Chapter 167 I Don't Want This Marriage 50 (The Finale Two Chapters In One)
Hearing what Lan Shuang said, Lan Shuang paused for a moment, and her face froze for a moment. Indeed, compared to the wild men outside, Jiang Lusheng was also watched by him... Ah bah, he grew up with him. He doesn't know much about products, and it's really reliable.

Although he is always indifferent when facing himself and ignores others, it is also safer.

And although I really don't want to admit it, this guy is indeed handsome and rich, much better than other unreliable second-generation ancestors.

If you have to choose a can choose him. !

Lan Shuangting's eyes lit up, and she suddenly became excited, "Okay, I also think Jiang Lusheng is pretty good, since you confessed yourself, we will be a family from now on, and the names are too unfamiliar, come on, call Big Brother first .”

Jiang Lusheng: "..."

Lan Shuang: "..."

Oh man, your happiness is as simple as that.

The good brother in the past, no, the elder brother in the past turned into his brother-in-law, and his seniority directly overwhelmed him. This kind of happiness directly made Lan Shuangting ignore the pain of his sister being robbed, and smiled happily.

Jiang Lusheng stared at Lan Shuangting for a long time, as if he was thinking about how to wring off his dog's head.

Still Su Lan couldn't stand it anymore, and glared at Lan Shuangting: "Nonsense, change your name to get married, and then change it. Xiao Jiang is older than you, so you have to be called brother in normal times."

Lan Shuangting was not annoyed, and said with a smile: "Okay, anyway, I'm not in a hurry, I will prepare a big red envelope when I go back, and give it to my brother-in-law when he changes his mind."

Lan Shuang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and quietly squeezed Jiang Lusheng's palm underneath.

Jiang Lusheng also smiled, "Okay, after you find my sister-in-law, I will give the red envelope to my sister-in-law."

Lan Shuangting's complexion suddenly darkened.

The topic suddenly turned to Lan Shuangting.

"Yeah, your sister's life-long affairs have been settled, but you are lucky. You don't even have a shadow. What's the matter with you? Isn't it okay? No, let your mother arrange a blind date for you."

Lan Runqing lost his temper immediately.

Su Lan also sighed: "Fate can't be rushed, it will be done when it arrives, it's just..."

She looked at Lan Shuangting with a complicated expression, "Is your fate stuck in traffic? Why are you so late? Or did you go off track? If it's true...we can't accept it. We are more enlightened parents. We will not hinder the child's lifelong happiness."

Lan Shuangting: "..."

Lan Shuangting: "???"

Lan Shuangting: "!!!"

"No, mom, where are you going, I'm pure and straight!"

He jumped up, "I just haven't met anyone I like."



Lan Runqing and Su Lan looked at each other and silently exchanged some kind of information.

Lan Shuangting's scalp was numb, he got up and tied his apron, turned around and walked to the kitchen.

Lan Shuang hurriedly asked, "Brother, why are you going?"

Lan Shuangting said without turning her head: "I think the hangover soup has been boiled less, so cook another pot, and each of you will have a bowl!"


Everyone laughed.

Lan Shuang leaned on Jiang Lusheng's shoulder, her heart was filled with warmth and love.

It is really a blessing to have such a family.


After dinner, Jiang Lusheng went back to his home, Lan Shuang watched his car drive away upstairs, smiled and lay back on the big bed.

"The previous group photo can finally be sent out."

She opened the photo album and originally wanted to post only that one, but after thinking about it, since it was an official announcement, it should be more formal.

So she found photos from previous dates, selected them all, edited them and sent them out.

"Rainbow and her boyfriend are the greatest luck."

As soon as this circle of friends was posted, many people liked it, and commented on Yishui's "Zhu Jiujiu" and "99" below.

Even her parents and elder brother commented

Eldest brother: [I would like to mention a brother-in-law, wait for the correction]

Mom: [Congratulations Tiantian. 】

Dad: [Long, long, long time. 】

Half an hour later, the phone rang again. Lan Shuang picked it up and saw that it was Jiang Lusheng who liked and commented: [It's my luck. 】

Then, as soon as Lan Shuang refreshed, Jiang Lusheng also posted on Moments, but those photos were different from what Lan Shuang thought, and she had never seen many of them.

For example, the photo of her wishing on the cake is different from the one he sent to himself. There are not many cakes in this photo, but it is basically her.

The second picture is of her falling asleep in the car.

The third picture shows her on his sofa.

The fourth one is the back view of her embracing the rainbow...

Many of them are different from her impression, which shows that this person has secretly taken many photos of her.

Lan Shuang also gave a thumbs up, [Secret filming is shameful. 】

Jiang Lusheng: [Because I miss you. 】

Lan Shuang: "..."

She let go of her hand, and the phone almost hit her face. After hastily clenching it tightly, she whispered to 888: "Look at this man, how good he is, he is always seductive in a serious manner."

