Chapter 154 I Don't End This Marriage 39 (Third)
Lan Shuang looked at this news and found it quite funny. You were the one who ignored you at the beginning, but now that you are poor and destitute, think of the original owner again. You are so cheap.

She threw the phone aside and didn't plan to reply. She said so much, she wanted to see the actual effect.

So she just left Lu Yihan alone all night, he tossed and turned in fear, didn't fall asleep at all, and went to work with two big dark circles under his eyes in the morning.

After Lan Shuang arrived at the company, she ground herself a cup of coffee to refresh herself before sitting down to deal with today's work. However, not long after she sat down, someone suddenly knocked on her desktop.


Hearing this voice, Lan Shuang instinctively frowned.

Probably because of Jiang Lusheng, Lu Yihan's voice was tolerable before, but now it sounds noisy no matter what.

"Working hours, I hope you are looking for me for work, Mr. Lu."

After Lan Shuang finished speaking, she raised her head. Lu Yihan was about to speak, when his eyes fell on Lan Shuang's lips and his eyes suddenly froze. Then his face changed suddenly, and he stretched out his hand to pinch Lan Shuang's chin, forcing her to raise her head again. Be clear.

"How did you get the mark on your lip? Who did it?" The veins on Lu Yihan's forehead bulged, like a lion whose territory had been violated, as if it could pounce on the enemy in the next second.

Lan Shuang's face turned cold, she grabbed his wrist forcefully, and broke it away fiercely, "Take your hand away! Take care of my business, who do you think you are?"

Lu Yihan was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect Lan Shuang to be so strong, and his hand was sore and numb when pinched.

"Who are you telling me? Is it Jiang Lusheng?"

Lu Yihan continued to question without hesitation, and his voice became louder unconsciously, attracting many people's attention.

Lan Shuang pointed outside and said expressionlessly: "Get out."

"You let me go?" Lu Yihan stared red, gritted his teeth, and finally managed to say a few words: "Are you with him?"

Lan Shuang found that this person was really unreasonable. She stood in front of Lu Yihan with her arms folded, and said with a chuckle, "Lu Yihan, have you figured it out? We have already broken up and it has nothing to do with you. What right do you have to stand by me?" Are you pointing fingers at my private life in front of me, asking this and that?"

"Or—" She narrowed her eyes slightly, showing a bit of provocation: "When you regret it, you feel that I have to wait for you where you are, and when you come to me, I will immediately reunite with you happily?"

Lan Shuang propped her hands on the table, and asked word by word: "You, count, old, how old?"

Lu Yihan's fists were clenched, and Lan Shuang pointed to the door again, "I'll say it one last time, get out—"

Lu Yi's cold chest heaved and heaved, he turned around and strode away, then slammed the door hard.

Those who watched the excitement outside were startled.

Seeing Lu Yihan's gloomy face, no one dared to ask more questions.

Lan Shuang snorted coldly and couldn't help rolling her eyes, "Just like this, the original owner was really blind to fall in love with him."

888: "Tsk tsk tsk, I can't figure it out either. This kind of person is so complicated. Even after breaking up, he still cares so much. Do you really think you are still his?"

Lan Shuang sat back and took a sip of coffee to calm down, "I'm self-righteous, subconsciously I feel that my ex-girlfriend is still his property, so even if I don't love her, I still feel cheated and jealous."

She stretched her waist and said, "Don't worry about him, this kind of person has a very strong brain power, and he might think of something later."

She continued to process the information at hand, and after a while, she heard 888 say: "Host host, the hostess, the hostess' resentment value will be reduced by five."

"Another reduction, ten."

Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows: "It's still thirty?"

888: "Well, there are only [-] left, so let's make it right."

"Great." Lan Shuang was in a good mood, remembering the circle of friends that she hadn't finished posting yesterday, clicked in and posted the picture of the rainbow.

"Lucky day, see the rainbow."

What she sent was not the group photo, but a simple rainbow photo.

Of course, the group photo should be posted on a more meaningful day. You don’t need to block anyone, and you can show it to everyone.

After sending it out, Jiang Lusheng immediately gave her a like, "It's really lucky."

Lan Shuang laughed, and when she refreshed, she found that Jiang Lusheng had also posted on Moments.

It's also a photo of a rainbow, with a slightly higher angle than hers, so it can be seen that it was taken in the same place.

She also went to like it, and soon she found that there was an extra "brother" among the people who liked it.

The elder brother also left a message: "Why did you both take pictures of rainbows? You didn't even say to bring me one."

Lan Shuang: "..."

Jiang Lusheng saw this: "..."

There are really not many people who are so heartless these days, and they are worth cherishing.

Lan Shuang was so teased by her brother that she leaned back on the chair with a smile.

The good mood all morning was given by my brother.


Lu Yihan sat on the seat, his mind was in chaos, even if he forced himself to look at the computer, his mind was full of the wound on Lan Shuang's mouth.

As long as he thinks that it was left by another man, he will be jealous, wishing to burn himself and Lan Shuang to death together!
Obviously he is Lan Shuang's favorite person, but in the past few years, the number of times they kissed can be counted on the fingers.

Most of the time, he was impatient and afraid that he would not be able to explain to Su Le, so he was very reluctant to have Lan Shuang kiss him, and tried to find a way to distract him every time.

He didn't even take a step closer. At that time, he told Lan Shuang that he wanted to cherish her and didn't want to do anything before getting married. Lan Shuang believed her, and she was paralyzed by such deception.

But now...

He couldn't imagine how intense it was to leave such a mark?
Lu Yihan felt that he was like a psychopath now, and while going mad with jealousy, he couldn't help but think about the situation at that time.

Like a masochist.

Just as he was thinking, his cell phone suddenly rang, pulling him back from his fantasy to reality.

Lu Yihan looked down and saw that it was Su Le's call.

He immediately got up and went to the stairs to answer the phone, "Hello?"

Su Le stood in the grove of the school, listening to the rustling sounds around, watching a group of sparrows flying up from time to time, and said very softly, "Lu Yihan, do you want to break up with me?"

Lu Yihan was taken aback for a moment, and asked guiltily, "Why do you ask such a question?"

There was a cry in Su Le's voice, "You haven't seen me for many days, Lu Yihan, what exactly do you want?"

Hearing her cry, Lu Yihan felt more guilty, but soon became impatient, "I'm very busy at work and have a lot of things at home. I'm not in the mood to look for you during this time, so don't think about it."

"I'm thinking wildly?" Su Le stood up suddenly, bit his lower lip and asked him: "You think I don't know? You were on a business trip with Lan Shuang, right? During those three days, your old relationship rekindled, right? I I saw it all!"

 Temporary addition \(`Δ')/

(End of this chapter)

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