Chapter 173 This Mermaid Is Not Pure 6
Lan Shuang was stunned, "You..."

Ross pursed his lips and tasted it, then tilted his head and said, "Salty."

Lan Shuang couldn't laugh or cry: "It must be salty, why are you eating it?"

Ross said seriously: "You can't cry, it will turn into beads and it will hurt."

Lan Shuang reacted for a while, and realized that he had misunderstood again. She grabbed Ross's hand and put it under her eyes. s eyes.

Lan Shuang blinked lightly, and the slender eyelashes slid across his fingertips, "My tears will not turn into pearls. I am a human being. It doesn't hurt when I cry. Of course, I cry too much." It hurts, but it’s okay to shed two tears at ordinary times, so don’t be afraid.”

Ross was silent for a while, nodded as if accepting what she said.

"Let's go, go to bed." Lan Shuang let go of Rose's hand, stood up and walked towards the cave. Although it is summer, it will still feel cold after staying at sea for a long time.

She has magic to keep out the cold, and she feels all right.

Ross followed her into the cave, and Lan Shuang used magic to conjure a luminous bead suspended in mid-air to illuminate it.

She looked at the place where she slept before, and she laid several layers of thick leaves. She stretched comfortably on it, pulled up the big leaves to cover herself, and turned her head to look at Ross: "You won't be here. What do you think?"

Ross shook his head: "This is very close to the sea, I can go back anytime."

"it is good."

Hearing what he said, Lan Shuang didn't ask any more questions, and closed her eyes quietly to sleep.

Ross stood by the side, and waited until Lan Shuang was breathing steadily and fell asleep, then he slowly moved over, lay down next to Lan Shuang, hugged her head, and let her sleep on his tail.


In the next few days, Lan Shuang wandered around the island, and found a red-skinned fruit besides the yellow fruit that Rose gave her. The juice was sweet and delicious, just to quench her thirst and satiate her stomach.

There is also a kind of grass, which emits a faint fragrance when dried, and can be used as a mattress and clothes in caves.

Lan Shuang had a large area in the sun, and moved to the cave at night, where it was warm and comfortable to lie on.

Ross followed her every day, watching her do these things, even if she didn't speak, she could watch her for a day just by doing this.

Fearing that he would be bored, Lan Shuang taught him a bunch of magic spells, wrote them on the beach, and asked him to practice.

Rose is also obedient. Apart from eating, sleeping and playing in the water every day, he practices magic. When he is tired, he swims in the water for a few laps, catches a few fish, and lets Lan Shuang roast and eat them.

The two spent almost a month on the island like this, and Lan Shuang felt uncomfortable when she saw the fish afterwards.

No matter how delicious they are, they can't be eaten every day, but fortunately, according to the clues of the system, there will be ships passing by in the next few days, and they can be taken away.

In the evening of this day, the setting sun was reflected on the sea surface, dyed a piece of orange red, and shattered into a beautiful scene with the sea breeze.

Sitting on the boulder, Lan Shuang gently brushed her long golden curly hair. In the distant sea, a silver-white mermaid swam happily, jumping out of the water from time to time, showing off his vigorous figure.

The water droplets hung on his body, but it was like an embellishment. When the sun shines on it, it reflects colorful colors.

Lan Shuang looked at it for a while and raised her hand to beckon, and shouted happily: "Loss—"

Ross immediately dived into the water, swam back quickly, stopped in front of the boulder, surfaced, reached out and brushed his long hair, the silver-white long hair hung down obediently behind his head, revealing his plump and clean Forehead, after being washed with water, there was a wet light on the face, like beautiful jade emerging from water, delicate and flawless.

"Lan Shuang." Luo Si's red lips parted lightly, and his clear eyes slightly bent, like a jar of vintage wine, a little opening is enough to make people intoxicated.

Lan Shuang instantly covered her heart, it was so beautiful!

Regardless of gender or gender, he is just the embodiment of beauty, and anyone who sees it will be captured by him.

"Are you happy?" Lan Shuang stretched out his hand, and Luo Si put his hand up, and propped his other hand on the boulder, and with a leap, he landed firmly beside Lan Shuang.

His long fish tail swung in the air. After shaking the water dry, he chanted a spell in a low voice with a charming voice, a soft light flashed, and Ross's tail instantly became slender and straight. human legs.

This process was a little painful, but it was still within the tolerable range. Rose didn't change his face, but tightened his hands slightly.

"Why do you suddenly have legs?"

Lan Shuang looked at him suspiciously. She had given this magic to Ross a long time ago. After all, if she wanted to go back with her, it would definitely not work to appear as a mermaid all the time. It would be much more convenient to become a human.

And there is no such thing as turning into a bubble, it just needs a certain amount of magical power to support it, otherwise it will be difficult for him to maintain it. At first he could only maintain it for a few minutes, ten minutes.

After a month, he has made rapid progress and can last for a day.

Lan Shuang skillfully closed her eyes, and opened them only after Ross put on the trousers she modified with her own big skirt.

"I want to hold you."

After speaking, Ross sat behind Lan Shuang, with his two long legs casually resting on both sides of Lan Shuang's body.

The whole person held Lan Shuang tightly in his arms, and his chin rested on the top of her head.

This was a possessive and protective posture, but Lan Shuang was blinded by his harmless appearance, and didn't notice anything wrong, only thought he was acting like a baby again.

"You are more and more proficient in using magic now." Lan Shuang leaned back into his arms, looked at the sunset not far away, and said with a smile.

Ross responded in a low voice: "Because you want me to study hard, so I practice every day."

"En." Lan Shuang touched his hand, and was about to encourage him, when she suddenly saw a black spot in the distance, and the black spot kept coming here, getting bigger and bigger as it got closer.

Lan Shuang stood up suddenly, "There is a boat coming!"

She stood excitedly on the boulder, the ship was indeed coming this way, and it was very fast.


She suddenly raised her arm and waved it vigorously, "Here!"

Ross's eyes darkened, and he finally came. Are you going to leave here?

He looked up at Lan Shuang's excited side face silently, stretched out his hand to hold Lan Shuang's other hand without saying a word, and clasped his fingers tightly with her.

Sensing the strength in his hands, Lan Shuang paused, looked down and said with a smile, "Loss, we can go home now!"

She said "we".

Los was taken aback, then laughed: "Well, go home."

Go home with Lan Shuang.

"Help us! HELP!"

Lan Shuang shouted and waved, and finally attracted the attention of the people on board. A sailor was watching with a telescope, and found Lan Shuang and Ross on the stone, and said excitedly: "Captain! There are two people on the small island over there." !They're calling for help!"

"What?" The captain grabbed the binoculars and looked over, "Really, hurry up! Turn around and get closer to the island!"

(End of this chapter)

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