Chapter 179 This Mermaid Is Not Pure 12
The tightly bundled white golden age made Lan Shuang look more abstinent and noble, and the soldiers couldn't help but look over when they got off the car.

Lan Shuang nodded at them with a gentle attitude: "Thanks for your hard work, everyone."

"Your Highness is too polite. It is our honor to protect you." Louis came over with a water bag and handed it to Lan Shuang: "Drink some water."

"Thank you." After taking it, Lan Shuang took only two sips and handed the water bag to Ross: "You drink."

Ross was also polite, and took it and drank it very naturally.

Louis, on the other hand, looked away awkwardly.

The other soldiers showed ambiguous gossip in their eyes.

Lan Shuang didn't care, the relationship between her and Luo Si didn't need to be covered up, and there was no need to cover up.

After Ross finished drinking the water, Louis said, "I have someone stew the meat, and it will be ready to eat in a while. Your Highness and Ross can sit down first."

"No, I'm sore from sitting in the carriage for a long time. I'll come down with him for a walk. You guys are busy with your business, don't worry about us."

"Okay." Louis didn't say anything after hearing that, and walked away consciously to leave space for the couple.

Lan Shuang put the water bag on the carriage and dragged Ross for a walk in the valley.

"It's quite beautiful here, isn't it?" Lan Shuang looked at the small pink and purple flowers blooming on the mountain walls on both sides. When the wind blew, they became one piece, like a precious woven flower carpet.

What came with the wind was a faint fragrance, which made people feel refreshed. Standing between the valleys, they looked extraordinarily small, like two teardrops on the eye of the earth.

Lan Shuang opened her arms, embracing the wind that came and went without a trace. Her slightly curly long golden hair was bright and moving even when there was no sunlight, and fluttered freely with the wind. With a thought in his mind, Luo Si suddenly raised his hand to stop it, and then the strand was gone. It slipped between his fingers, leaving only a cool touch.

With a thought, Rose stood behind Lan Shuang and hugged her waist.

Lan Shuang turned her head to the side, her long hair brushed past her face, she couldn't help laughing: "Huh?"

Rose whispered, "None of them are as beautiful as you."

"You are so good at talking, are you born with it?" Lan Shuang teased him, and touched his skin which was always cooler than ordinary people with her backhand.

"Tick tock..."

A drop of rain just landed on Lan Shuang's fingertips, she looked up, "It's raining, let's go back."

"Okay." Ross let go of Lan Shuang's waist, ready to hold her hand and take her back.

In an instant, he was keenly aware of something, his ears moved slightly, and suddenly he wrapped his arms around Lan Shuang's waist again, with a force in his hand, he hugged her and turned around on the spot.

Lan Shuang also sensed the danger and didn't move. She put her hand on Rose's shoulder. The next moment, she felt a gust of cold wind blowing past her ears, and a strand of her long hair was cut off by the sharp arrow. They all fell down.

Ross's eyes sharpened, and his whole body suddenly became tyrannical. He turned around holding Lan Shuang, and began to chant spells in his mouth. The next moment, a fire dragon roared out, and rushed straight to the grass on the other side of the valley. Several people panicked Confused, he stood up from the grass.

Lan Shuang patted Rose on the shoulder comfortingly and said, "I'm fine, let me down."

Ross pursed his lips and looked at her, then slowly let go of his hand.

Lan Shuang stood beside him. Those killers probably knew that they couldn't hide, so they stood out from the shadows one after another, holding arrows and crossbows or sharp swords in their hands.

Step by step, he approached the two of them.

Lan Shuang shouted: "Louis!"

"Stop shouting, they can't take care of themselves!"

The assassin in front of him covered his face and spoke in a low voice, but Lan Shuang didn't listen to him, and continued to shout: "Come here, there is an assassin!"

The killer's eyes turned hard, and he raised his hand and said, "Kill!"

The killers rushed forward one after another, set up their crossbow arrows without moving, and shot at Lan Shuang and Luo Si. Luo Si raised his hand and placed a water shield in front of Lan Shuang to resist their attacks.

"That man knows magic, deal with him first!"

The leader of the killer immediately changed his strategy, Lan Shuang sneered when he heard this, "Have I agreed?"

"His Royal Highness! Are you alright?"


Louis led a group of soldiers and ran over to meet Lan Shuang while fighting. There were also many killers on their side, and the scene was extremely chaotic for a while.

Seeing Lan Shuang standing there intact, Louis heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Lan Shuang had vaccinated him before, saying that he might encounter assassination, so even if he was not in front of Lan Shuang on the way, he would always pay attention to Lan Shuang. Shuang's movements will not keep them alone for too long.

This time, he sensed something was wrong and rushed over immediately.

Lan Shuang nodded at him: "You protect yourselves."

While speaking, a person touched nearby and wanted to stab Lan Shuang with his sword. Louis' eyes popped out and he shouted: "Be careful, princess!"

Lan Shuang's eyes narrowed, and his expression suddenly turned sharp. Ross was also about to make a move, but he was still controlling the water shield in front of him. If he stopped, he might be attacked by someone.

At the critical moment, Lan Shuang calmly said to Ross: "Don't be distracted, I can protect myself."

As she said that, she suddenly lowered her waist to avoid the blade, and then pinched the killer's wrist with precision, and slammed it down hard.



The killer screamed in pain, unable to hold the sword steadily, Lan Shuang snatched it away.

Then she lifted her foot and kicked the killer's lower body fiercely. The killer immediately knelt down and rolled on the ground in pain.

Lan Shuang held the sword and stood side by side with Los, "Remove the water shield, it will affect you."

Ross glanced at her, saw the murderous intent in Lan Shuang's eyes, nodded, put away the water shield, and concentrated on dealing with the person in front of him.

Louis led the soldiers to fight with the killer. Seeing that Lan Shuang was holding a sword, he was stunned. Seeing a sword shot at Louis from behind, Lan Shuang raised his hand to hold a sword flower, and then shook the arrow vigorously. open.

With a sound of "Dang--", cold sweat broke out on Louis's back.

Lan Shuang smiled at him: "General, don't be distracted on the battlefield!"

Louis exhaled and said seriously, "Yes!"

Lan Shuang turned her head and joined the battle again. The killer rushed forward and surrounded her, but Ke Lanshuang did not change her face, and avoided wave after wave of attacks nimbly and lightly. She kicked the killer in front of her on the chest, He jumped up with his strength, and then stabbed in another direction with his sword.

The tip of the sword sank into the killer's throat and pierced out, before Lan Shuang even had time to say a last word, Lan Shuang pulled out the sword indifferently, blood spurted out, and a few drops splashed on Lan Shuang's face.

She didn't even frown, and cut her skirt casually, tearing the long skirt into a short skirt, which was more convenient for her to move.

Like the goddess of death, she goes in and out of the crowd, leaving no survivors wherever she goes.

The number of killers is getting smaller and smaller, the leader saw the situation is not good, turned around and wanted to run, but Lan Shuang locked him early in the morning, "Run?"

She smiled, and the next moment there was a water belt around the leader's waist, tightly wrapped around him, preventing him from taking another step. He turned his head in fear and saw that the other end of the water belt was holding Ross hand.

Rose's eyes were clean and cold, and he looked at him as if he were looking at something dead.

The leader's scalp went numb, and he struggled frantically, but the next moment, she swung the sword in Lan Shuang's hand viciously, stabbing his heart impartially.

The leader's eyes widened instantly, and he fell straight backwards.

So far, the killer has been wiped out.

(End of this chapter)

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