Chapter 163 I Don't Want This Marriage (Previous Life)

The relationship between Lan Shuang and Lu Yihan originated from a freshman party at the university. Of course, the real investigation may have originated from Lu Yihan's glimpse of Lan Shuang at the freshmen's entrance ceremony that year.

But that glimpse didn't follow up until the arrival of the freshman party.

That night, both Lan Shuang and Lu Yihan were the hosts. Lan Shuang was wearing high heels and walking in the dark with her skirt in her hands. When she was about to go on stage, she accidentally stepped on her skirt and almost fell down.

At that time Lu Yihan was walking behind her, when she saw her fall, she instinctively reached out to help her, Lan Shuang turned her head to look at him in surprise at that time, the light was blurred, but it was enough for each other to see clearly.

After Lu Yihan said to be careful, he let go of his hand. It was such a gentleman's behavior that Lan Shuang had a good impression of him.

No matter whether she is on or off the stage, Lu Yihan will take extra care of Lan Shuang and help her lift her skirt, like a knight in a fairy tale.

When everyone was admiring the beauty of the princess and the beauty of the dress, only he would help her lift the skirt, lest she fall down.

Under this carefulness, Lan Shuang quickly fell.

At that time, whether Lu Yihan was intentional or unintentional is impossible to test, because in the process of getting along, Lan Shuang completely fell in love with this man who treated her so indifferently.

It may be because the previous 18 years have been so smooth, she has everything she wants, everyone is kind and gentle to her, there is no one like Lu Yihan, this difference is particularly charming.

Lu Yihan refused her confession at the beginning, because his life at that time did not allow him to fall in love. He was busy working part-time to make money to treat his mother, and he was not in the mood to fall in love.

But Lan Shuang didn't give up like that. The rejection of her confession became a big news in the campus at that time, and it was discussed in the forum. I don't know how many people saw her jokes, and how many people scolded Lu Yihan for not knowing what to do.

But the person involved didn't care. In the first semester of college, Lu Yihan's mother's illness improved, and he was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief. Lan Shuang confessed to him again. It was spring and the flowers were blooming. He looked at Lan Shuang standing under the pagoda tree, Looking at the rose in her hand, I couldn't tell what it was like.

"You really like me that much?" he asked.

Lan Shuang smiled brightly: "Isn't my performance obvious?"

Lu Yihan stared at her for a long time, took the bouquet from her hand, and said: "This is what you want, if you regret it later, don't blame me."

Lan Shuang said, "I don't regret it."

But they don't know that many years later, the love has been wasted by time, leaving only boundless resentment and unwillingness.

She finally regretted it.


At that time, they still had a sweet time. Although Lu Yihan was not very enthusiastic about Lan Shuang, he would never reject her again. The two of them ate together and went to self-study together. Lu Yihan would send her downstairs to the dormitory every time before leaving. .

At that time, Lan Shuang thought she was the happiest person in the world.

However, there are always good days. In the first semester of her sophomore year, freshmen came. When Lu Yihan passed by the military training ground, the juniors and juniors were sitting together, with a slender and lovely girl standing in the middle, singing.

The singing voice was clear and childish. In fact, the singing was not good in many places, but it couldn't stand the fact that the person was delicate and cute, with a look of ignorance in his eyes, which immediately attracted Lu Yihan's attention.

Lu Yihan stood there watching for a while before leaving.

Later, he often passed by there. Coincidentally, he could always see that school girl. She was lively and cheerful, and got along well with everyone, like a bright sun. The younger sister is what he likes.

At this time, the Lu family knew about his relationship with Lan Shuang, and began to get close to him, took him back to the Lu family, gave him the life of a young master, and treated his mother, but there was only one request, that is, let him hold on to Lan Shuang.

Everyone regards him as an accessory of Lanshuang, as if he was born to revolve around Lanshuang.

The more they said this, the more he refused and resisted.

He secretly communicated with Su Le behind Lan Shuang's back, sending messages to Su Le, sending flowers and sweets, and he was very careful when dating, because they studied different majors, so they rarely had the chance to meet, plus Lan Shuang Being busy, the family business, and her various hobbies and hobbies made her rarely have time to stay in school.

Lu Yihan took advantage of this loophole and often took Su Le out on dates.

As time passed, Su Le soon fell in love.

Lu Yihan felt that it was the happiest time in his life, he and Su Le didn't need to think about any problems, every day was like living in heaven.

But this kind of thing can't be hidden from others, and she was soon stabbed to Lan Shuang's side. At that time, Lan Shuang felt that her sky was falling. She couldn't believe it. She didn't believe that her boyfriend would do such a thing , but still found Lu Yihan immediately, without getting angry or questioning, just trying to figure out the ins and outs.

Lu Yihan didn't admit it at the time, until Lan Shuang showed the photo evidence, Lu Yihan immediately changed his words and said that he was just fascinated by ghosts for a while, and he would break up with her soon, begging Lan Shuang to forgive her.

Lan Shuang's heart softened, she forgave him, stared at him and deleted Su Le's contact information, and it was over.

However, if there is something that happens, there will be another. Lu Yihan and Su Le are inseparable. After explaining to Lan Shuang, he went to explain to Su Le. Su Le almost went crazy at that time.

She didn't know that Lu Yihan had a girlfriend at first, but she finally found out, but in this way.

