Chapter 170 This Mermaid Is Not Pure 3
Lan Shuang was silent for a while, and then pressed her hands. The muscles were tight but not too exaggerated, a little hard, and she could even clearly feel the blood vessels below.

"Lan, Shuang?"

Ross read Lan Shuang's name softly with his own unique voice, as if it was crushed from between his teeth and melted on the tip of his tongue, with an ambiguous taste.

Lan Shuang couldn't help but withdrew her hand and rubbed her earlobe.

"What's wrong?" Rose was taken aback, seeing her strange expression, asked cautiously, "No, are you uncomfortable?"

"No, my ears are burning."

Lan Shuang tugged at her earlobe, and complained to 888: "Is the mermaid born with a good voice?"

"Yeah, and it comes with a charm buff~ The host must keep his heart and don't be hooked~" 888 gloated.

"Hot ears?" Ross understood Lan Shuang's words, and then pinched Lan Shuang's earlobe with his hands. His hands were relatively cold, and the temperature dropped a lot when he touched them.

"You saved me?" Lan Shuang took Luo Si's hand and took it off, pretending to be ignorant and asked, "What's your name?"

Ross looked at the hands of the two, his eyes fluttered, and he lowered his eyelashes and said softly, "My name is Ross."

"It's a nice name, Ross." Lan Shuang looked at his fish tail and said, "Your tail is also very beautiful, like a flowing galaxy."

Probably never been praised so much before, Ross's tail suddenly raised from the water, curled in the air, and then straightened again.

It can be seen that the mood is very good.

"Are you not very good at speaking human language?" Lan Shuang pinched her thin white fingers. His nails were a bit long and sharp, which is the characteristic of a mermaid.

"No... I haven't spoken for a long time. No one told me. I'm not used to it."

Rose's speech speed is indeed much better than at the beginning, and it is obvious that he is gradually adapting.

"Where is this place?" Lan Shuang glanced at the surrounding environment, let go of Rose's hand and stood up, and took two steps along the beach, she felt that her body was in a panic, and the thick skirt was pulled like a stone she.

Impatiently, she untied the layers with her hands, leaving only the innermost knee-length shorts.

Shaking off the burden, she stretched out her arms and let out a comfortable sigh. Facing the sea breeze, she felt indescribably comfortable.

"This is my little home, an island."

Rose followed behind her, rubbing her way step by step.

Lan Shuang glanced at it. The island was not big. There was a forest and a hill. From her angle, she could vaguely see the entrance of the cave.

"You..." Lan Shuang turned around and almost collided with Ross. She wanted to step back, but Ross put his arms around her waist and looked at her with bright eyes. "We will live here together in the future, okay?"

Lan Shuang: "Huh?"

She blinked, "Aren't you going back to the sea?"

Ross shook his head: "I don't like living in the sea."

"But sooner or later I will return to Modo Country."

Lan Shuang pierced Ross's dream in a low voice, and the light in Ross' eyes quickly dimmed.

"Would you like to come with me?"

Lan Shuang reached out and touched his long silver-white hair.

Rose's eyes lit up again instantly: "Yes!"

Lan Shuang laughed: "Okay, when I find a way to go back, I will take you home."

"You sit—"

Luo Si took Lan Shuang's hand and asked her to sit down on the beach. He hung her clothes on the treetops to dry, and then sat down on the beach against a boulder, letting Lan Shuang lie on her fish tail.

"I'll brush your hair."

Lan Shuang lay down obediently, and felt Ross' fingers slowly passing through her long hair, combing it little by little.

The force was gentle, with rustling rubbing sound, which made Lan Shuang drowsy, "Loss, why are you so nice to me?"

First rescued her, then took her to his own island, and combed her hair. If it was love at first sight, it would be too fast, wouldn't it?

Ross paused, panic flashed in his eyes, and his face turned crimson, "Because... because you are fine."

"Really?" Lan Shuang gave a low laugh, found a more comfortable position to nest in his arms, and closed her eyes under the warm sunlight.

After a while, probably listening to Lan Shuang's breathing calm down, Ross withdrew his hand and looked at her intently.


He traced the outline of Lan Shuang with his fingers. She has blond hair that is more dazzling than the sun, fair skin, bright red lips, contrasting colors, and beautiful beauty. The more Rose looks at her, the more she likes them.

But he was a little guilty. It was the first time he had lied just now.

He didn't save Lan Shuang because she was good, but he was making a wish at that time, hoping that the sea god would give him a companion so that he would no longer be lonely and could listen to him.

Unexpectedly, Lan Shuang fell from the sky like this. At that moment, he felt that the sea god heard his prayer and gave him such a beautiful pearl.

However, he didn't realize until he got on the water that she was human, not a mermaid, not bestowed by the sea god, but she was in danger.

The moment he knew the truth, he was a little lost, but it didn't matter, she fell into his arms, this was his destiny.

Ross's eyes darkened slightly, and a meaningful smile appeared on his lips.


Lan Shuang was really tired. She slept until dark. When she opened her eyes, Rose was no longer there. She was lying alone in the dark cave.



She yelled twice but no one answered, Lan Shuang was a little strange: "Where's the fish?"

Something slipped as she stood up, and looking down, it was a huge leaf.

Ross should have built it for her.

She stretched her waist, straddled the leaves and walked out. The sky was full of stars outside the cave, crowding each other, illuminating the snow-white beach not far away.

The sea becomes more and more stable at night, and the sound of waves is only occasionally disturbed by the wind.

The moonlight is like shark yarn, spread on the sea surface, like a gentle quilt, sparkling with broken light as the waves rise and fall.

Lan Shuang couldn't help but stare straight, "The beauty of nature is indeed incomparable to any photos and videos. Only when you are in the scene can you know the shock."

"Lan Shuang."

A deep and hoarse voice came from the sea. Lan Shuang looked down and saw Ross jumping up from the water. The silver fish tail drew an afterimage in the air, and finally landed lightly on the beach.

He walked against the moon, holding a fish in one hand.

"Are you going to catch fish?" Lan Shuang took two quick steps to meet her, and Ross nodded with a smile: "Well, I'm afraid you're hungry."

After talking about what he thought of, he said hesitantly, "You humans don't eat raw fish, do you?"

"It's okay, you can roast it with fire."

Lan Shuang walked into the woods, and came out holding a bunch of dry branches in a short while. She knelt down to set up the branches, then moved her fingers deftly, whispering something in her mouth, and a cluster of flames flew from her fingertips When it went out, it fell on the branch and burned up.

Ross looked at her in surprise: "You know magic?"

(End of this chapter)

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