Chapter 149 I Don’t Want This Marriage 34
The luxury in the seafood hotel is something that Lu Yihan can hardly see. There are many rare ornamental fish in the huge aquarium inside. When you walk into the corridor, you feel like you are in the underwater world.

The people watching were amazed, Lan Shuang led them into the box that had been reserved long ago, surrounded by transparent glass, and when the crystal lamp illuminated it, the whole room looked like it was covered by a huge bubble, surrounded by swimmers. Fish that come and go.

For them, this meal was unforgettable for a lifetime. It was not over yet. After the meal, Lan Shuang took everyone to the ktv next door. After playing until midnight, she gave everyone a pair of cufflinks. They are all men, this one is more practical and good-looking.

Everyone's style is different. Lan Shuang chose it according to age and personality. Lan Shuang spent a lot of thought, so everyone was very surprised when they received it, and they liked it very much. They kept thanking Lan Shuang.

"You're welcome, it's your first business trip, thanks to everyone's care, I should give you a little gift, it's not expensive, don't worry about it."

Hearing what she said, everyone was flattered to accept it.

What Lan Shuang gave Lu Yihan was a pair of deep-sea sapphires. Lu Yihan was very moved when he saw it. He likes this color the most.

He couldn't help but look at Lan Shuang, but Lan Shuang didn't look at him at all, as if it was just given to him casually.

Lu Yihan's mood became more complicated.

When going out, Lan Shuang called a car to take the drunk people back, and took a car by herself, which was just right.

But when she got out of the car, she found Lu Yihan waiting for her at the door of the hotel.

Lan Shuang was speechless, it was a lingering ghost, if she hadn't got a mission, she wouldn't want to look at him again.

Seeing her getting off the car, Lu Yihan immediately came down from the steps, snuffed out the cigarette and went up to meet her. This time, he did not get so close, and said from a distance of a few steps: "I'm worried that it's not safe for you to ride alone. Waiting here for a while, just sobering up, it's fine, let's go."

With that said, he turned around and walked in first.

Lan Shuang stood there looking at him, and said softly: "Lu Yihan, I don't need you to do these things, I am not the Lan Shuang of the past, nor Su Le, this little trick of yours can't impress me, I was stupid before, let it go I don’t want such a good life, I have to accompany you to play self-made dramas, in order to take care of your self-esteem, I dare not take you to any good place on a date with you, and I will all accommodate you..."

She smiled softly, and brushed her long hair when the night wind was blowing, revealing her exquisite facial features, "Now I'm tired, you can't give me what I want, forget it."

What Lu Yihan hated the most in his life was being looked down upon by others, but when Lan Shuang said it, he had a special feeling, he couldn't refute it, and even felt a little guilty.

Back then when she was with herself, Lan Shuang really restrained herself a lot because of accommodating her. In the past, she didn't care about the brands when she dressed, but others couldn't afford any of them. He felt that standing with such a radiant Lan Shuang It was too unfriendly to be together, and I had a fight with her. Since then, she has started to wear cheap and niche clothes, and she doesn't even wear any jewelry.

So she has always been resentful?
After Lan Shuang took a few steps, the 888 notification sounded: "The resentment value is reduced by five, come on!"

"That means there are still 45 points? It's almost there." Lan Shuang smiled slightly, and when all these were resolved, she could talk about her love.

Thinking of this, she suddenly felt overwhelmed, humming softly and went back to the room.

On the contrary, Lu Yihan, who was behind, walked to the door like a walking dead, suddenly remembered something, picked up his mobile phone and tried to send a message to Lan Shuang, and as expected, he saw the familiar red exclamation mark.

I haven't been released from the blacklist yet.

Lu Yihan: "..."

If you haven't learned how to walk, don't even think about running away, save yourself from the blacklist first.

At noon on the third day, they flew back by plane.

When she landed, Lan Shuang still felt that she didn't have enough sleep and her whole body was sore.

However, when he went out, he could see someone standing there with a bouquet of bright red roses waiting from a distance.

Many people came and went looking at him, but he didn't care, his eyes only fell on Lan Shuang.

Lan Shuang didn't expect him to pick up the plane. When she sent a message in the morning, she just mentioned that she would come at noon today, but didn't say the specific time. He won't be waiting here all the time, right?

Seeing that Lan Shuang stopped leaving suddenly, Lu Yihan looked at her suspiciously: "What's wrong?"

Lan Shuang shook her head and said, "Let's go, someone is here to pick me up."

As she said that, she took two quick steps to get away from the crowd, and she walked faster and faster, almost trotting past when she reached the back.

"Jiang Lusheng."

Lan Shuang stopped in front of him, panting slightly, Jiang Lusheng looked at her with a smile on her face: "You look a little haggard, didn't you sleep well last night?"

"I played a little late last night, and I had some messy dreams, and I felt tired everywhere when I woke up."

Lan Shuang pressed her neck, "It seems that I still have a stiff neck... ah!"

She suddenly widened her eyes and shrank her neck slightly, "What are you doing?"

Seeing her being so sensitive, Jiang Lusheng innocently retracted the hand that pinched the nape of her neck, and chuckled: "I wanted to pinch for you, but I didn't expect you to be so sensitive, sorry."

Lan Shuang glared at him, and snatched the flowers angrily, "Where are my brother and the others? Didn't he say he was coming to pick me up?"

Jiang Lusheng withdrew his hand, just as someone hurried past the two of them, Lan Shuang didn't see it, the man's bag was almost touching her, Jiang Lusheng immediately raised his hand to cover Lan Shuang's shoulder, blocking her , but did not touch her.

"Your brother has something to do temporarily, so I handed you over to me."

"Really?" Lan Shuang looked at Jiang Lusheng suspiciously.

Jiang Lusheng smiled: "Yes."

"Okay, trouble Master Jiang to take me home."

Lan Shuang lowered her head and smelled the scent of roses.

Jiang Lusheng chuckled: "Do you want to have a meal first?"

"No, I'm too sleepy and want to go home and sleep."

Lan Shuang yawned as she spoke.

Jiang Lusheng was thoughtful, "Okay, I'll take you back."

Lan Shuang didn't notice that he said "go back" instead of "go home".

It is not certain where to go back.


The temperature in Jiang Lusheng's car was just right, neither too hot nor too cold, the sun was shining down, the smoke made him drowsy, coupled with the soft music, Lan Shuang fell asleep in a short while.

Jiang Lusheng glanced at her while waiting for the red light, and put the flower aside for her, so as not to accidentally fall asleep in the flower, took advantage of the opportunity to gently touch her side face, and put it back.

"Go to sleep."

When the green light came on, he kicked the accelerator and took the man to his home.

After the car came to a complete stop, Jiang Lusheng woke her up, "Tiantian, get out of the car."

"Huh? Are you here?"

Lan Shuang woke up in a daze, and found that it was different from what she had imagined. She was stunned for a moment, and leaned on the window to look out. The familiar European style, the familiar garden, just... "You took me to What are you doing at home?"

 Xinyan Zijiang is online, hahahahaha, the next few chapters should be quite sweet~
(End of this chapter)

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