She was also glad that Lan Shuang didn't come to trouble her. Lu Yihan had no choice but to confess his journey to her and begged her hard. The two were in love, so Su Le had no choice but to just let him go.

So the two of them were disconnected, and they still kept in touch from time to time.

The three of them tossed like this until they graduated.

Lu Yihan joined Lan Shuang's family's company as an intern. Lan Shuang was preparing for their wedding, full of joy of getting married.

At that time, Zhou Wanting was in urgent need of money for surgery, so Lu Yihan agreed to marry Lan Shuang.

On the day of the wedding, Lan's family didn't come, just like in this life, because they didn't like Lu Yihan and thought he was serious, but Lan Shuang was blind and insisted on being with him.

The Lan family had no choice but to let her go, saying no, but they still spent a lot of money to customize wedding jewelry for Lan Shuang.

On the day of the wedding, Su Le's best friend Tang Yiyi was also invited because of her family relationship. In order to vent her anger for her best friend at home, she deliberately poured red wine on Lan Shuang's wedding dress while talking.

For this reason, Lan Shuang got angry on a rare occasion, but was yelled at by Lu Yihan. Lu Yihan stood by Tang Yiyi's side, which made Lan Shuang feel chilled for the first time.

The wedding proceeded inexplicably, Lan Shuang and the Lu family dealt with each other, Lu Yihan was proud of the spring breeze, and the relationship between the two families was completely settled.

Lu Yihan had nothing to worry about.

Lan Shuang gave a lot of money to the hospital behind his back, and gave Zhou Wanting the best conditions. After her surgery, her body recovered almost. Lan Shuang originally wanted to buy a big house for her to live in, but Lu Yihan refused to do it. Come and live with us.

He said: "Don't you like me? Aiwujiwu, we are married, she is also your mother, we should be filial to her, she is only my son, how can you bear to separate from me?"

Lan Shuang was moved by him and really took Zhou Wanting back.

Zhou Wanting has never enjoyed such a good life or lived in such a good house in her life. At the beginning, she was a little respectful to her daughter-in-law and couldn't let go.

Because of Lu Yihan's relationship, Lan Shuang also took good care of her, bought her jewelry, bought her expensive clothes, gave her a card to spend whatever she wanted, and hired three nurses to take care of her.

Zhou Wanting felt that she had come to the end of all hardships.

But Lu Yihan was not at home all the time, always said that he was very busy and often ran outside, Zhou Wanting gradually realized something was wrong, and only after asking did he find out that the two seemed to be in harmony.

Zhou Wanting was naturally on her son's side. At first she tried to match the two of them, but Lu Yihan was obviously not interested in Lan Shuang, and Lan Shuang's edges and corners had been smoothed over the past few years, and she was obviously short when facing Lu Yihan. With one end, like a rose whose thorns have been pulled out and put in a water bottle, without pride and beauty, it gradually withers and loses its vitality.

Another year, after Zhou Wanting didn't see her grandson, she also lost patience with Lan Shuang.

Seeing Lan Shuang going out, she would say: "You can't even look after your husband, why are you putting on a show all day long? If you use snacks on Xiaohan, you won't be married for many years and have no children."

"When can you learn from others to be more gentle and patient? How can you win a man's heart if you are so proud?"

After hearing this, Lan Shuang really lowered her figure, and began to think of ways to keep Lu Yihan. For this reason, she even learned how to cook. Lu Yihan was probably moved, and occasionally stayed at home for two days.

Lan Shuang thought that their marriage finally had a turning point until her birthday.

She prepared everything early on, ordered the cake by herself, and hoped that Lu Yihan would say happy birthday to herself when she came back, and stay with her for a night.

For this reason, she also prepared a lot of surprises, and changed into a white dress that she hadn't worn for a long time, wanting to surprise Lu Yihan.

However, after she hid in the closet, she found that Lu Yihan had returned, but not alone, and brought someone with him...

It was Su Le, and they were rolling wantonly on the marriage bed in their bedroom.

Su Le asked: "Aren't you afraid that Lan Shuang will see you when she comes back?"

Lu Yihan smiled disdainfully at that time and said: "She has gone to work and will not come back."

Lan Shuang in the closet was completely awake, and the beautiful dream she had woven was shattered in an instant, leaving nothing behind.

The improvement she thought was fake, and the love she thought was fake. For so many years, she was only touched by herself.

He and Su Le have never broken off, they even have a child, no wonder Lu Yihan didn't go home.

Because he already had a family of three, what is she?
Just a nanny to take care of her mother.


When the two of them left, Lan Shuang came out of the closet. Her hands and feet were numb and unconscious. She walked downstairs in a daze, took the cake back to the bedroom, lit candles, wished herself a happy birthday, and then took out the cake from the drawer. She took all the sleeping pills in one go, but it wasn't enough. She was worried that she wouldn't die, so she went to the bedroom, filled the bathtub with water, and forcibly sank herself into it.

At the moment of dying, she thought, if she could do it all over again, she would never marry Lu Yihan again, he is not worthy, neither of them are worthy.

She just wants to have a good time with her family and realize her dream. If she meets a suitable person and her family doesn't object, then she will marry.

But if it's just like this, she will still feel unwilling.

She hated Su Le, but she hated Lu Yihan even more. If possible, she would make them never be together, and she wanted Lu Yihan to live in regret all his life.

 So every cause must bear fruit~
(End of this chapter)

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