Chapter 172 This Mermaid Is Not Pure 5
Lan Shuang took the pulp, put down the one in her hand, and smelled it curiously, "Well, it's really fragrant."

The taste is a bit like lemons and oranges, but with a little bit of bitterness. The pulp is different from lemons, but it looks like it on the outside, but it is white inside!
Seeing that she couldn't hold it still, Ross thought she didn't know how to do it, so he walked behind Lan Shuang, put his hands on the back of Lan Shuang's hand, and with a little force, the veins on the back of the hand bulged clearly, looking very sexy.

Lan Shuang couldn't help but take a second look, and then she felt that the pulp in her palm was squeezed out, and accompanied by the strange sound of water, the white liquid smeared her hand.

Lan Shuang: "..."

This scene is so weird no matter how you look at it!

Ross was serious. He held Lanshuang's hand and kneaded it carefully, and applied the white juice to Lanshuang's hand, then took her to the water to wash it. After washing, he held Lanshuang's hand He lowered his head and smelled it, smiled and said, "It's very fragrant."

Lan Shuang: "..."

She raised her hand and smelled it, and there was indeed no fishy smell at all, with a faint citrus and bitter aroma, and it was smooth and tender, without the slightest sense of stagnation.

"What kind of fruit is this? It's amazing."

Ross was silent for a while and said, "I don't know. I found it when I was playing in the woods. There is no pulp, and it's full of water, so I can't eat it."

"Can't eat it?" Lan Shuang picked up one and peeled off the skin, then asked hesitantly, "Is it poisonous?"

Ross shook his head, and was about to speak, when Lan Shuang hugged and gnawed a mouthful, and then his whole face turned green.

"Bah, bah, bah—why is it so bitter?"

Looking at her wrinkled face, Ross couldn't help laughing, the laughter was clearer and brighter, and it was very nice.

Lan Shuang glanced at him resentfully, threw the fruit aside, turned around and walked towards the fire, turned the two fish over, and evenly sprinkled the seasoning on them.

The aroma of barbecue soon wafted out.

Then I heard a "grunt".

Lan Shuang: "?"

She raised her eyebrows and looked at Ross, who looked away a little embarrassedly, and Lan Shuang's eyes fell on his flat abdominal muscles, "Hungry?"

Ross turned back and nodded honestly: "Yes."

Lan Shuang smiled and waved: "Come here and wait, it will be fine in a while."

Ross moved over slowly. He was a mermaid, and he was still sensitive to fire. He just sat far away in a safe range, with his tail submerged in sea water.

Both of them stopped talking and watched the burning flame quietly.

The island is peaceful, there are no wild animals, only tiny insects singing summer night songs, accompanied by the sea breeze.

The call of the waves came from a distance, and Lan Shuang's heart suddenly became peaceful.

Far from modern high technology, it is a rare experience to come to this primitive island to grill fish.

If it was only her, she would feel very lonely and uneasy, but now that there is a fish with a glowing tail by her side, it doesn't seem to matter.

She wrapped her arms around her legs, resting her chin on her knees, and looked sideways at Ross.

Ross also looked at her. Through the jumping firelight, his face looked a little warmer, not as unearthly as it looked during the day, his green eyes were dyed gold, as beautiful and clean as an elf.

Lan Shuang smiled at him, then stretched out a hand to show his heart to him.

Lost was taken aback, looked down at his hand, and slowly raised it up, with a serious and clumsy movement, imitating Lan Shuang's way of putting his fingers together, showing a substandard heart.

Lan Shuang suddenly laughed, "You are so cute!"

Ross blinked: "Cute?"

"Well, I'm complimenting you." Lan Shuang turned the fish over and felt that it was almost cooked, so she took the fish off and put it on the big leaf on the side.

"Wait to dry, the temperature cools down and you can eat it."

Ross watched helplessly, and his stomach growled again.


The fish was very big, and the two of them would be full after eating one. Rose lay on the beach, half of his body was soaked in the sea water, his eyes were half closed, and he looked satisfied.

Lan Shuang pushed the branch aside, sat beside Ross, reached out and grabbed a strand of his hair and played with her fingertips, "Los, are you alone?"

Rose looked up at her: "Yeah." Then he shook his head: "Not anymore."

Lan Shuang looked down into his gentle eyes and suddenly understood, "Is it because of me?"

Ross pursed his lips and smiled shyly, "Yeah."

Lan Shuang patted his head: "May I teach you magic?"

"Why?" Ross asked puzzled.

"Because in this way you can protect yourself in the future." Lan Shuang inherited the memory of the original owner's previous life. There is a scene in it where Los was caught and bullied wantonly on the boat. He couldn't beat those people, so he had to be beaten. She Don't want this to happen again.

"You don't want me?" Ross's expression changed, and the end of his eyes drooped slightly, looking very sad.

"No! How could it be?"

Lan Shuang quickly patted his head to comfort him, "I can't be by your side all the time, I'll teach you magic, so that you will have an extra ability to protect yourself. When I go back, I may be busy. Many times I may not be able to take care of you, I am very afraid that you will get hurt."

She walked up to Ross, bent down and half-kneeled, hugged him and said in a low voice, "But I'm very selfish, I don't want to leave you here, I want to take you with me and let you stay by my side all the time, okay? "

Rose leaned on her shoulder, and slowly put his arms around her waist. It turned out that she thought so, it doesn't matter, she can be more selfish, and it is best to only see him alone in this life.

He hugged Lan Shuang tightly, his eyes fell on the dark sea and he said softly: "Okay, I will study hard, and I will definitely not cause you trouble, and you don't leave me."

"I won't leave you behind." Lan Shuang hugged and comforted the sensitive little mermaid for a while, then sat down and explained some basic magic principles to the little mermaid.

The little mermaid looked at her intently with those clean and pure eyes, and listened carefully.

Lan Shuang taught him the two most basic magics, fire control and water control, both of which were learned very well by Los, Lan Shuang boasted generously: "You are very talented, maybe God didn't give you a strong body, just because Have you filled up your magic skills?"

Ross looked at his hands, "Is that so?"

Feeling the surging magic power in his body, he lowered his eyes silently.

"Yeah." Lan Shuang yawned, stood up and stretched her waist, and said, "Come on, you can hit ten of them once you finish practicing, and you will be the most beautiful boy among the mermaids in the future! I'll sleep first... "

When she yawned, she wept, round tears that slid down and landed on the back of Rose's hand.

Ross froze for a moment, then raised his head to stare at Lan Shuang's face, and when the other one was about to fall, he suddenly leaned forward and kissed it gently.

Lan Shuang: "!"

 Simple mermaid? no simple
(End of this chapter)

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