Chapter 151 I Don’t Want This Marriage 36
Because there were only two people, Jiang Lusheng didn't cook too much. There were four dishes and one soup, but the portions were not very large, sweet and sour pork ribs, Kung Pao chicken, mapo tofu, dry pot seasonal vegetables and vegetarian stewed soup.

The dishes are full-bodied and go well with a bowl of vegetarian soup.

"Wash your hands, it's time to eat." Jiang Lusheng waved to Lan Shuang, Lan Shuang immediately got up from the sofa to wash her hands, came out and sat at the table, watching eagerly.

"It looks delicious."

It smells good and looks good too.

"Try it."

Jiang Lusheng picked up a piece of chopsticks and fed it to Lan Shuang's lips. Lan Shuang looked down, opened her lips and bit the rib, and with a light bite, the rib fell off by itself. The stew was very soft and the soup was completely Soaked, one mouthful, the mellow meat, sweet and sour, dancing on the tip of the tongue, so delicious that Lan Shuang's eyes narrowed.

She spit out the bones into the prepared empty bowl, and gave Jiang Lusheng a thumbs up: "Chef Jiang!"

Jiang Lusheng laughed, took off his apron, sat down at the table and looked at her: "It's so delicious?"

"It's really delicious! Can't you eat it yourself?" Lan Shuang asked herself and answered, "Oh, maybe you're used to eating the food you made yourself, and you can't taste the difference, but it's really delicious, so you can open a shop , or the kind where the business is booming!"

She wiped her hands and patted Jiang Lusheng on the shoulder and said, "Mr. Jiang, if the company can't continue, you don't have to worry about starving to death. You can just become a chef and earn enough money in one year. You can open your own shop in two years." , direct chain for three years, and then you will become a rising star in the catering industry!"

Jiang Lusheng was amused by her description, thinking it was really feasible.

He smiled and stuffed another chopstick of tofu into Lan Shuang's mouth: "Eat, aren't you starving?"

"Oh, good." Lan Shuang swallowed the tofu, it was a bit spicy, she lowered her head and picked up the chopsticks to pick up the rice, but from the corner of her eyes, she saw Jiang Lusheng eating directly with the chopsticks that had been fed to her.

Lan Shuang: "!"

this man...

Seeing her looking at him, Jiang Lusheng swallowed the meal suspiciously: "What's wrong? Is there something on my face?"

Lan Shuang shook her head: "Cough, no."

She lowered her head and continued to eat as if nothing had happened, forget it, just use it.

During the meal, the two of them didn't talk very much, and the whole process was relatively quiet. From time to time, Jiang Lusheng would help Lan Shuang pick up vegetables, but Lan Shuang didn't pay attention to how much she ate, and finally sat on the chair unable to get up.

Jiang Lusheng packed his things into the kitchen, Lan Shuang struggled to get up and said, "Shall I help you?"

Jiang Lusheng raised his hand and pushed her back, "Sit down and digest well."

"Oh." Lan Shuang sat back again, Jiang Lusheng put the bowls and chopsticks in the dishwasher, washed his hands, took two more cans of wine from the refrigerator and put them on the coffee table, on the sofa next to Lan Shuang sit down.

"You won't be able to walk even if you stay like this, why don't you take a break and watch a movie?"

Jiang Lusheng looked at Lan Shuang.

Lan Shuang touched her stomach, "Well, what are you looking at?"

The sky outside did not know when it was overcast, and it seemed that it was going to rain. Jiang Lusheng thought for a while and said, "Why don't you watch a horror movie? The atmosphere is just right."

Lan Shuang smiled: "Okay, then pull up the curtains."


Jiang Lusheng took out a remote control from under the coffee table, pressed it, and the curtains in the living room were automatically closed.

The room was dimmed instantly, Jiang Lusheng called out a new horror movie this year, got up and sat down beside Lan Shuang.

The gloomy background, the weird and erratic music, and the atmosphere instantly filled up. Lan Shuang stared at the screen intently, and sipped the wine while watching.

Jiang Lusheng also opened a can for himself, and drank it one after another.

"The special effects are well done." He commented on the flashing scene, and Lan Shuang nodded: "It's not bad."

Later, the plot gradually improved, and both of them watched intently, and couldn't help holding their breath. The heroine followed the sound in the maze-like old house, and fell into the circular staircase after a while.

Jiang Lusheng watched the heroine gradually go crazy, ran around, squinted his eyes, and was about to share his experience in watching the drama with Lan Shuang, when he felt his shoulders sink.

He turned his head and saw that Lan Shuang was sleeping soundly on his shoulder, with a pillow in his arms and an empty wine jar in his hand.

I don't know when I finished drinking.

Jiang Lusheng suddenly thought that she might not be sleepy, but drunk.

He picked up another can on the table and shook it, and it was indeed empty. She unconsciously counted the first can and drank three cans of 8% wine.

"Heh, little drunkard, how dare you drink so much with such a poor capacity for alcohol."

Dumbfounded, he finished the can in his hand and put it on the coffee table, took the empty soda can from Lan Shuang's hand, and called her softly: "Sweet?"

Lan Shuang didn't respond, and her loosely tied hair also fell loose, part of it hanging down the side of her face.

It just so happened that the heroine in the movie was about to see a ghost, and she set her mouth and was about to scream, but Jiang Lusheng quickly pressed the mute button.

The heroine performed pantomime...

Heaving a sigh of relief, Jiang Lusheng changed his posture, sat more relaxed, and let Lan Shuang slowly fall on his lap. Seeing that she was frowning, as if she was about to wake up, he patted her gently. Back, humming a song in a low voice.

His voice was deep and gentle, which was very suitable for this kind of weather. Suddenly there was a knocking sound outside the window, which was a heavy rain as promised.

The weather suddenly cooled down, Lan Shuang instinctively moved towards a warm place, and slowly shrank into Jiang Lusheng's arms.

Jiang Lusheng obviously didn't drink much, but he also felt drunk. He leaned back on the sofa and slowly closed his eyes.


The heavy rain in the afternoon came and went quickly. When the sun came out and the temperature rose, Lan Shuang opened her eyes in a daze, and found that her eyes were white. When she was not awake, she suspected that her eyes had some kind of disease. It took me a while to realize that it was Jiang Lusheng's clothes.


She looked up blankly, when did she fall asleep in Jiang Lusheng's arms?
Jiang Lusheng didn't seem to be awake yet, he raised his head and closed his eyes, breathing evenly.

Lan Shuang didn't move at all, she slept so well this time, she was sluggish all over and couldn't lift her spirits.

However, after lying down for a while, she found that something had changed that could not be ignored.

Lan Shuang: "..."

She glanced, looked away quickly, and thought of it when she put her hand on the sofa, but just as she got up on her knees, the hand that was on the sofa was grabbed by someone, and her fingers were clasped forcefully, and then With one move, Lan Shuang lost her balance and threw herself directly on Jiang Lusheng.

Jiang Lusheng still didn't open his eyes, but a vague laugh escaped from his throat.

Lan Shuang: "Tsk, are you pretending to be asleep?"

The smile on Jiang Lusheng's lips grew stronger: "No, I'm not awake yet."

 oops, i'm sour
(End of this chapter)

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