waiter bowed slightly to her and left.Seeing this, Lu Yihan hesitated to speak, "You..."

"I'm not going out anymore, you go to eat." Lan Shuang smiled at him, and closed the door again.

Lu Yihan: "..."


After going back to the room and sitting down at the table, Lan Shuang carefully looked at the bag, which contained all kinds of Cantonese dim sum.

She chuckled, "For he has a heart."

Before she could start eating, a WeChat message came.

Mr. Rose: [I ordered breakfast for you, and I will go to work after eating. 】

Mr. Rose: [I don't know what you like to eat, so I ordered a little bit of each. 】

Mr. Rose: [Good morning, cats love each other.jpg]

Lan Shuang couldn't help laughing, and didn't reply on purpose. Anyway, the things were delivered to him and there was a sign. He knew that he accepted it, but if he didn't reply, it meant that he was still angry, so let him want to go.


Jiang Lusheng put on his tie and found that the phone was still silent, so he couldn't help but sigh: "Oh, it's hard to coax Rose to be angry."

But he quite enjoys this process. He treats you as one of his own, and only loses his temper with you when he is in the close range. Generally speaking, who would be petty to strangers? (except for a very small number of people)

Jiang Lusheng looked at himself in the mirror again, and said in a low voice, "Keep working hard."

What should I order for her at noon?She should go to talk about cooperation at noon, and she shouldn't be able to eat, so let's talk about it at night.

Jiang Lusheng had a plan in mind, and walked out of the house briskly.

Just as he guessed, at noon, Lan Shuang followed the general manager and the others to discuss cooperation with the other party. This time, the cooperation talks went relatively smoothly. At noon, the partner asked them to have dinner together, and the general manager agreed.

During the meal, the other party's boss kept persuading Lan Shuang to drink wine. At first, Lan Shuang took a sip to save face, but later she stopped drinking when she saw that he didn't know what to do. She sat on her seat and looked at him calmly.

The bald boss was a little embarrassed. The general manager was about to say something, but Lu Yihan stood up first and said, "Mr. Wan, Lan Shuang is too strong to drink. It's not that I don't want to give you face. I drank this wine for her."

Lan Shuang looked at him inexplicably, Lu Yihan held the wine glass and drank it up, not paying attention to Lan Shuang's indifferent eyes.

Mr. Wan was very happy, "Okay, I appreciate young people like you, come, have another drink."

 Lu scumbag, you are dead
(End of this chapter)

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