Chapter 174 This Mermaid Is Not Pure 7
It was only when the boat got close to Lan Shuang that she realized that it was not a small boat, but it was clearly a large cargo ship. When it stopped in front of her, she had to raise her head and try to widen her eyes to see the edge of a deck.

"Hi! My dear friends, how are you?"

The captain and the first mate stood on the deck holding onto the railing and waved at them vigorously!Excited as if seeing a loved one.

But from Lan Shuang's point of view, the height of these two people is a bit too subtle.

She hasn't eaten normal vegetables for a long time, and now these two people are like potatoes and eggplants strung on the railing in her eyes.

Especially the captain was wearing a brown jacket, and Eggplant... ahh, the first mate was wearing a purple blouse.

The two of them stand together inexplicably delicious.

Lan Shuang swallowed her saliva and waved her hand: "Hello, I'm Lan Shuang Modo, this is Luo Si, we accidentally fell into the sea and drifted to this deserted island, can you help us take us back? ? I will reward you generously!"

"Ah..." The bearded captain showed a very shocked expression, "How long have you been here?"

Lan Shuang stretched out a finger: "One month."

"Oh my God, you are amazing!" Said the captain immediately put down the rope ladder: "Come up, friends, I don't need your rewards, it's just a little effort!"

"Thank you!"

Lan Shuang immediately grabbed the rope ladder, but instead of going up, she looked at Ross first: "Let's go."

Ross nodded: "Okay."

He went up first, and when he was about to reach the deck, the captain and the first mate stretched out their hands to pull him, but he refused. After he stood firmly, he stretched out his hand to Lan Shuang below: "Come."

Lan Shuang smiled, and nimbly climbed up, the speed was extremely fast, the captain and first mate were dumbfounded.

"Wow, Miss Lan Shuang, you are so good! Have you ever practiced?"

The captain looked like a human figure, and before Lan Shuang could answer, he looked at Rose beside her and exclaimed in an exaggerated way: "Oh, my God! Sir, why are you so beautiful? Ah? It’s even more beautiful than the sun god! Looking at you, my heart is about to melt!"

Lan Shuang: "???"

Ross: "..."

The first officer raised his hand to cover his face, obviously feeling ashamed, he tugged at the corner of the captain's clothes underneath, and whispered in his ear: "Captain, don't you realize that they are a couple? What are you talking about?" daydream?"

Captain: "Huh?"

He glanced at the first mate, then turned his head to look at Lan Shuang and Luo Si, and found that they were holding hands tightly. Then he suddenly realized: "So he is your little sweetheart!"

As he spoke, he shook his head regretfully.

Lan Shuang: "..."

If you keep doing this we're going to jump ship!

Seeing that he was getting more and more out of tune, the first officer directly pushed the people away, and said to them with a smile: "Sorry, our captain has such a temper, and he has not been very smart since he was a child. Don't take what he said to heart. "

Lan Shuang also smiled and said, "It's okay, he's very enthusiastic."

The first officer laughed heartily: "It's windy here, let's talk in the cabin."


A group of people moved to a clean and bright restaurant, several sailors were moving things back and forth, and many people who had nothing to do stood not far away and looked at them.

"What did you say your name was?"

The first officer was interrupted by the captain just now, but he didn't ask any questions, and now he asked Lan Shuang again.

Lan Shuang brushed her long hair that was blown loose by the wind and said, "I am Lan Shuang Modo, the eldest princess of Modo Kingdom."

The first mate was surprised: "It's really the eldest princess? Didn't you already..."

"Already dead?" Lan Shuang asked with a smile, "Has the word spread outside?"

Ross, who had been sitting quietly beside her, frowned dissatisfied when he heard the word "death", held her hand and squeezed it, "You won't die."

"Of course I won't die, I'll still be with you." Lan Shuang pressed his palm reassuringly.

The first mate watched from the sidelines with gritty teeth, "cough... well, so what happened? Your maid ran back to the palace crying and said that you fell into the sea and disappeared. The captain sent sailors to retrieve it, but found nothing. , everyone agrees that you have passed away, and the king and queen are planning to make the second princess the heir apparent on her birthday."

Speaking of the latter, he lacked confidence and carefully observed Lan Shuang's expression.

However, Lan Shuang didn't show anger, jealousy, sadness and other emotions on her face.

She just nodded calmly: "Well, as expected, they probably waited for this day for a long time."

The first mate smiled sheepishly: "I didn't expect that the eldest princess is still alive. God bless me. It seems that their plan is about to fail."

"I am the legitimate heir to the throne. With me here, where would it be the second princess' turn?" Lan Shuang said neither humble nor overbearing, "And I didn't fall into the sea by myself."

"What do you mean?" The first mate frowned, and Ross' eyes became dangerous.

"It was my maid who pushed me down. She must have been bribed."

Lan Shuang recalled the proud face of the maid at that time, and couldn't help but sneered.

"It turned out to be like this!" The captain who came over slapped the table angrily, "It's too much!"

Lan Shuang smiled: "So when I go back this time, I want to get back my things. I will never forget your kindness."

The captain and the first mate looked at each other, shook their heads and said, "It's really just a matter of effort, Her Royal Highness, don't worry about it."

Lan Shuang didn't continue to say thank you, but asked: "Why are you here? No one goes in and out of this sea area all year round."


The captain and first mate suddenly laughed awkwardly, and Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows: "Could it be that you got lost?"

The captain laughed: "It is indeed lost, hahahahaha, we encountered a storm, and then we got dizzy and deviated from the original channel. We have been here for two days, and we still don't know where to go. Met you guys."

"Maybe it's fate." Lan Shuang laughed, "You are sent by God to save me."

"So do you know the way back?" The captain pinned his hopes on Lan Shuang and Ross.

Lan Shuang: "I..."

"I know."

Ross suddenly spoke, instantly attracting everyone's attention.

Lan Shuang looked at him in surprise: "You know?"

"En." He stared at Lan Shuang with those beautiful pure eyes, but didn't elaborate.

Lan Shuang noticed it, so she didn't ask any more questions, and said, "Loss knows the way back, let him tell the helmsman."

"That's great!"

The first officer got up immediately, "Please—"

Luo Si pulled Lan Shuang up, and followed the first officer to the deck. The captain asked someone to prepare food, and they just came back to eat after they and the helmsman explained.

 Do you like mermaids~
(End of this chapter)

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