Chapter 177 This Mermaid Is Not Simple 10 (Third)
Lan Shuang sighed: "If I say it, there is no evidence, and people may think that I am slandering them, but in fact, there are only a handful of people who want to harm me, an unfavored princess, and my existence only hinders them." The way of the one or two people."

Louis is not a fool either. When she said this, he immediately realized: "You mean... Wang—"

As soon as he was about to say it, Lan Shuang raised her hand to stop him, her eyes were cold and stern: "General, misfortune comes out of your mouth, it's better not to say it casually."

Louis blinked, frightened for a while.

"That's right." He smiled mischievously, "There is really no evidence to say."

Rose suddenly said: "Then let them go like this?"

Lan Shuang sneered: "How is it possible? I didn't think about fighting for anything. I just wanted to live my life well, but some people bully others too much. If I just give up like this, wouldn't it be cheaper for them?"

She clenched her hand and said, "I am the orthodox princess of Morduo, the heir to the throne. Do you want to succeed me? Dreaming."

Louis pursed his lips, "Then what does His Highness plan to do?"

"I will not implicate General Louis. Your family has been loyal to the emperor for generations and has never participated in partisan disputes. I understand that, so I said this not to win you over, but to let you protect us along the way. Only I am safe. Only when we return to the palace can we compete with them."

Louis felt a little indescribable when he heard the words. Looking at the slender and fragile princess who was several years younger than him, and the ambition, unwillingness and trust in her eyes, he suddenly felt a heavy burden on his shoulders. .

The sense of responsibility and justice that belonged to a soldier made him unable to sit idly by. He stood up and put his heels together, raised his hands and gave a standard military salute and said, "Please rest assured, Your Highness, Louis is determined to protect your safety to the death!"

"Then thank you General."

Lan Shuang stood up and held up the hem of her skirt to salute.


When he returned to the room, Luo Si walked behind Lan Shuang, out of his mind, he didn't notice when Lan Shuang stopped, and bumped straight into her.

Lan Shuang turned around and hugged the man, raised her feet against the door panel and closed the door, then hugged Luo Si's waist and pressed the man against the door panel, looked up at him and asked, "What are you thinking? You don't seem very happy?"

Ross looked down at her for a moment, then suddenly hugged her tightly into his arms, as if he wanted to melt her into his own flesh and blood.

"Did they all bully you?"

"Why should Louis protect? I can protect you too."

"I don't like that you talk so much to others, and you don't pay much attention to me."

His voice was extremely low, and his breath was blowing in Lan Shuang's ears, with unspeakable grievances, like a small hook, firmly hooking Lan Shuang's heart.

Only then did Lan Shuang realize that her little mermaid was jealous.

She touched Rose's face dumbfounded, and finally rested her fingertips on the end of Rose's eyes, and said softly: "I used to have a very bad life in the palace. At that time, my mother passed away, and my heart was ashamed, so I don't want to fight." I don’t want to grab it, just make do with it, I feel like there’s no point in doing anything, but it’s different now, after dying once, I suddenly don’t want to let it go, it’s mine, I want to hold it firmly in my hands, power is it, and so is you. "

Ross was taken aback: "Me?"

"Yes, you." Lan Shuang suddenly leaned forward and kissed Ross's lips, and said, "You are an unexpected surprise to me. You are as beautiful as the Creator's favorite masterpiece. If I don't have enough ability, what should I do?" protect you?"

Ross' long eyelashes trembled, and waves appeared in his eyes.

"I can protect you." He rubbed Lan Shuang's face with his face affectionately and reliantly.

Lan Shuang shrank her neck itchyly, raised her hands to hold his face, and looked at him intently: "But I want to protect you."

Ross: "..."

He fixedly looked at his small reflection in Lan Shuang's eyes, and suddenly felt an unspeakable satisfaction.

"it is good."

She wants to play the weak side, so let her go, as long as she is happy.

Lost lowered his eyes, held Lan Shuang's hand, placed it on his heart, leaned over and kissed, "I want to kiss."

Lan Shuang raised her hand to cover his lips, and said under his aggrieved gaze: "Also, I can't avoid talking to others. There will be many such times in the future. You have to adapt. I will be the king in the future. You have to face many ministers every day, if you are jealous all of them, can you handle it? You must not kill yourself first?"

Ross pecked her palm and said vaguely, "But I just don't feel well."

Lan Shuang sighed, and said helplessly: "Be confident, Ross, your mentality is unhealthy. If you like it, you will want to monopolize it. Everyone is the same, but the strength of monopoly can be controlled. You can't let yourself go." Emotions, it’s not only going to hurt me, it’s going to hurt yourself.”

Ross looked at her blankly, as if hearing this point of view for the first time.

"I like you, there is no doubt, and you are anxious because of this, it may be because my liking was not obvious enough, and I didn't give you enough sense of security. This is my fault. I will love you more in the future, and you Give me a little more trust, give yourself a little more confidence."

She rubbed Rose's lips with her hand, and said sincerely: "I like you, no one can take away my love for you. Similarly, I believe you like me, so I never worry that you will like someone else."

This sentence hit the heart of the heart, directly poking into Rose's weakness.

He stared at Lan Shuang for a long time, so long that Lan Shuang felt her neck was sore, she took the lead to look away, but the next moment she felt dizzy.


She wrapped her arms around Rose's neck in a panic, and Rose picked her up and threw her on the bed, holding her face and kissing her.

At the beginning, it was just lightly grinding and testing, kissing and licking like a kitten, it was very greasy.

Lan Shuang's lips were itchy, and she couldn't help laughing, "That's not how you kiss."

Ross raised his head in doubt, his lips were bright red and moist, and his white and sharp teeth were exposed when he opened and closed, "Isn't it right?"

Lan Shuang held down his neck, put her legs around his waist, and turned over with her ingenuity, pressing Ross under her body.

She smiled and said, "Shall I teach you?"

Ross nodded obediently, "Okay."

When Lan Shuang looked into his eyes, she always had a sense of guilt for abducting an angel, but it was also a deadly temptation to drag the holy angel into hell.

She, Lostton's eyes widened.

Seeing his innocent reaction, Lan Shuang couldn't help laughing in a low voice, and then gradually deepened.

When the love was strong, Lan Shuang felt that enough was enough, but unexpectedly, just as she backed away a little, she was pressed back by someone pressing her waist.

"I learned."

Ross's voice was a little hoarse, making it even more charming, "Your Highness, will you accept it?"

At this moment, Lan Shuang felt in a trance that it was Jiang Lusheng who was speaking. The familiar tone made her lose her mind, and then she missed the best time to defend.

Tonight, she is destined to become a captive of ambitious people.

 He is black, he is black!
(End of this chapter)

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