888: "Host, you can cheer him up! I believe you can!"

"Hmph, I guess it won't work in this life..." Lan Shuang muttered, she would be eaten to death in this life.

"By the way, what world will you go to in your next life?"

Lan Shuang turned off her phone and asked.

888: "Well, there are many planes to choose from. Which one does the host want to go to? In order, the next one is an alternative fairy tale plane."

"What is an alternative fairy tale?"

Lan Shuang suddenly became interested.

"That's it..." 888 scratched his head, thought about his words and said, "It was created based on a fairy tale, borrowing part of the fairy tale's setting, but not exactly the same, forming a brand new story."

888 concluded: "Anyway, it looks like a fairy tale, but in fact the content itself is basically different from the fairy tale."

"I get it, it's okay to put on a fairy tale." Lan Shuang touched her chin and said, "It sounds quite interesting."

"Okay, are you sure about this?" 888 tapped the screen with his little hand.

Lan Shuang nodded: "That's all."

"Okay, it's confirmed. When this world ends, you can send it directly."

After confirming the next world, Lan Shuang turned over comfortably.

She slept very well that night.


Afterwards, Jiang Lusheng told his parents about his love affair. His parents were also very open-minded. They had been living abroad and had a very lively personality. They flew back from abroad as soon as they knew their son was in love.

Especially after knowing that the woman was Lan Shuang, the two of them were very happy. They bought a lot of meeting gifts for Lan Shuang, but they couldn't choose any, so they directly gave a shopping mall under their name to Lan Shuang.

Lan Shuang once refused, but the Jiang family didn't care about the two money at all, Jiang Lusheng also persuaded her, and she accepted it.

Turning around, the two families got together for a meal, and the atmosphere was very harmonious. They had met friends for many years and had endless conversations. They talked until late at night. Everyone was drunk, and it was difficult to go back. They all lived in the nearby Lan's house.

The next day, the two families took a group photo together, and the marriage between Jiang Lusheng and Lan Shuang was completely settled.

The news spread quickly, and the entire upper-class circle knew about it, and congratulated them one after another. This was a real wealthy marriage.

The domestic industry of the Jiang family is not as large as that of the Lan family, but the Jiang family mainly develops abroad, so their strength is comparable.

Many people think that they are joining forces this time, and they want to consolidate their position and cooperate for mutual benefit.

As everyone knows, Lan Shuang and Jiang Lusheng are really in love with each other, and they are only together because of love, not those twists and turns.

However, those people who have said these may not believe it, let alone understand it, so they have no intention of explaining it.

Less than a year after it was made public, Lan Shuang and Jiang Lusheng had their wedding in the spring of the second year. There were really too many guests for this banquet. After discussing it, the two parties decided to hold it directly on the private island, and the guests would be picked up by a special plane. .

The whole island is full of roses, red, pink and white, and there is no end to it at a glance. The tulle is dancing, and the beauty is like a dream.

Amid the sound of blessings, Lan Shuang and Jiang Lusheng exchanged rings and kissed each other.

During the kiss, Lan Shuang said softly, "We are together again in this life."

Jiang Lusheng had a smile in his eyes: "Well, what about the next life?"

"I will give it to you in the next life." Lan Shuang pressed his lips lightly.

"Okay." Jiang Lusheng hugged her tightly again.


This grand and solemn wedding was directly on the hot search, and it was posted on Weibo for a long time. The scene of Jiang Lusheng and Lan Shuang kissing was even more crazy. Netizens were amazed at the beauty of this couple, Keen on the value of their things.

Some of them are custom-made and cannot be found at all. We can only estimate a rough number, but the estimates are enough to make people amazing.

At that time, Lu Yihan had just helped Zhou Wanting go through the discharge procedures. Her illness was really complicated, including heart disease, diabetes, and a series of complications. Surgery was not easy to do, and it could not guarantee the follow-up situation.

So either stay in the hospital, or go home and make do with it.

Lu Yihan discussed with Zhou Wanting, and the mother and son finally decided to go home.

Of course, it wasn't the Lu family. After the news of Lan Shuang and Jiang Lusheng's engagement spread, the head of the Lu family kicked out Lu Yihan and only gave him a card with 50 yuan on it, telling him that it was all he could get. After the money, he has nothing to do with the Lu family in the future.

Lu Yihan had expected this result a long time ago, so when it really happened, he didn't panic, but was disheartened.

With the 50 yuan, he couldn't afford to buy a good house in a place where every inch of land was expensive.

In desperation, he had no choice but to take Zhou Wanting back to his hometown, where they still had an old house where they could live, and the 50 yuan was enough for them to live well.

After buying the tickets, he just waited to be discharged from the hospital, but as soon as he left the hospital gate, Lu Yihan saw his good brother Zhang Duoyu looking at him with a complicated expression.

"Hello, Auntie." Zhang Duoyu greeted Zhou Wanting and helped her into the car.

