Chapter 155 I Don’t Want This Marriage 40
Su Le hung up the phone after shouting.

Lu Yihan was holding his phone in a daze, wasn't he?
How did she see it?
He wanted to explain to Su Le, but then he thought, isn't he going to chase Lan Shuang back?Breaking up with Su Le is inevitable, since Su Le proposed it on his own initiative, so be it, if the cold war reaches a certain period of time, she will propose breaking up if she can't stand it.

There must be a sense of guilt, but it was quickly suppressed. Real life is not a fairy tale, and he must bow to the truth after all.

Lan Shuang was his best and only choice.

Lu Yihan's eyes flashed determination, he went out from the stairwell, and when he returned to his seat, he had already calmed down.

However, what he didn't expect was that Su Le quickly killed the company.

She didn't tell Lu Yihan in advance, and she didn't tell anyone. She told the front desk that she was looking for a boyfriend, and the front desk knew her, so she didn't stop her, and let her go after registering.

Su Le kept his face sullen all the way, and went straight to Lu Yihan and knocked on the table, "Come out with me, I have something to say to you."

"Su Le? Why are you here?" Lu Yihan looked at her in surprise.

Su Le chuckled: "Why, I can't come? What are you afraid of?"

Seeing that she was about to go crazy, Lu Yihan quickly got up and dragged her to the stairwell, where no one passed by, it was quiet and safe.

"Tell me clearly, do you want to break up with me, or are you getting together with Lan Shuang again?" Su Le's first sentence was this when he entered the stairwell.

Lu Yihan immediately turned cold: "Can you be so mean when you speak? Why did I get involved with Lan Shuang? If there is no evidence, don't talk nonsense."

"Huh? No? Then what is this? Tell me!" Su Le dug out the gossip and confronted Lu Yihan.

Lu Yihan took the phone and looked at it, the photos on it were indeed ambiguous.

"These were taken secretly by paparazzi. At that time, Lan Shuang and I had nothing. How should I explain it to you? Do you believe it or not?" Lu Yihan was really speechless. This kind of pretentious thing is to believe it or not. It's useless to say anything.

Su Le obviously believed it now, how could he explain it?

"Lu Yihan, what's your attitude?" Su Le looked at him incredulously: "I just want an explanation, your attitude, just promise me that you won't have any more contact with her in the future, okay?"

Lu Yihan squeezed his eyebrows, "Su Le, calm down, okay? This is the company, not a place for you to mess around. How can I stay in the company if people see me?"

Su Le's eyes were red, "You only have your face in your eyes, right? What am I? Ah? Lu Yihan, touch your conscience, are you worthy of me? You have been through for so long, and finally you broke up, now it is my turn? If you get back together with your old love, I am useless, right? "

She reached out and grabbed Lu Yihan's collar, "What do you think of me? A pet that comes and goes when you call it?"

Lu Yihan really didn't know what to say, so he pressed her hand and said, "I can't help it if you think so, but you should calm down, Lan Shuang and I are not together, as for what you said, if you are really hurt No, let's break up."

After the words fell, Su Le let go of his hand, and took a step back in a daze, "Break up? You really want to break up with me."

She looked at Lu Yihan's indifferent eyebrows and suddenly smiled, two lines of tears rolled down the corners of her eyes, "Have you had enough already? You have stopped loving me a long time ago, Lu Yihan, you really have no conscience."

She took a deep breath and said, "The last time I was in the hospital, I saw your mother's attitude towards me clearly. At that time, I knew that we would have no future. Sure enough..."

"Just say what you say, what are you doing with my mother?" Lu Yihan frowned and reprimanded: "What's wrong with her? She doesn't know anything, it's you who insisted—"

"What are you doing?" Lan Shuang's voice suddenly sounded from outside the door, she pushed open the security door and said, "This is a company, please pay attention to the impact, there are still 10 minutes for the meeting, Mr. Lu, I hope you can arrive on time. "

"Oh, good." Lu Yihan calmed down his expression, Lan Shuang looked at him and then at Su Le, "Miss Su, as I said last time, don't mess around in our company, or I will ask security to come up Deal with your personal grievances, please resolve them privately."

After speaking, Lan Shuang turned around and wanted to leave, but Su Le suddenly reached out to grab her, "You came just in time, vixen, how did you get the wound on your mouth?"

Lan Shuang was staggered and almost sprained her ankle. She shook off Su Le's arm and stood against the wall, "It doesn't seem to have anything to do with you, does it?"

Su Le glared at her viciously: "Lu Yihan, you still say you two are okay!"

Lu Yihan: "...This is not me—"

"Shut up!" Su Le screamed suddenly, turned around and grabbed Lan Shuang's hand violently, raising the other arm high, wanting to hit Lan Shuang.

Seeing this, Lu Yihan immediately went up to stop him, but with this slap, his work was completely ruined!

"Are you crazy? Let go!"

Lu Yihan went to pull her hands, the three of them suddenly became confused, Lu Yihan was standing on the edge of the stairs, Lan Shuang was standing in the corner, Su Le suddenly became ruthless, pushed suddenly, the two of them could not stand still and were about to fall in an instant.

The expression on Lu Yihan's face instantly changed to panic.

Su Le was also stunned, her mind went blank, how could she...

Lan Shuang quickly thought in her mind, would she fall on her head if she fell like this?Want to exchange some props?
However, at the very moment, the security door was suddenly opened again, and a tall figure appeared at the door, he grabbed Lan Shuang's hand, and pulled the person back.

Lan Shuang's heart beat heavily, and then she went crazy out of control.

At this moment, she couldn't hear anything, she could only see the person in front of her.

Jiang Lusheng hugged her into his arms, led her around twice on the spot, slammed his elbow against the door hard, and stopped with a muffled grunt.

However, he didn't care about his arm for the first time, but hugged Lan Shuang tightly, as if he wanted to integrate her into his own flesh and blood, one arm wrapped around her waist, and the other fell on her. The back of the head kept touching, "It's okay, sweet, it's okay."

Lan Shuang wanted to say that you seemed to be in trouble, so she lay in Jiang Lusheng's arms, thought about it and still didn't say anything.


A short scream came from below, and Lu Yihan fell on the platform. He didn't know where he fell, and blood flowed faintly.

Jiang Lusheng took a look and immediately took out his mobile phone to call 120, then called the police, then turned to Su Le and said, "You'd better stay here and wait for the police to investigate, if you dare to run, you will have to squat inside for the rest of your life .”

(End of this chapter)

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