Chapter 178 This Mermaid Is Not Pure 11
This night, some people were lingering to death, and some people woke up in a dream.

When the first ray of sunlight fell on the highest point of the Modo King's Palace, the bell tower rang a heavy and long bell.

The maids moved in an orderly manner, carrying various things into the queen's bedroom, and were kicked out the next second.

Celia woke up from the nightmare, sat on the bed and kept dressing rough, her eyes widened, and she didn't recover for a long time. The maid who broke in was as quiet and orderly as usual, but it still stimulated her sensitive nerves. On rare occasions she lost her temper and told them to get out, but even then she felt uncomfortable.

Her heart seemed to be jumping out so fast, she pressed the position on her heart: "After dying for so long, the ghost still lingers..."

She let out a breath slowly, lifted the quilt and stood up, and changed into a delicate and expensive skirt by herself.

However, just as she put on her coat, there were hurried and chaotic footsteps outside. She frowned, and just when she was about to reprimand them for being unruly, she heard a familiar voice.

"Is the queen in there? Not up yet?"

It was her brother, Dussillon, the Chancellor of the Exchequer.

"I'm up, brother, come in."

Celia yelled in the room, and then the door of the bedroom was pushed open. Du Xilun, who was wearing a tall and luxurious uniform, walked in with a sullen face, glanced at Celia, and said angrily, "Something happened."

"What's the matter?" Celia's heart sank suddenly.

Du Xilun closed the door and walked in, whispering: "Lan Shuang is not dead, she came back with the merchant ship, appeared at Sunset Port, was rescued by General Louis, and will return to the capital soon!"

"What?!" Celia was shocked, and quickly asked: "Why didn't you die? Didn't you tell me that you had fallen into the sea? Since you fell into the sea, how could you come back alive? Didn't you say it was safe? "

Du Xilun's face turned darker, and his own skin color was not fair. At this time, he looked like a burnt pot, which made his already unattractive face even worse.

"You are starting to question me now? Didn't you beg me to find a way back then? How do I know that her life is so bad? A normal person must have died long ago if he fell into the sea."

After finishing speaking, Du Xilun grabbed a handful of his hair: "Now is not the time to worry about this. If she came back alive, she must be the one who asked her to punish her. We have to find a way to kill that woman!"

He made a knife gesture and wiped his neck hard.

Celia was stunned for a moment, and then calmed down, "Yes, we can't keep her as a hidden danger, but now she has taken the money and left the capital, where can we find our people?"

"We can always find it." Du Xilun said, "It doesn't matter if we can't find it temporarily. She and Lan Shuang will always die. If one dies, we can sit back and relax."

His eyes were full of vicious light.

Celia couldn't help taking a step back, and remained silent for a while. Seeing her hesitating, Du Xilun immediately took a step closer and said temptingly, "What are you still hesitating about? You were the one who wanted to kill before, why. Now that she's not dead, you'll regret it." ? Let me tell you, Celia, there is no regret medicine to take, we are already wrong on the side of God, even if you stop now, you will not go to heaven, so why not enjoy the good time in the world?"

"I..." Celia paused, eyes confused.

Du Xilun said again: "If you retreat now and Lan Shuang inherits the throne, what will happen to you and Sisi?"

This sentence hit Celia's weakness. She gritted her teeth and said, "You're right, anyway, it's already like this. If we don't want to die, let her go!"

As she said that, she looked at Du Xilun, "This time, we must do it thoroughly. Even if it fails, we must not leave anything behind!"

"Don't worry, I understand."


It was too late when the king received the news. Du Xilun had already sent someone to assassinate Lan Shuang, so he knew that his eldest daughter was not dead.

Celia sat at the dining table, sipped the red wine gracefully and said, "Your Majesty heard about Lan Shuang, right? She's back?"

The king said angrily, "Yes, she is back. Louis sent her back. Since she is not dead, what are you doing outside? I wonder if everyone is worried? You are not polite."

Seeing the king's disgusted expression, Celia's heart fell to the ground, and she wiped her mouth with a handkerchief to cover up the smile on her lips. The king still didn't like Lan Shuang as always, which was very uncomfortable for her. favorable.

She sighed and said, "Maybe Lan Shuang also has some difficulties? How can a good boy ignore the feelings of his relatives? Just like the last time His Majesty fell ill, Sisi was so worried that he couldn't eat for a few days. I just went to see you, I think Lan Shuang must be the same, it's just that she is not good at expressing."

She didn't mention it, but when she mentioned the king, she remembered that when she was sick, only Lan Sisi waited on her bedside, and Lan Shuang didn't know where she was fooling around.

He suddenly became angry, threw the fork in his hand and said angrily: "What's the reason for her? She is a princess, as long as she is willing, there are many people who want to serve her. She clearly did it on purpose! She is with her." Am I angry? Hehe, she thinks I will pay attention to her because of this, she thinks beautifully!"

Wang Wangqi's chest heaved and heaved, his face flushed red, "I originally planned to send someone to meet her, but now...heh, let her come back by herself!"

Celia pretended to persuade a few more words, and her heart was already happy.

Without the king's participation, their assassination would have gone much smoother.

Taking a ten thousand step back, so what if Lan Shuang came back?She has already lost the king's trust and love, and the king has the final say in this country. As long as the king gives an order to let Lan Sisi succeed to the throne, it is useless for Lan Shuang to cry blind!

The weather in Mordo Country is very changeable. When we set off in the morning, the sky was still clear, but at noon, it became cloudy after a disagreement, and the wind made people blind.

It was very difficult for the team to move forward. Louis got off his horse, went to the side of the carriage and asked Lan Shuang in the carriage, "Princess, the wind is really strong, and it's going to rain soon. Let's find a place to take shelter first?"

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, you are tired after walking for so long, please find a shelter from the wind and take a good rest."

Lan Shuang said through the curtain.

Louis nodded: "Okay."

He turned his head and told the soldiers: "Go and station at the foot of the mountain ahead!"


A group of people quickly moved towards the direction of the valley. This valley was just leeward, and the pressure was much less once they entered.

Louis directed everyone to a flat, treeless place, took out camping supplies and quickly set up a canopy. He also collected some dry branches and set them up to light a fire.

Lan Shuang and Luo Si walked out together. After standing still, Lan Shuang subconsciously gathered her collar to cover up some traces.

(End of this chapter)

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