Chapter 156 I Don’t Want This Marriage 41
In fact, Jiang Lusheng didn't need to say that Su Le couldn't run away. She was so frightened that she lost her soul after seeing Lu Yihan fall.

"Su Le, you—"

Lan Shuang wanted to say something, but Su Le rolled her eyes and suddenly passed out.

Lan Shuang: "..."

Jiang Lusheng gave her a cold look, then turned his head and kissed Lan Shuang on the forehead, "It's okay, it's a good thing I'm here, otherwise..."

He really didn't dare to think what would happen to him if the person who fell there was Lan Shuang?
It is estimated that he will not hesitate to use all his power to make this pair of dogs and men feel worse than death.

But that's more or less the case now.

When Jiang Lusheng lowered his eyes, he covered the darkness in his eyes, and gently stroked Lan Shuang's long hair.

Lan Shuang reached out to hold his big hand helplessly. After the initial palpitations, she looked much better than Jiang Lusheng now.

So she turned around and started to comfort Jiang Lusheng. She held Jiang Lusheng's face, raised her head and kissed him on the lips, and looked at him intently: "I'm fine, don't be afraid."

Jiang Lusheng was taken aback for a moment, then came back to his senses, the temperature in his eyes gradually rose, "Okay."

The police and people from the hospital soon arrived, and they went straight to the stairwell. Originally, they only brought up a stretcher to pretend to be Lu Yihan, but now there was Su Le, and everyone was at a loss.

Jiang Lusheng said flatly: "She wasn't hurt, but she was scared when she saw the blood, or maybe she fainted because she was too scared after pushing someone, just take him away."

"Don't bother the medical staff." Lan Shuang held his hand, turned to the security guard and said, "Pick up Miss Su and send her to the hospital. The police will ask questions later."

"Alright miss." The security guards swarmed up and carried him out with one arm crossed.

This farce spread in the company, because the police and 120 all came, and there was no way to hide it, so the gossip group exploded in an instant.

Emo hit worker: [My God, it's so explosive! ! !picture】

Emo hit workers: [picture]

Saving money to marry a wife: [I'll go, who is this Lu Yihan and?How did you get bloody?Oh my god is there a fight?They were all carried away? 】

The diligent cleaner: [Ah, I took the photo. I heard the gossip from the security guards that Lu Yihan’s little girlfriend came and quarreled with him in the stairwell. Knowing what was going on crazy, he stretched out his hand and pushed the two of them down! 】

Can't wake up: [Huh? ? ?So awesome? 】

Not enough to eat: [Fuck, is the young lady okay? 】

The industrious cleaner: [It's okay, at that time a man appeared like a god and grabbed the eldest lady, the eldest lady was unscathed, but Lu Yihan rolled down the stairs directly and fell on the platform, good guy, it looks like It's serious. 】

Can't wake up: [This is really the best melon of the year! 】

Can't eat enough: 【Are you just curious about who that man is? 】

Saving money to marry a wife: [plus one]

Just eat melon: [Add 10087]


The news in the group was endless, like the general manager's phone ringing off the hook.

Lan Shuangting's, Lan Runqing's, Su Lan's, and those from all parties, he was like the top eight, calling in after one answered the other. Later, he simply set the mute and did not answer one. Go to the hospital and have a look.

After arriving at the hospital, the general manager saw Lan Shuang and Jiang Lusheng standing in the corridor of the hospital, talking quietly to each other.

Jiang Lusheng only showed his back, he was tall and straight, and he felt very safe at first glance. Lan Shuang stood in front of him, tall for a woman, but she looked petite and dainty in front of Jiang Lusheng.

I don't know what she said, Lan Shuang showed a slight smile on her face, which was very different from her usual.

It was the smile of a very young girl, who could tell she was in love at a glance.

The general manager couldn't help being stunned, remembering that Lan Shuang once said to himself that he didn't care about Lu Yihan anymore, letting go was letting go, he didn't really believe it at the time, how could it be so easy to say let go and let go of the relationship of more than four years?
When I saw him today, it turned out that he was wrong. As long as you meet the right person, you can get over any kind of pain. The best way to heal emotional wounds is to find true love.

Obviously, Lan Shuang has found it.

He smiled and walked over quickly, "It's good that Miss is fine."

Lan Shuang nodded when she saw him: "I'm worried about the general manager. I'm fine. It's just that Lu Yihan fell down. It seems that he hit his head and broke his arm. There are no other major problems."

This is what the doctor came out to say just now, but because the injury was on the head, they still have to do a detailed examination to see if there is a concussion or the like.

So now they haven't come out yet.

"It's fine if there's no danger to your life." The general manager heaved a sigh of relief when he heard that, otherwise the stairwell would become a dangerous place, and no one would dare to go there in the future.

"Where's Su Le?" At the mention of this name, the general manager's expression became visibly impatient.

"I went to check it. I guess I'll wake up in a while if there's nothing wrong. The police are waiting, and they will find her in the end when they wake up."

Lan Shuang said in a flat tone: "According to her behavior, it can be judged as intentional injury, but it depends on how Lu Yihan handles it. If he is willing to forgive and not pursue it, Su Le will probably be fine."

The general manager sighed: "What's the matter with this person? He's a college student and an adult, so he doesn't go through his brain at all? After such a commotion, the company doesn't stop for a whole day. How much has it been delayed?"

"Being dazzled by love, you must be mad with jealousy." At this time, Lan Shuang could understand Su Le, and there was a bit of pity in her tone.

The original owner of the previous life was not like this for a while, trying hard to fight against Lu Yihan, hoping that he would pay more attention to himself, but unfortunately all efforts were in vain, and in the end Lu Yihan was cold and violent, and did not go home for a long time.

So she can empathize with Su Le, but pity is one thing, hating her is another, if Lu Yihan doesn't pursue it, she won't let her go.

"Let's go, let's go and have a look." The general manager said, "We can't just leave this matter alone. How will Mr. Lan explain it?"

Lan Shuang also meant the same thing, and they got up and went to Su Le's ward together, but when they got to the door, they saw a figure rushing in quickly, grabbed Su Le who was on the bed, and slapped her.

"You bitch!"

Su Le, who was still in a coma, was awakened by the slap, not to mention her, even the policemen next to her were stunned. Seeing Su Le was slapped again, they reacted and went up to pull people.

"Madam, please calm down, it's wrong to hit someone with your hands."

"This is a hospital, please be careful not to affect other people!"

(End of this chapter)

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