Chapter 159 I Don't End This Marriage 44 (Third)
Lu Yihan was taken aback: "What do you mean? Who hit her? Lan Shuang?"

He faintly felt that it was impossible. Although Lan Shuang was a young lady, she was still very good-natured. He had never seen her get angry in front of others, let alone start a fight. Generally, if she didn't like anyone, she would just stay away and ignore her.

The nurse packed up and stood at the end of the bed and said, "Of course not, it's a patient on the second floor, hey—"

She suddenly remembered: "It seems to be your mother, Zhou Wanting, right?"

Lu Yihan: "My mother?"

He froze for a moment, this hospital seemed to be the one his mother lived in, no wonder he found the layout and facilities here a bit familiar.

"That's right, she didn't know where she got the news. She rushed to Miss Su's ward and slapped her twice, but there was a sound. Miss Su was not awake at the time, so she was directly woken up."

There is light in the nurse's eyes when she chats about gossip.

But Lu Yihan didn't want to hear these things, he felt his head buzzing, like being stuffed into a hornet's nest.

He couldn't take it anymore, and said palely: "Sorry, I'm a little dizzy, can you let me have a rest?"

The nurse shut up awkwardly, "Oh, I'm sorry, you have a good rest, if you have something to do, ring the bell, I'll go first."

As soon as she left, the ward became much quieter, there was no one around, Lu Yihan heaved a sigh of relief.

Finally, I can take a good look at what happened before.

Su Le argued with him, Lan Shuang came, then Su Le got angry and pushed them, he fell down, Lan Shuang...

He frowned and thought for a while, oh, someone appeared to hold Lan Shuang back then, she should be fine.

Thinking of this, he felt a severe pain in his head and arms again.

Thinking of Su Le's expression at that time, he was angry and disheartened, why did Su Le become like this?
It's not the same as she was before.

Back then she was cute and lively, kind and simple, but now...

Lu Yihan sighed for a long time, forget it, "That's it."

Maybe it was really inappropriate, because he thought Su Le was too beautiful before.

Thinking of this, he hesitated whether to call Su Le to talk about breaking up, but his mother came first.

When he knocked on the door, he thought it was a nurse who came in, and he wanted to ask someone to go out, his tone was very impatient: "Didn't I say I want to rest?"


Hearing this voice, Lu Yihan opened his eyes and looked at her blankly: "Mom? Why are you here?"

Zhou Wanting was not in good health, she had to lean on the wall when she walked, and her face was flushed abnormally, it was really hard for Lu Yihan to associate her with the person who slapped Su Le angrily in the mouth of the nurse.

He wanted to help her, but Zhou Wanting had already walked to the bed and held him down, "Don't move around, the doctor said you have a mild concussion, you can't move around, and your arm is broken, you need to take good care of it." .”

She sat down by the bed, her eyes lingering on Lu Yihan's forehead and arms, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

"My could this be?"

Zhou Wanting changed from the fierceness before, her eyes were red when facing Lu Yihan, no different from all the mothers in the world who care about their children.

Lu Yihan felt sour in his heart, "Mom, I'm fine, it's just a minor injury, but you, how can you get out of bed? Your current body..."

"You almost died, how can I lie down? Let me tell you, you are not allowed to associate with that Su Le again! This time, you must sue her! She is going to kill someone!"

When Zhou Wanting mentioned Su Le, his eyes were filled with hatred.

Lu Yihan was taken aback, and lowered his eyes, "Mom, forget it, this injury won't be so ugly."

"Why not?" Zhou Wanting's voice suddenly increased.

Lu Yihan quickly comforted her: "I didn't mean that, Mom, calm down first, I mean, I've been with her for so many years anyway, let's forget about nothing serious, just treat it as...a breakup fee."

When he said these words, he suddenly felt a lot more relaxed.

It turns out that breaking up is really not that difficult.

"Break up?" Zhou Wanting nodded immediately: "Yes, break up! We must score! Then how can Su Le compare to Lan Shuang? Ah? I saw Lan Shuang today. She is so beautiful and taller than Su Le. You can see it at a glance in the crowd, you really have the style of a rich lady, why are you blind and ignoring the pearls, and go to pick up the cheap sand?"

"Have you seen her?" Lu Yihan asked expectantly, "Where is it?"

"At the door of Su Le's ward, they were talking to Su Le. Tsk, you didn't see that he spoke neither humble nor overbearing. He had a temper and personality. But what about Su Le? He could only cry and was very frustrated." Zhou Wanting's impression of Su Le was completely irreversible, and she would slap her when she mentioned it.

"Oh, by the way, there was a man beside her at the time, did you know him? It seems that the relationship is quite..." Zhou Wanting paused, and whispered after consideration: "It's quite close, is it her new boyfriend? what?"

"What's your name?" Lu Yihan's face darkened.

"The surname seems to be Jiang..." Zhou Wanting waved her hand: "Don't care what his name is, what's the matter with you? Is there any hope? If you can, chase Lan Shuang back?" Zhou Wanting persuaded earnestly, "Mom knows You don't like her, but isn't being married and living together just to be a companion? After a long time, the person you like will become dull and boring. In the end, they are all the same, so why not choose a suitable one? At least for your career With help, you don't have to be coerced by the Lu family."

Zhou Wanting looked at Lu Yihan with tears in her eyes, expecting but helpless.

Lu Yihan fell silent after hearing this.

Zhou Wanting couldn't sit for too long, and she wasn't feeling well, and she was about to die after holding on for a while, and planned to go back and lie down, "Mom is gone, think about it for yourself."

When she was almost at the door, Lu Yihan said, "Mom, I will chase Lan Shuang back."

Zhou Wanting was satisfied now.


Su Le has been in panic for the past few days, and has never dared to tell his family about these things, but papers can't contain fire after all.

In addition, Lan Shuangting and Jiang Lusheng were behind the scenes, and the school soon found out about her push. The school noted her punishment and notified Su Le's family. Before Su Le could resist, Lan Shuang's lawyer The action was also quick, and she was directly sued in court. Together with her defamation of Lan Shuang at school and the company, she was charged with multiple crimes, and she would not have to go to jail, but she would have to pay.

Where did Su Le get so much money, she couldn't afford it at all, so she had to tell her family that her parents were very angry, they were not considered rich in the first place, and after spending so much money, there was not much left in their savings.

The family almost broke with her.

However, this was not over yet, and after finally solving it, Lu Yihan broke up with her on the phone again, and did not listen to her explanation at all, but just notified her.

When Su Le called back again, Lu Yihan had already blocked all her contact information.

She stood blankly on the street, and suddenly felt that she had nothing left.

 There will be an update tomorrow, continue to ask for tickets~
(End of this chapter)

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