Chapter 161 I Don’t Want This Marriage 46
Lanshuang paired high heels of the same color. The exposed part is black, but the red inside the heel is particularly attractive.

She took a picture in the mirror and thought about taking a selfie for Jiang Lusheng.

Rose: [Does it look good? 】

Rose's Mr.: 【It looks good, why are you dressed so formally? 】

Rose: [Go to the school party, come pick me up then? 】

Rose's Mr.: 【I'm so happy. 】

Lan Shuang smiled and sent him the address, then picked up her handbag and went out.

After taking Lan Shuangting's car and arriving at the school, she waved her hand: "I'm going in bro, someone will pick me up at night, you can go back."

Lan Shuangting was puzzled: "Who is it?"

Lan Shuang smiled and said, "Jiang Lusheng, he happened to be passing by today, so I'll let him see him off."

Lan Shuangting leaned against the car and asked suspiciously: "When did you have such a good relationship with him?"

Lan Shuang looked away with some guilt: "Ah, I just got to know each other very quickly. Didn't you push his WeChat to me back then?"

Lan Shuangting: "..."

It seems so.

"Stop talking, the party is about to start, I'll go there first."

Lan Shuang turned around and left quickly, without giving Lan Shuangting a chance to ask again.

Lan Shuangting still felt that something was wrong, she stood by the car for a while and shook her head and said, "Forget it, I must be thinking too much."

He sat back in the driver's seat, fastened his seat belt and drove away.


This time the school really spent a lot of money. The party was held on the second floor of the auditorium. There is a large open space on the second floor, which is very suitable.

A table was set up at the front, reserved for the host, and flowers and various snacks were placed around the venue for everyone's convenience.

When Lan Shuang went in, she found that many people had already come inside, and she attracted everyone's attention as soon as she entered.

Her mentor and the principal were standing together and talking, when they saw her coming, they excitedly greeted her, "Lan Shuang is here!"

"Teacher, principal, long time no see."

She greeted them with a smile, and shook hands with the teacher and the principal one by one.

The teacher said happily: "The principal and I were talking just now, you busy people, it would be nice to have one or two here. I didn't expect so many to come. My proudest students are all here!"

"Senior brother, are they here too?" Lan Shuang looked around and found a few people standing by the piano in the corner, and there were indeed a few familiar faces.

"Come here, come here, I also brought your juniors and juniors, these children are very energetic, just to introduce you."

After talking to the principal, the teacher took Lan Shuang to the piano.

"Come on, let's see who's here?"

The teacher warmly greeted the students to come over. When they turned their heads and saw Lan Shuang, they couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Junior Sister Lan is too beautiful today, isn't she?"

"My God, is senior sister a fairy descending to earth? I thought it was a big star, but I didn't even dare to recognize it!"

"Hahahaha—you two sycophants!"

Everyone burst into laughter.

Lan Shuang nodded at them gently: "Long time no see, the hair of the senior brothers has not decreased, and the senior sisters have become more and more beautiful. Art really nourishes people."

We are all acquaintances, so we don't need to find a topic, just talk about what happened that year, and the distance will be shortened all of a sudden.

While chatting, Lan Shuang mentioned that she was going to open a studio, and as soon as she offered an olive branch, everyone hit it off immediately.

Everyone began to look forward to the future after talking about it, and Lan Shuang was also very happy. The teacher chatted with them for a few words and then went to greet others.

However, as soon as he left, the topics everyone talked about changed, and all kinds of gossip began.

At first, everyone was afraid to seduce Lan Shuang, but then someone dared to ask: "Is Senior Sister Lan still single recently? If not, is there any hope for me?"

The younger brother is very courageous, a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, dare to say anything, everyone else followed suit, Lan Shuang laughed and said: "Sorry, you are late, I already have a boyfriend."

"Really?" The ears of the others immediately perked up: "Who is it?"

Lan Shuang smiled without saying a word.

There were more and more people in the lobby, Lan Shuang glanced casually, and saw two more acquaintances, one was Fang Hui and the other was Lu Yihan.

Fang Hui probably came here at the invitation of the principal, and his family has shares in the school, so it's not unusual to come here.

But Lu Yihan, Lan Shuang didn't expect him to be able to come at this time.

She picked up a glass of champagne, drank it in small sips, and 888 said worriedly: "Host, why is he still haunted?"

"I guess they came to look for me, so they probably haven't given up yet."

Lan Shuang's eyes turned cold inch by inch, her eyes slid across Lu Yihan's face, and she moved away when he looked over.

As soon as Lu Yihan came in, he was looking for Lan Shuang. In fact, it didn't take much effort. Even though the lights in the lobby were equally bright, and even though everyone was dressed in the same exquisite clothes, once Lan Shuang stood there, her temperament was completely different, a natural luxury Let her be the center of sight no matter where she is.

As soon as his eyes lit up, he immediately looked for him, but he was stopped by someone and dragged him to speak. As soon as he raised his eyes, Lan Shuang disappeared.

"What about people?"

Before he could continue searching, everyone arrived, and the headmaster stepped onto the stage and began to speak.

"Hey-hey! Hoo hoo!"

The principal tried the microphone, and the hall fell silent for an instant. Everyone slowly gathered in the middle to listen to the principal's speech.

Seeing Lan Shuang, Lu Yihan wanted to go over, but everyone was backing away. He couldn't squeeze through, so he could only stretch his neck and stare at Lan Shuang. ,

Ke Lanshuang was having a hot chat with a senior sister, so she had no time to talk to him.

"Dear friends, good evening everyone! I don't need to introduce who I am. All of you here are acquaintances and outstanding alumni who went out of our school. I personally sent you out, and I personally invite you back today. of."

"Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to come to our school's party, thank you very much!" the principal bowed to everyone after speaking.

Everyone applauded immediately.

"Today's party, let's not talk about anything else, just communicate with each other, and exchange ideas by the way. Most of the present are outstanding students who are about to graduate. If you feel that you have potential, you can communicate more and discuss more. We aim to relax. host."

After the principal finished speaking, he joked: "I know that too much nagging is annoying, so I won't talk about it. Let's eat, drink and have fun!"

"it is good!"

Someone shouted, and everyone laughed and applauded.

The headmaster stepped down from the stage, the music started, and the lights in the lobby became dim and ambiguous.

Everyone got together in twos and threes to talk or dance, and the scene became hot all of a sudden.

Lan Shuang put down the champagne glass, and was about to talk to the juniors and juniors just now about the internship, when suddenly someone stood in front of her.

She froze for a moment and found out that it was Fang Hui.

"Are you... what's the matter?" Lan Shuang smiled at him politely, Fang Hui's face turned red unexpectedly.

Lan Shuang: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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