Lu Yihan gave him a hand, walked to a secluded place and asked, "What's wrong? You have such a damn expression?"

Zhang Duoyu came to see them off. He didn't want to say anything at first, but he still couldn't hold back after holding back for a long time, "Do you know that Lan Shuang is married?"

Lu Yihan paused: "So fast?"

He lit a cigarette in a vicissitudes of life, his eyes were empty.

"Here, the wedding of the century! Weibo has gone crazy, and I thought it was awesome after reading it." Zhang Duoyu turned on the phone and showed him the photos.

Lu Yi glanced sleepily, and when he saw Lan Shuang and Jiang Lusheng kissing, he was stunned for a while, as if he had returned to the school party again, he hid outside the door, watching the two intimately.

But within a year, the two were married.

"Do you regret it?" Octopus asked curiously.

Lu Yihan paused with the hand holding the cigarette, and slowly brought it to his lips, took a deep breath and then slowly exhaled, "What's the use of regretting? If you divide it, you will divide it."

In fact, he regretted it all in his heart.

If he hadn't stepped on two boats and mixed up with Su Le, he would have been the hero in the photo.

"Oh yes, there is one more thing."

"What?" Lu Yihan came back to his senses, put down his hands, and saw Zhang Duoyu clicked on another photo and handed it to him: "Su Le is also married."

"When did it happen?" Lu Yihan was stunned for a moment, he looked at the woman in the photo, her belly was slightly protruding, she was holding the arm of the person next to her, and she smiled forcedly.

Zhang Duoyu sighed: "Oh, just one day after Lan Shuang, she got pregnant before she was married, and she got married after she couldn't hide it. The man seems to be her senior. He has a little money in the family, but he seems like Su Le. I'm not very satisfied, Su Le will accept it when she gets married."

Lu Yihan glanced at the photo on the phone again, Su Le seemed to have gained weight, his originally delicate face looked a little more voluptuous, his figure was also slightly out of shape, and he was a bit restrained in the wedding dress.

Compared with the picture of Lan Shuang, it is really different.

He couldn't help but smiled wryly: "It's all fate."

Just like him, he is doomed not to have that kind of luck. In this life, I'm afraid it will be like this.

"... Forget it, it's over, let's go." Zhang Duoyu patted Lu Yihan's shoulder, and walked back with him in his arms.


The car left the hospital and headed for the airport, leaving all the luxury and money behind. It was like a big dream. Wherever you enter the dream, you will wake up from there.

After that, Lan Shuang started her own company, and she poached all the staff from the school. The young people were motivated, and with Lan's backing, they let go of their hands and feet and really made achievements, but Lan Shuang didn't The meaning of expansion is to focus on private customization, high luxury for the minority, not quantity, but quality.

As a result, it became famous among celebrities and celebrities and became their favorite brand.

Lan Shuang also became a star designer.

And Jiang Lusheng's company was also on the right track, quickly occupying the market, and became an upstart in the business circle in just a few years.

He is the child of "other people" in everyone's mouth. I don't know how many people hate him behind his back and look forward to his divorce.

Unexpectedly, the relationship between him and Lan Shuang was extremely strong. There had been no scandals between the two of them for so many years, but they showed affection from time to time and fed others a mouthful of dog food.

Until they climbed to the top in their respective fields, they suddenly retired to the world of two people.

People can only find their location from the photos they post now and then.

In this way, they lived happily ever after.

In contrast, Su Le was looked down upon by her husband's family because she became pregnant out of wedlock, and has always held prejudices against her. Later, she did not get better after giving birth to a child, because she gave birth to a daughter. Later, she gave birth to two more children under pressure. One is finally a son.

She finally took a year off, but she didn't want her husband to cheat.

She went to make a big fuss, but was slapped by her husband, and she was completely depressed ever since.

Lu Yihan didn't get any better. He returned to his hometown and found a job that was not too high or too low. With a fixed salary, he wanted to start a business but was afraid of losing everything. After all, his mother had to spend money on medical treatment and medicine. .

So he just made do with it. The boss' daughter insisted on marrying him. He actually didn't like her, but she had money in her family and could relieve his pressure, so he pinched his nose and recognized her.

Unexpectedly, after three years of marriage, the woman was unwilling to give birth to him. Zhou Wanting was dissatisfied and said a few words, but was severely scolded by the woman and returned directly to her mother's house.

Lu Yihan was caught in the middle and was devastated, so he got divorced in the fourth year.

Later, at Zhou Wanting's urging, he casually married a girl from the neighbor's house. She wasn't pretty, but she was better at being obedient and sensible. However, they spent their whole lives worrying about money and being mediocre.


Who can say that this is not a kind of retribution?Everything that Lan Shuang experienced back then was retribution to them in this way.

The third world, over.

 It’s just one update today, because I don’t feel comfortable writing chapters, so I’ll write one piece, thick and long.

(End of this chapter)

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