Chapter 150 I Don’t Want This Marriage 35
Jiang Lusheng unbuckled his seat belt, turned sideways and put one hand on the steering wheel, the other on Lan Shuang's seat, and said with a smile, "If you say go home, I'll bring you back."

Lan Shuang squinted at him: "I'm talking about going back to my house."

"Well, then I misunderstood, sorry." After Jiang Lusheng apologized without sincerity, he glanced at the villa outside the car window and said, "It's already here, why don't you go in and have a sit down? Last time I went to your house, this time You come to my house, one person once, it's fair."

Lan Shuang: "..."

It turns out that the word fairness is used in this way, I learned it.

"Huh? After taking such a long flight, you still took a nap. Are you hungry? Shall I treat you to dinner?"

Seeing that Lan Shuang was silent, Jiang Lusheng began to seduce her.

Lan Shuang originally wanted to stick to her integrity and refused decisively, but her stomach suddenly growled.

Jiang Lusheng looked at her jokingly, and smiled lowly.

"It seems that your belly made the choice for you."

Lan Shuang: "...heh."

She sneered and pressed her belly, that's good, you have successfully caught my attention.

She unbuckled her seat belt and got out of the car.

Jiang Lusheng raised his eyebrows and followed.

Last time, Lan Shuang just looked at the door and thought it was very beautiful, but when she walked in, she realized that it was not only beautiful, it was like a fairy tale world.

The small garden is full of red roses. The full and warm red winds into a piece under the sun, rich and fresh. In contrast, the white wall on the other side is covered with green vines and lush green grass. On the bed, there is an exquisite wooden swing.

On the right side of the swing is a small pond, in which there are golden and red koi carps, which show their heads from time to time, blowing bubbles and swimming away quickly.

"Jiang Lusheng, did you design these yourself?"

Lan Shuang turned her head and looked at the man walking unhurriedly behind her.

He smiled and nodded: "Well, I drew the blueprints myself, and the supervisor did it bit by bit."

"It's beautiful." Lan Shuang's eyes were full of admiration, "It makes people have the urge to draw."

"I also feel that I once sat on a swing and drew, but I always feel that something is missing."

"What's missing?" Lan Shuang put her hands on her eyes to shade her eyes, and Jiang Lusheng lowered her head slightly, and said, "I'm missing someone."

Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows, "Oh."

She turned around and continued walking forward, who was missing... She didn't want to say.


After entering the villa, Jiang Lusheng brought Lan Shuang a new pair of slippers: "New ones, put them on."

Lan Shuang looked at the pair of white cloud-shaped slippers and asked, "Why do you have such lovely ladies' slippers at home?"

Jiang Lusheng smiled meaningfully, "This will come in handy."

Lan Shuang smiled lightly, "Yes."

After she put it on, she found that the size was just right, and she couldn't help feeling that some people are really scheming.

"Sit first, I'll get you some water, what do you want to drink? Coffee, juice or milk?"

Jiang Lusheng took off his coat, revealing the white shirt inside. As he walked towards the kitchen, he unbuttoned his sleeves with one hand and rolled up the sleeves, revealing his firm forearms, light wheat It looks healthy, and you can still see slightly raised blue veins with a little effort.

Hiss - kind of sexy.

Lan Shuang lost her mind as she watched, until Jiang Lusheng turned around and asked again, before she blinked: "I want to drink, do you have any?"

Jiang Lusheng was taken aback: "Wine? Are you sure you want to drink at my house?"

It is extremely dangerous to ask this question.

Lan Shuang turned around and stretched out her index finger on the back of the sofa and shook it: "No, it's not that kind of strong wine, is there something like a drink?"

Not to mention, there really is.

Sometimes Jiang Lusheng wanted to drink when he was bored or in high spirits, but he didn't like the feeling of being drunk, so he bought a bunch of sparkling drinks. Make him excited and relaxed.

"What flavor do you want?"

Jiang Lusheng turned around and went into the kitchen. Lan Shuang said, "It's fine. I want to drink something to relax. I can't sleep well these two days. I'm so tired."

Jiang Lusheng's hand was originally aimed at the third octave, but after hearing what Lan Shuang said, he suddenly changed his mind and took the innermost octave.

I don't know how Lan Shuang's drinking capacity is, but she shouldn't be too drunk after drinking a can of Badu, at most she will be a little drifting.

So he took the orange-flavored one, went to the sofa and stuck the steaming soda can on Lan Shuang's side face. She shrank from the cold and scolded him: "Childish."

The person who was scolded was very happy. He laughed softly. He went into the kitchen again. This time he washed a lot of fruits, peeled them, cut them into pieces, put them on a plate, and put them on the tea table. "Eat some fruits." , watch TV, I'll cook, what do you want to eat? Are there any taboos?"

"No." Lan Shuang asked in surprise after realizing it: "You really know how to cook?"

"Of course, when I was abroad, I lived by myself most of the time. The aunt my parents hired for me was only responsible for cleaning. I don't like people coming in and out of my house all the time, so I didn't let her cook for two days. Just come and clean it up."

"That's it." Lan Shuang nodded, "Boss Jiang is really amazing."

Jiang Lusheng accepted the compliment calmly, "Then I can play freely, Miss Lan, please wait a moment."

He took a black apron and put it on. He wore a sexy elite shirt and turned into a good man at home. Lan Shuang wanted to laugh for some reason.

"Little Baba, do you think that if you find a boyfriend in the future, will you like Jiang Lusheng?"

888: "Of course...ah bah, host, he's a boy, and he's looking for a girlfriend."

"Oh, I forgot, that's what I said." Lan Shuang looked at Jiang Lusheng's busy figure inside and saw his skillful chopping skills, and couldn't help counting: "Look, Jiang Lusheng is young. Promising, high in emotional intelligence, romantic, paying attention to rituals, when you are with him, there will be surprises for you from time to time, you will respond to everything, and you will hear from time to time. If you are rich and beautiful, you can cook, it can’t be better!"

When 888 heard it, it was true, "Host, if you keep talking like this, my heart will be moved."

"That's right, how many people's dream lovers! We don't need to worry about trivial matters, housework, and careful planning when we are together. You can be as happy as you want. As long as you are in love, who doesn't like it?"

888: "So—"

Lan Shuang leaned her head on her arm and laughed: "If he is not poisoned to death, shall we confess to him?"

888: "So you're in Versailles, thank you, I'm full, goodbye."

Lan Shuang lay on the sofa and laughed.

However, she was really worrying about poisoning, and when the smell wafted from the kitchen, she knew that the meal would definitely not be too bad!

(End of this chapter)

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