Chapter 169 This Mermaid Is Not Pure 2
The king soon fell in love with other people. After all, he is the lord of a country, how could he only guard one person all his life?
There were too many temptations around him, and it didn't take long for him to fall in love with a minister's daughter named Celia, and the two often dated in the garden.

The queen was very angry when she found out, and questioned the king. The king felt guilty at first, but then he became impatient, and even unconsciously compared the queen with Celia, feeling more and more that the queen's background was not worthy of her, and she felt that she was still a nobleman. Women are more general.

So he deliberately neglected the queen. When the queen noticed it, she moved to live in the attic, took Lan Shuang with her, and stopped looking at the king.

However, things went against her expectations, she didn't want to get involved, but she was still involved in a premeditated disturbance, and finally was locked in the attic and died in depression.

Lan Shuang was picked up at this time, but the king only saw her once, and he couldn't help being bored when he saw her resemblance to the queen, so he left her in the palace to fend for himself.

Later, the king married a new queen, Celia, who gave birth to the second princess, Lan Sisi, who was only three years younger than Lan Shuang, so the king had already entangled with Celia when the first queen was pregnant. together!

Lan Shuang couldn't help feeling sick when she saw this, "Little Baba, what kind of stallion is this? His wife is pregnant, so he can't wait to find mistress outside?"

888 spread his hands: "It's really disgusting, but one thing is good, he has soft ears and is easy to fool."

Lan Shuang sneered noncommittal.

"So according to the system of this country, no matter if it is a son or a daughter, the first born child has the right to inherit. If there is no accident, the original owner is the legal heir to the throne and the future Queen of Mordo Kingdom?"

888 smiled: "So isn't this an accident?"

Lan Shuang: "..."

"The person who pushed me was Oliver, the big maid beside the original owner, so she was bought by the current queen?"

888: "You have to check this yourself, but it's almost the same."

Lan Shuang: "Okay, I see, what is the original owner's wish?"

888 glanced at the screen: "Well, there are two, one is to take back his own throne, and the other is to protect Los, love him and pet him for the rest of his life, and be with him well."

"Loss?" Lan Shuang thought for a moment, "That mermaid just now?"

"That's right~ it's him. In his previous life, he saved the original owner and fell in love with the original owner. But at that time, the original owner only wanted to go back, and was sent by the king to the neighboring country of Saibi to marry him. When he went to sea, he met Ross again. Ross wanted to rob someone. , He was caught without beating him, tortured to the brink of death, when the original owner rescued him, he was already dying, and finally died in the arms of the original owner, the original owner was disheartened, and died with him."

"Tsk..." Lan Shuang frowned, "What a bloody plot."

888: "However, I think the second wish is very simple for the host, and you can definitely do it."

Lan Shuang smiled and didn't say anything. If it's not possible, it must be possible, because... that person is him!

"From the description, the mermaid Ross seems to be very weak this time?"

Lan Shuang didn't know what she thought of, and her whole body became excited.

888 stroked his chin: "Yes, he is beautiful, but his attack power is weak, so he was rejected by the mermaid clan, his parents died early, he has no relatives and friends, and his clan doesn't like him, so he wanders in the sea all day long." ...So you really need protection."

The light in Lan Shuang's eyes became more and more perverted... Ah no, excited.

"Ah~ the weak and helpless little mermaid vs the aggressive queen, what kind of fairy configuration is this! I can do it!" Lan Shuang said with her soul body akimbo: "I will definitely love him... Bah, love him!"

888: "...uh..."

Can you close the perverted eyes first?It's about to overflow the screen!

After Lan Shuang recovered a bit, she gradually regained her consciousness. Just as she was about to open her eyes, she found something moving slowly on her face, and then touched her lips. There were ripples in her heart.

This familiar touch? ? ?

The little mermaid is secretly kissing her? !

Lan Shuang opened her eyes suddenly, and saw that Luo Si was looking down at her. Those blue eyes blinked lightly, shining brightly and captivatingly beautiful.

Lan Shuang couldn't help holding her breath, it was so beautiful!As expected of a mermaid!Beauty is indistinguishable from male and female, completely different from the hormone-filled appearance of previous lives.

But she likes it all.

Seeing her looking at him with good eyeballs, Ross couldn't help but blush slightly on his glowing white face.

It looks very attractive.

Lan Shuang: "..."

Help, why is he unconsciously seducing people with every move?


Rose opened his lips and made a meaningless tone, then stretched out his fingers and tapped her lips lightly, tilted his head for a while and then commented slowly: "It's very soft and sweet."

Lan Shuang: "...ah."

This time it was her turn not to speak.

"Xiao Baba, are you sure this is the innocent little mermaid? Why do I feel that something is wrong with him?"

888: "Host, don't worry, I'll check Ross's information for you."

After clicking for a while, 888 said suspiciously: "It's strange, Ross's data is blurred, so I can't see it."

Lan Shuang: "What do you mean?"

"There should be a little change, but the database can't be updated in real time, so it's fuzzy, but it doesn't look dangerous. If there is danger, the system will call the police and terminate the task as soon as possible."

888 immediately relaxed, "Okay, the host can do it boldly, no problem! Even if there is a little change, he won't hurt you."

Of course Lan Shuang knew this.

She thought about it, since there is no danger, let's change it, maybe it's because of his soul problem?

"What's your name?" Ross spoke very slowly, like a child who had just learned to speak. There was a bit of unconfidence in the weird sentences, and his ears were red after speaking.

Lan Shuang came back to her senses and sat up with support, only to find that there was a large stretch of hot sandy beach beneath her.

"My name is Lan Shuang."

Ross helped her, and then sat down beside her. The silvery white fish tail was shining in the golden sunlight, half submerged in the water, and it was raised up from time to time, revealing a little point.

His upper body is naked, without clothes, but think about it, who knows that fish wear clothes in the sea?

However, his upper body is still different from his face. It is not so thin, and you can see clear abdominal muscles and lines along the white chest.

There is a hidden sense of power.

Rose felt very keenly. He noticed that she was looking at his abdominal muscles. After thinking for a while, he reached out and grabbed her palm and pressed it on his abdomen. "Want to touch?"

Lan Shuang: "!"

 The hero of this life is a cutie? (bushi)

(End of this chapter)

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