Chapter 176 This Mermaid Is Not Pure 9
General Louis led the soldiers on a routine patrol. When he heard someone calling him, he immediately looked up impatiently. He thought it was another ship fighting, but it turned out to be a Goldilocks?
He froze for a moment, and the soldiers behind him whispered and joked, "Hey, that girl looks very punctual!"

"She's calling the general's name, can't she be one of the general's lovers?"

"Wow, that blond hair is so beautiful! General, why don't you hurry over there?"

Amidst the booing of the soldiers, Louis almost lost himself. He straightened the collar of his military uniform and walked over quickly.

"My dear lady, I beg you—ho!"

Louis strode over, thinking that he was walking very gracefully, like a male peacock courting a mate, but when he got a closer look, he was immediately dumbfounded.

Lan Shuang's face was slightly stiff, and then she said with a sneer, "Is General Louis feeling uncomfortable in his legs recently? He often walks by the sea, so he should pay more attention and be careful of rheumatism."

Louis: "..."

Ross took a step forward and stood side by side with Lan Shuang, looked at Louis a few times indistinctly, his eyes stayed on his beard for a moment, and then calmly moved away.

Well, Lan Shuang will definitely not like it when it grows like this, the crisis is over.

Louis didn't know that he wandered around the gate of hell for a while. He quickly knelt down on one knee, clenched his right hand into a fist and put it on his heart. He lowered his head respectfully and said, "I have seen Her Royal Highness."

The soldiers at the back gasped and froze in place. When Lan Shuang raised her eyes and glanced over, they reacted agitatedly and hurriedly knelt down to salute: "I have seen Your Highness the Princess!"

Seeing this posture, the people on the port immediately stopped what they were doing and were about to kneel down.

Lan Shuang calmly raised her hand, and said in a moderate voice, "Excuse me."

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

Louis stood up and looked at Lan Shuang excitedly and ashamedly: "His Royal Highness still remembers my name?"

Lan Shuang smiled: "Naturally, the Louis family has guarded the border security of the Mordo Kingdom for generations. They are great heroes. How could I not recognize the general?"

Louis was very moved when he heard the words, and looked at Lan Shuang gratefully: "It is my honor to be appreciated by Your Highness! Louis is willing to serve Your Highness the Princess!"

Lan Shuang smiled and said nothing, 888 was extremely curious, "Host, I didn't give you his information, how did you recognize him?"

Lan Shuang: "You didn't give it, but it was mentioned in the original owner's memory that the ports and borders are controlled by the Louis family. It doesn't matter if I don't know him. I don't know his name, but as long as I know his last name is Louis All right."


"Besides, just as soon as I yelled, he came over. It can be seen that he is indeed from the Louis family, so there is no problem with what I said, except that I don't know his name."

888: "Host, is the mind contagious? Jiang Lusheng's mind has been transferred to you, right?"

Lan Shuang paused when she heard the words, then smiled slowly, "Maybe so."

That's why the little mermaid in this life is so innocent.

Thinking of her turning around and looking at Ross beside him, Ross was looking at her with good eyes. Seeing her looking over, he thought he had been caught peeping, and instantly blushed, and hastily looked away.

After Louis was excited, his brain turned again. Seeing Lan Shuang wearing a strange outfit with arms and legs exposed, he frowned: "Didn't Her Royal Highness die already? Why did she come back with the merchant ship?"

Maybe because he felt that his question was a bit sharp, he immediately made amends: "I mean, can I do something for His Highness?"

"The death is just a rumor. I did fall into the sea, but I was saved by Ross and stayed on the desert island for a month."

Lan Shuang showed a bit of sadness on her face, and Louis immediately said pitifully, "Your Highness is suffering."

"I'll send someone to send a message to the king and queen in a while. They are also very sad during this time. If they know that His Highness is back, they will be very happy!"

"Happy?" Lan Shuang chuckled, "Maybe."

It is not certain whether the king is happy or not, and the queen is definitely not. Maybe she will send someone to kill her. However, if they don't do it, how can she expose their true colors?

"Then Your Highness, come back with me first, and take a good night's rest after washing up. I will personally send His Highness back to the palace tomorrow."

Lan Shuang nodded: "There is General Louis."

"This one..." Louis looked at Los, who was beside Lan Shuang, and asked hesitantly, "How should I arrange it?"

"He's with me."

Regardless of the eyes of everyone present, Lan Shuang directly held Ross's hand and said, "He is my savior and my future husband, so there is no need for special arrangements."

The word "husband" fell into Ross' ears, and he suddenly laughed, as bright as the most dazzling jewel on the Sea God's Throne.

Louis and all the soldiers shook their heads.

"Okay, then please come with me, Your Highness—"

Louis turned to lead the way, and Lan Shuang said, "Wait a moment."

She looked at the captain and the first mate, waved at them and said, "I'm going back first, we'll meet again when we have a chance."

"Okay, Your Highness, go slowly!"

The captain laughed heartily, and the sailors stood in a row on the deck, waving at them reluctantly.

Lan Shuang smiled and bowed, "Goodbye, my friends."

Those who witnessed this scene couldn't help but sigh, is the eldest princess so approachable?


Louis settled Lanshuang and Rose in a high-end hotel in the small town, and soldiers surrounded the hotel to protect their safety.

"How did Your Highness fall into the sea?" Louis looked at Lan Shuang who was sitting across from him and had changed into a beautiful dress, and his tone couldn't help being respectful.

A man depends on clothes, and a beauty also depends on dressing up. Putting on a grand golden red dress and pulling up her long hair, even without a crown, Lan Shuang's momentum is compelling enough.

Now she is more like a high-ranking princess than when she first saw her.

Ross also changed into a silver-white suit, looking handsome and melancholic, like those painters who have not lived for a long time.

The two of them sat together, which was simply pleasing to the eye. Louis looked at Lan Shuang for a while, and Ross for a while, feeling that his two eyeballs were not enough.

"Originally, this matter has not been investigated clearly. I shouldn't say it, but the Louis family has always been loyal. I believe in General Louis, so I don't intend to hide it from you. I didn't slip into the water, but was pushed down."

"What?!" Louis widened his eyes in disbelief: "Who is it?"

Luo Si also looked at Lan Shuang, with a faint darkness in his eyes.

Lan Shuang lowered her eyes, "It's my maid——Daixi."

"How come..." Louis murmured, "Who is trying to harm His Highness?"

 It's been three nights lately, so it's not too much to be so diligent about asking for a ticket, right?
(End of this chapter)

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