Chapter 175 This Mermaid Is Not Pure 8
When eating, Ross was obviously not used to using human tableware, and subconsciously wanted to grab it with his hands. Seeing it, Lan Shuang picked up a knife and fork to cut open the steak in front of him, and fed it to his lips with the fork: "Eat like this. "

Ross looked at the steak dipped in sauce, and slightly opened his lips, and Lan Shuang fed it with a smile.

"Is it delicious?" Lan Shuang asked and cut a piece from her side to eat, "Well, it's not bad."

Rose stared at her fork thoughtfully, tried to pick up her own, and awkwardly tilted the steak.

"Ah..." He innocently looked at the fallen steak, then at Lan Shuang, "Am I stupid?"

Lan Shuang reassured: "No."

She touched Rose's head with the other hand, and fed him a piece of steak with a fork: "It's always like this the first time, just get used to it, and it doesn't matter if you don't get used to it, I can feed you."

Ross's eyes immediately filled with a smile: "Yeah."

The captain and first mate on the opposite side: "..."

First officer: "I'm a little full."

Captain: "I'm a little bit overwhelmed."


The meal ended in the endless dog food. After the meal, Lan Shuang and the captain went to see where they lived, and Ross sat there without moving.

The first officer asked him curiously: "Are you in a good relationship?"

Rose glanced at him, but said nothing.

The first mate frowned, "How did you meet? I remember that the eldest princess has a fiancé."

"Fiance?" Ross finally looked at the first mate, but his tone was indescribably cold.

The first mate couldn't help but leaned back. She was still a sweetheart in front of Lan Shuang just now, why did she become a frozen sweetheart now?
"Who is the fiancé?"

Rose's eyes sank, looking a little gloomy.

"I just heard that I don't remember who it is, but it should be a nobleman. After all, he will be a king's husband in the future, and his family background will definitely not be bad. You..." The first officer asked worriedly: "What are you doing?" Are you ready?"

"What?" Rose frowned.

"You and Your Royal Highness! She likes you very much now, and you like her very much, but she is destined not to be yours alone, and she can't even give you the position of the king's husband. You should not get too deep, I’m afraid it will be very difficult in the future.”

The first mate did it out of kindness. He could see that Ross was different from ordinary people. He was very simple in terms of worldly relationships, and even a little unable to take care of himself in life. He didn't know if such a person could come out completely after entering the palace.

Ross sat for a moment with a blank expression on his face, his slightly gloomy eyes did not fluctuate in any way, like a beautiful sculpture, lifeless and lifeless.

The first officer once wondered if he was dreaming, otherwise how could someone be so cold?
Just when he doubted himself, Luo Si suddenly moved. He stood up, and his temperament softened instantly, as if stepping into the light, "Lan Shuang."

The first mate turned around and saw Lan Shuang and the captain walking in side by side. Lan Shuang smiled and said to Ross: "I asked the captain to find us two clothes. I don't fit them well. You should be fine. Go and try them on." ?”

Rose walked up to her, held her hand, and nodded obediently: "Okay."

Lan Shuang nodded to the first officer: "First officer, let's go first, good night."

The first mate said in a daze, "Oh, good, good night."

Until the figures of the two disappeared at the end of the corridor, the captain slapped the first mate's shoulder suddenly: "What's wrong with you, are you out of your mind?"

"Ah?" The first mate came back to his senses, thinking of the contrast between Ross in front of himself and Lan Shuang, he couldn't help shaking his head with emotion, "I was thinking that my worry might be unnecessary, who would be eaten to death Not sure yet."

Captain: "Oh, you mean Her Royal Highness and her little sweetheart? You worry too much."

He sat down and poured himself a glass of wine and said, "Do you know what Her Royal Highness asked me to go out alone just now?"

"What?" the first mate was puzzled.

"She said that when she gets back the throne and gets married to Ross, she hopes we can bless them."

The first officer was shocked: "Is she so confident?"

The captain drank all the wine in the glass with a smile: "I think it's good that she is like this. Our Mordo country needs a strong and confident king, not those guys who only make tricks."

The first officer was stunned for a moment, then nodded in agreement: "That's true."

"Let's wait and see, I think life in the future will be very interesting."


Lan Shuang and Rose were arranged in the same room, because the number of rooms on the ship was really limited, and this was the only one with decent conditions.

It's just that Rose felt a little strange falling asleep, and didn't fall asleep in the middle of the night.

He turned over to look at Lan Shuang, but Lan Shuang suddenly reached out to hug him and patted his back for fear.

"Aren't you used to changing places?"

Her voice was muffled, a little sleepy and sticky, and it sounded like she was being coquettish.

Ross couldn't help hugging the person into his own words, "Well, I'm not used to it."

"It's okay, I'm here. We won't be able to stay on the boat for a few days. It will be fine when we get back to the palace. There is a big bathtub in my palace and a large lake. If you feel uncomfortable in the bed, we can also play in the water." ..."

Lan Shuang was very sleepy, and as he spoke, his voice became lower and lower, and it became more and more blurred, but Ross could still hear him clearly. He lowered his head and kissed Lan Shuang on the forehead and said, "Well, as long as I talk to you Together, everything is fine."

Lan Shuang didn't know if she heard these words, her breathing gradually stabilized, and her body softened.

Rose slowly closed his eyes, as long as he doesn't leave him, he can do anything.

Thinking of what the first mate said about his fiancé and why he wouldn't be the only one, a sneer appeared on Rose's lips. He could turn "no" into "yes", and it was impossible for him to share his treasure with anyone.

He only has her, and she can only have him.

If someone dared to snatch it... the magical power in Ross's body surged, and his eyes turned red!

Lan Shuang, who was sleeping, noticed something, and shrank into his arms uneasy. Ross woke up immediately, hugged her tightly, and said, "It's okay, go to sleep."


Afterwards, they spent a very relaxed and happy week on board. With the captain, a man with a big heart, the ship was always full of laughter.

Lanshuang doesn't have the airs of a princess, and often discusses sailing issues with sailors, or where the fish are the most.

After a week, everyone on board became familiar with Lan Shuang, and they liked this generous and cheerful princess very much.

Similarly, they also want to get close to Ross, but Ross only has a smiling face when facing Lan Shuang, so they can only dispel their interest in Ross.

On Monday evening, their ship finally sailed into the port. Lan Shuang stepped off the ship surrounded by Ross and the captain's mate, and shouted to the patrolling people not far away: "General Louis."

(End of this chapter)

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