Chapter 160 I Don’t Want This Marriage 45
Lu Yihan stayed in the hospital for a month, and finally he was able to go out. When he went out to see the sun, he felt like a lifetime away.

Standing at the door for a while, he took a deep breath, intending to completely get rid of his past life and start over.

His mother is still waiting for him, and the Lu family...

Looking at the empty call records in his mobile phone, he couldn't help but sneer.

After being hospitalized for a month, no one from the Lu family called to ask if he was alive or dead.

When he chases Lan Shuang back, they will regret it!
Lu Yihan moved his arm and took a taxi back to the company.

He didn't even go to the general manager directly, but first went to see Lan Shuang's location, and found no one there, so he couldn't help asking the secretary next to him, "Sister Zhang, where is Lan Shuang?"

Zhang Lu said without raising her head, "Huh? Lan Shuang?"

She tapped on the computer quickly, "It seems that I have gone out with the general manager, and I will be back in the afternoon."

"oh, I see."

Lu Yihan nodded and was about to leave, but Zhang Lu stopped him: "Wait—"

"What's wrong?" Lu Yihan's heart skipped a beat for some reason.

Zhang Lu pushed her glasses and said, "I shouldn't have told you so early, but I have also noticed your work attitude, so I will remind you."

"Tell me." Lu Yihan's expression became serious.

"Your internship period is coming up this month, but you have been lying in the hospital for a month because of an accident. Logically speaking, we shouldn't dismiss you because of this, but... I'm sorry, this is what the above means, and we can't refuse, So, when your internship period comes tomorrow, just pack up and leave, we will pay you five times the salary during the internship period."


As if struck by lightning, Lu Yihan's ears went deaf all of a sudden, and he couldn't hear anything.

But it's useless to pretend to be deaf and dumb. He and Zhang Lu have nothing to do with the decision made by the people above. As for who is above...


He didn't think so, it should be Lan Shuangting or Lan Runqing.

This is even more impossible.

Lu Yihan returned to his seat in a daze, looking at the familiar computer and everything familiar, his heart and mind were blank.

He just sat there and waited, and waited until it was dark before Lan Shuang came back.

But the general manager didn't reply, and the normal colleagues left work early.

When Lan Shuang turned on the light and saw someone sitting there, she was startled, her heart skipped a few beats before returning to normal, she turned off the flashlight of her mobile phone, and asked angrily, "Lu Yihan, you didn't leave?"

Lu Yihan stared at her with gloomy eyes: "Where have you been?"

Lan Shuang was puzzled: "Where should I report to you? Who do you think you are?"

As she said that, she turned around and walked in, wanting to go to her place to take her bag away. She was in a hurry to go out today, so she left her handbag and car keys in her place, and came back to pick it up after thinking about it. She didn't expect to meet Lu Yihan.

"Stop!" Lu Yihan grabbed her wrist from behind, pushed her to the wall, and pressed her firmly, "Lan Shuang, are you with Jiang Lusheng?"

Lan Shuang didn't easily roll her eyes unless she couldn't help it.

"What's wrong with you?" Lan Shuang sighed, "Don't you understand what I said? There is no possibility between us. Whoever I am with has nothing to do with you."

Lu Yihan clenched his back molars, and the veins on his forehead tensed up, as if he had endured it to the extreme, and his words seemed to squeeze out from between his teeth, "Impossible? I don't believe you will stop loving me so soon, did you do it on purpose?" ? Deliberately annoy me, right?"

Lan Shuang: "No, I..."

"Su Le and I have already broken up!" Lu Yihan suddenly yelled, and said nervously: "I blocked her contact information, we are completely done, I really regret this time, I really want to leave You chase it back! Give me a chance, okay?"

Lan Shuang: "I..."

"I know you definitely still like me, but your pride doesn't allow you to turn around and beg me. It's okay, I beg you, can you get back together with me? Let's re-engage, I will love you well, and won't be entangled with others !"

Lan Shuang: "..."

The more Lu Yihan spoke, the more excited he became, as if he was moved by the beautiful life he had described, his eyes began to light up.

He moved closer to Lan Shuang, as if he wanted to kiss her, "Give us a chance, and give yourself a chance too? I don't want you to have any regrets."

Lan Shuang: "..."

It turns out that some people can really live in their own world.

This psychopath didn't know what medicine she had taken wrongly. She spoke so fast that she couldn't get a word in at all.

But it doesn't matter, a beating is enough, he just needs a beating.

Lan Shuang suddenly smiled, and the beautiful Lu Yihan was dazzled.

He stared blankly at Lan Shuang, his eyes gradually darkened, and just as he was about to continue, Lan Shuang suddenly stepped on him hard.

"Hiss—" The stiletto heels of the high-heeled shoes were still very lethal, Lu Yihan curled up in pain, Lan Shuang took the opportunity to get rid of his hand, and punched him straight in the face.


Lu Yihan couldn't straighten up completely, Lan Shuang kicked him away, Lu Yihan fell to the ground and stretched out his hand to her, "You..."

"What about me? Mr. Lu, I warned you, don't move, you can't understand people's words? Then can you stay away from people? I'm afraid you will suddenly get rabies."

Lan Shuang patted her clothes in distaste, "I don't want Su Le to go to jail, after all, she is a girl, she was confused for a moment and did something wrong, I won't let her spend her whole life to pay back, but you..."

Her eyes gradually turned cold, and Lu Yihan shivered from the cold.

"I remember everything you did, one by one, so don't force me to do it."

After saying harsh words, Lan Shuang went to get her handbag, found the car keys and left without even looking at Lu Yihan.

Lu Yihan got up in embarrassment, sat there for a while, snorted, got up and left.

After that, he tried to send a message to Lan Shuang, but soon he found that Lan Shuang had blocked him again.

Now he was really at a loss.


But soon there will be another opportunity. The school will hold an alumni exchange party recently. A group of young and promising alumni will be invited back to give speeches as representatives. Get in touch.

During this time, Lan Shuang was thinking about opening her own studio and wanted to find some staff, but she didn't have many resources at hand. When the school sent an invitation, she thought about it, and she could choose from the students in the same major as her. She remembered that there were indeed a few children who were very spiritual, and it would be great if they could be pulled over.

So she readily agreed.

This time the party was more grand and formal, so Lan Shuang wore a small evening gown, no matter how formal it was, it was a school party. She did not choose those particularly gorgeous styles, but chose a black suspender dress, the length was a little above the knee, and the belt It's rosy and has a chic cut.

For this reason, she specially chose a pearl rose necklace, which was just right.

(End of this chapter)

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