Chapter 162 I Don't End This Marriage 47 (Third)
"That...Miss Lan, I have something to tell you, can you give me a chance?"

Fang Hui saw that Lan Shuang's expression was a little subtle, and quickly explained: "I don't mean anything else, I just want to talk to you alone."

Lan Shuang was about to refuse, but when she saw Lu Yihan approaching, she paused and agreed: "Okay."

Fang Hui suddenly became excited: "Okay! Then let's talk in the corridor outside."

There was no one in the corridor, it was quiet and safe, so Lan Shuang didn't refuse.

The two went out one after the other, Lu Yihan saw it, and followed with a gloomy face.

After going out and standing in the corridor, Lan Shuang asked, "Master Fang, what do you want to tell me?"

Fang Hui took a deep breath, as if he was mentally preparing himself. He turned around and stared at Lan Shuang with burning eyes.

Lan Shuang is too familiar with this kind of look, after all, she is also an old driver in this respect, he is afraid that he will confess his love in the next second, right?

However, to her surprise, the man knelt down on one knee directly in front of her.

Lan Shuang backed away in fright, "What are you doing? It's just that the Chinese New Year is not a festival, and I can't bear such a grand ceremony!"

Fang Hui knew that she had misunderstood, so he quickly waved his hands and said, "No, I didn't mean that, I meant to say... oh yes."

He frantically took out a small red velvet box from his bag, opened the box, and inside was a delicate and beautiful diamond ring.

"Miss Lan, I have liked you for a long time. I have liked you since the first time I met you at the age of 17, but I have never had the courage to confess to you. After knowing that you and Lu Yihan broke up, I am more sure of my heart. I want to be with you, not casually, but seriously, I want to protect you and take care of you, so—give me a chance, okay? Let's get engaged directly!"

Lan Shuang: "..."

Your progress is really fast, you didn't even pursue love, you just skipped to engagement?
She regained her composure and was a little dumbfounded. She could see that Fang Hui was serious. He should really like her now, and the words he said came from the bottom of his heart, but it was a pity that she was destined to let down this deep affection. up.

"I'm sorry, Master Fang, I have someone I like, and we are already together."

As soon as Lan Shuang finished speaking, Fang Hui's face became extremely ugly, "Who? Is it Lu Yihan's illegitimate son? He deserves it too? A toad is dead, you can't be with him!"

"It's not him." Lan Shuang said helplessly, "You get up first."

"It's not him?" Fang Hui refused to get up, "It's not him, I don't believe you, you will change your mind so soon, are you perfunctory me?"

Fang Hui reached out to pull Lan Shuang's hand, and wanted to give her the ring box, but Lan Shuang withdrew her hand, "Really not, I really have a boyfriend!"

Fang Hui was dubious, "Really? What's his name? What does he do?"

"he is--"

"Jiang Lusheng."

Before Lan Shuang finished speaking, someone picked up immediately.

Hearing this familiar voice, Lan Shuang immediately turned her head to look, and saw Jiang Lusheng walking against the light, holding a large bunch of delicate red roses in his arms.

"Why are you here so early?"

Lan Shuang looked at him suspiciously, and stepped back unconsciously.

Jiang Lusheng glanced coldly at Fang Hui, who was kneeling on the ground in a daze. He didn't say anything. When he turned his head to look at Lan Shuang, his eyes softened immediately, "I miss you, and I can't wait for a moment."

As he said that, he handed the rose in his hand to Lan Shuang: "Here, my beloved Miss Rose."

Lan Shuang couldn't help laughing, the level of this person's love talk is enough to start a class.

"Thank you."

When she lowered her head to pick up the flowers, Jiang Lusheng suddenly approached and touched her lips lightly.

Fang Hui's eyes widened suddenly, " are—"

Jiang Lusheng looked over with a smile, put one arm around Lan Shuang's waist, hugged her and said, "Let me introduce, my name is Jiang Lusheng, and I am Lan Shuang's—fiance."

Lan Shuang: "..."

Changing the concept secretly, she glanced at Jiang Lusheng.

"Is there anything else? If there is nothing else, we will leave first."

Fang Hui nodded blankly: "Ah...ah, it's all right."

"Okay, goodbye." Jiang Lusheng walked past him with Lan Shuang in his arms.

Fang Hui: "..."

He stood up slowly, glanced at the ring in his hand, and sighed, "Oh, forget it, there is no destiny."


Jiang Lusheng pulled Lan Shuang straight forward, Lan Shuang was a little confused: "Where are we going?"

Jiang Lusheng didn't speak, just turned the handle of a door casually, and the door opened with a light push.

Then he took Lan Shuang and walked in.

Lan Shuang looked at the furnishings in the room and said, "This is the musical instrument room, where musical instruments are placed."

Diagonally facing them was a piano, the same type as the one in the lobby, only older, and covered with a dark red dustproof cloth.

"You brought me here...uh!"

Lan Shuang was suddenly pushed by Jiang Lusheng, and she staggered and threw herself on the piano, with her hands on both sides of the piano, "What are you doing?"

The next moment, she was pinched by Jiang Lusheng and turned around. He lifted the dustproof cloth and threw it on the side shelf with a cold expression. to the piano.

Immediately afterwards, the aura belonging to Jiang Lusheng came overwhelmingly, and rushed towards Lan Shuang fiercely and domineeringly, trapping her in this world, with nowhere to escape.

In the past, he was always gentle and romantic, but this was the first time he showed such a domineering side.

Lan Shuang was a little confused and at the same time accepted it naturally, this is him.

Jiang Lusheng supported the piano cover with one hand, and pressed Lan Shuang's back with the other, kissing him forcefully and presumptuously.

It looks like a large dog eager to patrol the territory, wishing to stain Lan Shuang's whole body with his smell.

Lan Shuang slowly fell backwards on the piano, Jiang Lusheng clasped her hand and lowered her body.

Feeling his hot lips on her chin, she couldn't help stretching out her hand to push him and said, "Don't, I have to go out to meet people later."

Jiang Lusheng said vaguely while pecking: "Then it's time to put a mark, let everyone know that you are mine, and someone will always miss you."

Lan Shuang tried her best to hold his face, and asked dumbfoundingly, "Are you jealous?"

Jiang Lusheng snorted, "Him? He's not a threat, not jealous."

"Then why did you suddenly go crazy?" Lan Shuang asked helplessly, "Let me get up first."


Just as Jiang Lusheng was about to speak, he suddenly heard a movement from the door. He squinted his eyes, and glanced over from the corner of his face. Those shoes... were they Lu Yihan?
He pulled his lips, just right.

He tugged on his tie with one hand as if nothing had happened, and when Lan Shuang was about to get up, he easily pushed him back, "When will you give me a title?"

Lan Shuang gave up struggling, lay down on the piano and said, "Give it up, give it up when you get back, okay?"

"Really?" Jiang Lusheng asked back, "The public one?"

Lan Shuang smiled: "Do you need to post a Weibo to announce to the world, empress?"

Jiang Lusheng also laughed, "Okay, just post it like this, let the whole world know that I am Zhenggong."

As he spoke, he bowed his head and kissed her again.

The ambiguous sound gradually rose, and Lu Yihan, who was standing at the door, froze all over.

 The next chapter is at night, it is a summary of the previous life, you can read it or not, so as not to get angry
(End of this chapter)

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