Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 168 World 4: This mermaid is not pure 1

Chapter 168 World Four: This Mermaid Is Not Pure 1
In the end, Lan Shuang died in Jiang Lusheng's arms. Like the previous two lives, in the last few seconds of her life, Lan Shuang held Jiang Lusheng's hand tightly and put it on her heart. The setting sun on the sea, the light in his eyes dimmed a little bit.

The moment Lan Shuang's breath dissipated, his lowered eyelids suddenly opened, revealing a little red, which was fleeting.


"Host, do you want to rest? Do you want to seal the memory?" Seeing Lan Shuang returning to the system space, 888 greeted Lan Shuang enthusiastically.

"No need, I'm not tired." Lan Shuang seemed to be in good spirits, not even a bit sad.

888 asked suspiciously: "Don't you need to seal up your memory? Don't you feel reluctant?"

Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows and said meaningfully: "Because there will be time to meet again, so I can only look forward to it and have no regrets."

888 didn't understand, but seeing her looking forward to it, he shrugged: "Okay, then let's start the next world."

Lan Shuang stood on the teleportation array. The next moment her eyes went dark, her soul floated up instantly, and then she was sucked into another world.


There was a shaking feeling under her feet, and Lan Shuang felt a nausea again. This familiar beginning reminded her of the second world.

She gritted her teeth and asked, "888, am I on the boat again?"

"Oh, host, how do you know? You are indeed on board, and the situation seems a little dangerous..."


Before Lan Shuang could react, a strong force came from behind and pushed her suddenly. She leaned forward and fell out before she could react.


It was rare for Lan Shuang to swear, and no one told her that it was so exciting in this world!
Just as she was about to grab the rope on the boat, 888 suddenly said: "Host, an important person is waiting for you underwater!"

Lan Shuang: "..."

This sea has to jump, "It's better to be an important person!"

She gritted her teeth and withdrew her hand. When she turned around, she saw the person who pushed her, and firmly remembered that face.


Lan Shuang was wearing a white and gold dress, like a beautiful wave, blending into the embrace of the sea.

"What to do? The eldest princess fell!" The woman who pushed her suddenly shouted in panic, and other people on the deck ran over.

"What's going on? How did it fall?"

A sailor took off his shirt and was about to jump, but was stopped by the first officer: "Wait!"

"What's the matter?" The captain came out of the cabin, and the first mate whispered something in his ear.

The captain's eyes swept over the woman, very complicated, and finally nodded and said: "I see, turn around and go back."

The sailors looked at each other in blank dismay: "What about... the princess? Can't she be saved? If the king finds out..."

The captain raised his hand to interrupt their words, and his cold eyes swept over their faces one by one: "Let's say that the princess fell into the water by herself. We tried our best to save it, but unfortunately we couldn't find it. The king will not do anything to us."

"After all—everyone knows that the eldest princess is not favored."

"If you talk nonsense about what happened today, you will really die, understand?"

The sailors' hearts tightened, and they didn't dare to say more, "Yes, I understand!"

The woman covered her mouth with a handkerchief, hiding her smile.

She took a deep look at the place where Lanshuang fell, her eyes were full of ambition, she could become a rich man soon.

Thank you, princess.


Under the surface of the sea, in a coral grove, a mermaid with a silver-white tail was praying with his eyes closed and muttering something in his mouth.

"I hope the God of the Sea can give me a companion."


Lan Shuang fell into the water, her eyes couldn't open due to the impact of the sea water, and the fluffy skirt became extremely heavy after absorbing the water, pulling her down continuously.

She struggled to remember, but she couldn't get rid of the sea water squeezing from all directions, and she felt that she was going to be breathless.

The long hair spread out in the water like seaweed, covering her eyes, making her unable to see anything.

She stretched her hands hard, trying to grab something, she knew it was futile, but she couldn't control her instinct.

At this time, she still wondered if she would catch a fish?

Then the next moment, she grabbed a piece of slippery and cold thing in her hand.

Lan Shuang: "..."

Nima, you can't catch a snake, right?
She tried to open her eyes wide to see, but her eyes really hurt, and the tears mixed with the sea water made her look extremely embarrassed, with red eye circles.

"Don't be afraid, the host, it's not a snake, it's one of the wishes of the original owner."

After 888 finished speaking, a large memory flooded into Lan Shuang's mind.

Lan Shuang: "... At least you wait for me to wake up before spreading the word!"

The oxygen in her lungs was getting less and less, and she was about to be suffocated to death. At this critical moment, the part she was holding moved, got rid of her hand, and then put it on her waist.

Something approached suddenly and brushed away her messy hair.

Lan Shuang looked up and met a pair of beautiful green eyes.

Such a clear and pure green, refracting dazzling light, is more beautiful than all the emeralds she has seen in several lifetimes combined.

One can't take their eyes off it.

Lan Shuang was stunned, and soon her eyes fell on the corner of his left eye. There was a small mole there, which landed on his fair face. The god of fireworks is like a seductive and corrupt demon.

Her heart skipped a beat, and it quickly accelerated.

The man was also looking at her, and soon his eyes were slightly bent, as if he was smiling, and after he said something, he suddenly tilted his head and kissed her.

Lan Shuang: "!"

Is this progress a little too fast?
The man didn't care, he let her move and swam towards the sea with his arms around her waist.

Soon, the light in front of Lan Shuang's eyes became brighter and brighter, making her dizzy. The moment she broke through the water, she closed her eyes, and just about to say something, she passed out.

However, she didn't faint completely, but her body was overwhelmed and fainted, her soul was still awake, digesting the memories from before.

The original owner of this body is Lanshuang Modo, the eldest princess of Modo Kingdom, the only child of the first queen.

As for why it is the queen first... It is a bit complicated to say.

The first queen was a commoner, who rescued the troubled king by chance, and fell in love with the king at first sight. The two fought fiercely, and soon got together. After the king recovered from his injuries, he took her away and married her as queen against all opinions. .

In the third year after the marriage, the queen became pregnant and gave birth to the king's first child, Lanshuang, the eldest princess of Morduo.

The family of three had a happy time, but the good times didn't last long.

 This life should be shorter?There are too many writings in the modern plane, change the taste~
(End of this chapter)

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