Chapter 158 I Don’t Want This Marriage 43
Lan Shuang glanced at him, smiled and shook her head: "What is he doing? I'm in a good mood now, and I don't want to waste it."

Hearing this, Jiang Lusheng grabbed her hand, interlocked her fingers, turned his head and asked softly, "Then what should I do so that I don't waste it?"

Lan Shuang thought for a while and said, "Well... something like this happened, today's work will be wasted, otherwise——shall we go on a date?"


Jiang Lusheng smiled and patted her head, "But first, we must report to the family that they are safe."

"Yeah, I almost forgot." Lan Shuang pulled Jiang Lusheng out of the car and called her parents one by one, "Hello, Mom, are you home? Is Dad by your side?"

"Yes, I heard that something happened in your company. How are you? Are you not injured?"

"It's okay, I'm not injured, it's Lu Yihan who fell."

"That's good, thanks to Xiao Jiang who went in time and sent us a message in advance, otherwise your father and I would have arrived at the hospital by now."

"Ah?" Lan Shuang glanced at the people around her in surprise, Jiang Lusheng saw that she looked cute with her eyes wide open, so she couldn't help leaning over to steal a kiss.

Lan Shuang frowned, put her finger in front of her lips, and used her eyes to signal him not to be too presumptuous, but to restrain himself.

Jiang Lusheng straightened up with a smile, and put on his seat belt.

Su Lan said: "Didn't Xiaojiang tell you? He sent us a message when you were going out, and told your brother, saying that you are fine and not injured, and he will take care of the next thing, so let us relax. "

"He didn't tell me. We just finished working in the hospital. Well, it's really all right. Don't worry, Mom. In order to thank Brother Jiang for saving his life, I decided to treat him to a meal."

Lan Shuang smiled and glanced at Jiang Lusheng.

He was taken aback by the word "Brother Jiang", and then his heart became hot.

When Lan Shuang hung up the phone, she turned around and was about to say something when Jiang Lusheng held down the back of her head with one hand, and then grabbed her neck.

Lan Shuang's body froze immediately, unable to move.

Hearing a "click", Jiang Lusheng unbuckled his seat belt again, and kissed him fiercely.

That posture really wanted to swallow Lan Shuang.

Lan Shuang had no power to fight back, and gradually turned into a puddle of water, ready to evaporate in the sun at any time.

Lan Shuang didn't feel that she was alive again until Jiang Lu withdrew from her business.

Her eyes were filled with water, and she just stared at him like this: "Why are you suddenly crazy?"

Jiang Lusheng covered her eyes with one hand, and pulled the seat belt back to fasten it with the other hand, "It's not crazy. In the future, some names can be reserved for other places, and the effect may be better."

Lan Shuang: "..."

She snorted, pulled his hand away, fastened her seat belt, raised her chin and said, "Let's go, old driver."

Jiang Lusheng laughed out loud.


The two ate and played outside, and only came home in the afternoon. When they got home, they found three people sitting on the sofa, her father, her mother, and her brother. The three of them were sitting upright with serious expressions, as if what was about to happen was not Not a family talk, but an international meeting.

Lan Shuang: "..."

Subconsciously, she stepped lightly, walked over and asked in a low voice, "What's the matter? Our family is... going bankrupt?"

Lan Shuangting glared at her: "What nonsense are you talking about? How is it possible?"

"Then why are you so serious?"

Lan Shuang sat down beside him and looked at the parents opposite. When they saw Lan Shuang, they began to look up and down. They were relieved to see that she was unscathed and her face was flushed.

"It's fine, it's fine, your mother and I are still worried if we don't see anyone."

Lan Runqing sighed and said, "I really didn't expect that Su Le, who is so courageous, dares to push people?"

"Yeah, I think this girl is really crazy." Su Lan has always had a good temper, and this is the first time she has spoken so strongly when mentioning a girl.

"This matter must not be left as it is. We didn't think about causing trouble for her before, and we didn't want to argue so much with a girl, but I can't bear her going to trouble Tiantian again and again." Lan Shuangting patted the coffee table and said, "I will go and tell her school that she must be punished."

Lan Runqing and Su Lan didn't speak, obviously acquiescing.

Before, they just cut off contact with the Lu family, which was an indirect lesson for Lu Yihan, because they knew the virtues of the Lu family, so this was the best punishment for Lu Yihan.

But they didn't think about doing anything to Su Le. First, because of their age and status, it was too cheap to argue with a child. Second, because Lan Shuang didn't want them to intervene, so they kept ignoring it.

This time they really stepped on their bottom line.

Lan Shuang didn't object either, "It's time to teach her a lesson, otherwise she won't grow up in her lifetime."

"I saw Lu Yihan's mother in the hospital, she slapped Su Le twice."

Lan Shuang said without any ups and downs, "It is estimated that she and Lu Yihan will not be able to succeed in the future."

"Tsk," Lan Runqing frowned and said, "Why is Tiantian so sure?"

"You still want to be with Lu Yihan, don't you?" Lan Shuangting suddenly shouted.

Lan Shuang: "..."

What and what?
She said helplessly: "I don't have one. A good horse doesn't turn back. Am I even worse than a horse?"

Lan Shuangting: " seems to be the same."

Seeing that Lan Runqing still had some doubts, Lan Shuang explained: "Lu Yihan is a bit of a mother, he will listen to what his mother says, because it is not easy for his mother to raise him by himself these years, so his mother is the most important person in his heart , no one can replace it, as long as the mother doesn't like it, no matter how much he likes it, he will throw it away."

Don't ask her how she knew it, it's the original owner's personal experience.

Hearing this, Lan Runqing curled her lips in disdain, "It's true that a big man is filial, but too much filial piety is foolish filial piety, and Ma Baonan is even more unacceptable! Such a man has no great prospects!"

Su Lan nodded in agreement: "This can be regarded as a sigh of relief for Tiantian."

Lan Shuang: "Well, this fall should be able to throw the water out of Lu Yihan's mind."


The facts were almost the same as what she had guessed. After Lu Yihan woke up, he felt severe head pain. The nurse saw it and warned him: "Don't move around, you have a slight concussion."

Lu Yihan was stunned for a while, his mind went blank, until the nurse said to him: "In addition to the concussion, your left arm is broken. Fortunately, it is not serious, but you need to rest for a while. During this time, don't get up casually, pay attention to your speed. , to avoid dizziness."

Lu Yihan wrote down silently, "By the way, where are the others?"

The nurse was at a loss for a moment: "Who are you asking?"

"Lan Shuang and Su Le."

The nurse was stunned for a moment and realized: "Oh, you said Ms. Lan and Ms. Su, Ms. Lan had left long ago. The police had questioned her and left after clarifying the ins and outs. As for Ms. Su..."

The nurse sighed and lowered her head, "I'm leaving too, I'm afraid I'll be beaten to death if I don't."

(End of this chapter)

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