Chapter 153 I Don’t Want This Marriage 38
Lan Shuang returned Jiang Lusheng's cell phone to him, and then sent him a message on her cell phone: [Hello, prospective boyfriend. 】

Jiang Lusheng looked at the news on his phone and couldn't help laughing, but after laughing for a while he felt something was wrong again, "Why is it a prospective boyfriend? Not a boyfriend?"

Lan Shuang spread her hands: "Because Lu Yihan's matter has not been resolved, I don't want to be with you when I haven't cleared up the old relationship. It's not fair to you and me. I hope our relationship is innocent. A clean new beginning."

Jiang Lusheng didn't expect her to say that, he was stunned for a while, and after responding, he suddenly took the phone from Lan Shuang's hand and put it on the table.

Lan Shuang was taken aback for a moment: "You take my phone... um!"

Jiang Lusheng suddenly rushed over, and pressed him on the sofa again. As his lips rubbed against each other, his vaguely sexy voice came out in a low voice, causing waves of trembling, "I'll wait for the day when you make me a regular."


After the rain, Lan Shuang and Jiang Lusheng went out together, the clouds opened and the sun rose to see the rainbow.

"Jiang Lusheng, look! Rainbow! It's so complete and clear!"

Seven colors of light spanned the sky, forming a beautiful and dreamy arch bridge in front of them.

The rainy garden exudes a mixed smell of rainwater and soil, and the roses and vines that are full of water grow wantonly, blooming their vitality and fragrance to their heart's content.

Lan Shuang took a deep breath, then let it out slowly, took out her mobile phone and ran down the steps excitedly, found an angle to take a picture of the rainbow, but behind her, Jiang Lusheng was also taking pictures of her.

He has both the Sri Lankan and the rainbow.

Lan Shuang was in a good mood. She looked back at Jiang Lusheng and waved to him: "Shall we take a group photo? The first day we were together, we happened to meet a rainbow. It's so memorable. This kind of romance may not last a lifetime." Can just meet."

Jiang Lusheng put away his mobile phone, walked over with a smile, and naturally wrapped his arms around her waist from behind, resting his chin on her shoulder and said, "That means God is also optimistic about us."

Lan Shuang's heart moved, her eyes gradually darkened, and she said meaningfully: "Yes, we will definitely be together for a long time."

One life is not enough, there is still the next life, the next life, but I don't know how long you will walk with me.

Lan Shuang tried hard to dispel these thoughts, stared at the camera, and showed a sweet smile. Anyway, they are together at this moment, it is enough.


Jiang Lusheng drove Lan Shuang back to Lan's house, did not stay long, asked for a farewell kiss and left.

Lan Shuang touched her cut lip and went home, wondering how to explain it later.

Sure enough, as soon as she entered the door, her parents asked her: "Tiantian, what happened to your lips? Are they broken?"

Lan Shuang said casually: "Ah, I've been a little bit angry recently, and the wind over there is still strong, which makes my mouth always feel dry, and then I sneezed, and a small mouth opened."

"Is it serious?" Su Lan moved closer to take a look, Lan Shuang covered it with her hand, and said with a smile, "Don't look at it, it's ugly, it's not serious, just drink more water and you'll be fine tomorrow."

"Well, let's make the kitchen lighter tonight."

Su Lan turned her head and said to her aunt, Lan Shuang smiled and nodded: "Okay."

"Tiantian is back, come, brother help you get the suitcase up." Lan Shuangting came down from upstairs, took the suitcase in Lan Shuang's hand, and carried it up all the way.

Lan Shuang asked curiously: "Brother, are you busy? Why are you at home?"

Lan Shuangting was puzzled: "I still want to ask, I was half an hour late, why did you and Jiang Lusheng leave? I still wanted to take you to dinner together."

Lan Shuang: "..."

No need, asking is a good thing done by the scheming boy Jiang Lusheng.

"Ah, I was so tired that I fell asleep in the car. Brother Lusheng probably didn't call me when he saw that I was too fast asleep. He took me to his house for a while. His cooking skills are really good, brother Have you eaten?"

Lan Shuang changed the subject without a trace, Lan Runqing didn't think too much about it, he had too much of a filter for Jiang Lusheng, even if he told him that Jiang Lusheng was going to abduct his daughter, he might not believe it.

Lan Shuangting: "Huh? He can also cook? Why didn't I know? When I was abroad, every time I went to his house, he would order takeaway for me, and he would also order those weird things. There is a shadow, I will leave as soon as I hear him say that he wants to order takeaway."

Lan Shuang couldn't help laughing, as expected of Jiang Lusheng, double-standard No.1, he probably thought Lan Shuang was annoying, so he deliberately used this method to drive him away.

Su Lan looked at this and then that, smiling without saying a word.

"I'm going to change clothes and take a shower first. Mom and Dad, I'll be down later."


Lan Shuang said hello and went upstairs.

The first thing she did when she returned to the room was to find a mirror to look at her mouth.

"Tsk, Jiang Lusheng really belongs to the dog, so it's a good thing to get over it, but this imprint will not be healed tomorrow, right?"

Lan Shuang frowned, forget it, this is Jiang Lusheng's purpose, and they must all know what's going on when they go to the company tomorrow.

After taking a bath and changing clothes, she remembered the photos she had taken before, and was about to send a Moments, when she suddenly found a friend request, she clicked on it, it was an unfamiliar number, and the verification said: It's me, Shuangshuang.

Lan Shuang: "???"

who?who are you?Still call me Shuangshuang?
She passed the friend verification in doubt, and the person over there immediately sent a message.

She watched helplessly as the person's nickname changed from a string of garbled characters to: Lu Yihan.

Lan Shuang: "..."

It turned out to be this dog thing.

She was hesitating whether to block her, when the news from over there came again.

Lu Yihan: 【Shuangshuang, please don't blackmail me, I have something to tell you. 】

Lu Yihan: [You blocked my previous number, I think you don't want to let me out, so I got a new one, give me a chance, okay? 】

Lu Yihan: [I really know that I was wrong. I always thought that I loved Su Le, but now that I think about it, what I love is only her freedom, which is the reflection of my desire on her. 】

Lan Shuang looked at his messages one by one, and was a little puzzled: "When did he type so fast? Did he report to work secretly? Or did he edit it in advance and copy it directly?"

888: "Well, according to the system data, the possibility of the latter is 99%."

Lan Shuang: "...Heh, after talking so much, don't you still want me to get back together with him?"

She moved her fingers quickly on the screen, [So you broke up with her?You don't love freedom and restraint now? 】

Lu Yihan was interrupted by her, the words he had prepared before were useless before they were finished.

He deleted the words in the dialog box, and after hesitating for a while, he gritted his teeth and said: [Yes, I want to break up with Su Le, so, can you give me a chance. 】

 give you a hammer

  Crying, the ranking dropped a lot yesterday, how could it be so woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

(End of this chapter)

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