Chapter 180 This Mermaid Is Not Pure 13
Looking at the scattered corpses on the ground, the soldiers looked at Lan Shuang in shock and admiration. Her Royal Highness, who looked weak and weak, was so powerful?

They wanted to applaud the sword just now!

Fast, accurate, ruthless, steady!

Better than most of them!
Thinking of this, some people bowed their heads in shame. They even said they wanted to protect the princess, but in the end they didn't help much.

There was silence in the valley, except for the howling wind.

The raindrops fell densely, and Ross walked back to Lan Shuang's side step by step, holding her hand and looking up and down, "Aren't you hurt?"

Lan Shuang shook her head: "I'm fine."

She smiled reassuringly, and Ross's eyes focused on her blood-stained face, and his eyes suddenly became deep and dangerous.

Lan Shuang was taken aback, "You..."

Rose suddenly reached out and wiped it under the corner of her eyes, and then turned over the pulp of his finger, which was printed with a little red.

Lan Shuang saw it, and said in a relaxed tone, "This is the killer's blood, not mine."

Ross still didn't speak, Lan Shuang felt that his current state was a bit strange, and wanted to say something, but suddenly he held his face in his hands, and kissed him fiercely in front of a pair of soldiers and Louis.

Lan Shuang: "Well..."

Different from the past, Rose is ruthless and anxious now, as if he is eager to prove something.

Aware of his uneasiness, Lan Shuang did not resist, but relaxed, wrapped her arms around his neck, stroked the back of his head gently with one hand, and smoothed his hair.

Sure enough, Ross calmed down after a while. After stepping away, he blushed and didn't dare to look at her. He lowered his head and said, "I'm sorry, I lost my composure."

"It's ok."

Lan Shuang touched her numb lips, then turned to look at the stunned Louis and the soldiers.

Louis: "...Your Highness, Your Highness, it's raining heavily, why don't you go back and kiss again?"

After he finished speaking, he wished he could bite off his tongue. What nonsense are you talking about?

The soldiers behind stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to say or what to do.

Compared to them, Lan Shuang, the client, was much more generous, "Thank you for your hard work, everyone, take the dead heroes back, and bury them in this valley when the rain stops."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone's faces darkened, and their emotions fell instantly.

The brothers who were chatting one second, closed their eyes forever the next second, and even felt a little bit unrepentant, how can we make them not hate?

Louis also put away the previous exaggerated expression, and walked silently on the other side of Lan Shuang. Lan Shuang didn't say anything, but when she passed by a young soldier who was dying, she suddenly stopped and leaned over from her skirt. He tore off a piece of clean cloth, and gently wiped away the blood on the little soldier's face with the rain.

"He looks younger than me this year." Lan Shuang said, her eyes full of regret.

She stretched out her hand to cover the little soldier's eyes, and said softly, "Thank you, God bless you, you will be safe and happy in the next life."

She stroked her warm palm, and the little soldier closed his eyes.

The soldiers who witnessed all this looked at Lan Shuang with emotion, and some of them had red eyes.

Finally, everyone carried the dead soldiers back to the awning, wiped their faces and hands clean, and let them be buried cleanly.

Seeing the handfuls of soil falling down, Louis, who had been silent all this time, suddenly smiled, seeming to be mocking himself or sarcasm, "I didn't expect that they didn't die on the battlefield or at the hands of the enemy, but died by themselves. in human hands."

Lan Shuang's eyes were indifferent, "Under the power struggle, you and I may be the next victims."

Louis froze, he turned his head to look at Lan Shuang, but Lan Shuang didn't look at him again, and took Ross back to the carriage.

The soldiers looked at Lan Shuang's back and couldn't help but said to Louis: "General, I think the eldest princess is much better than the second princess. Although the second princess has a good reputation, ruling the country cannot be achieved by beauty and talent." .”

"Yeah, for that position, they don't even spare their relatives. I think it's really unreliable. If they really succeed, we will..."

The soldier said nothing more, but everyone understood.

Louis did not make a statement for a long time, but just waved his hands to let them go back to rest. Everyone looked at each other, knowing that the general had his own considerations, and the obedient ones dispersed.


However, this is just the beginning. On the final journey back to the capital, they will encounter an assassination almost every two days. The number of escorts is getting smaller and fewer, and the number of killers is increasing. It is very noisy. Louis He sent letters to the king several times, but got no reply. Finally, he became discouraged and stopped trying to ask the king for help.

Fortunately, both Lan Shuang and Rose can use magic, and the final battle was extremely fierce. Lan Shuang injured his arm in order to protect Louis, but they still won without any danger.

Finally, sitting on the bloody ruins, Louis gasped and looked at Lan Shuang, who was standing in the middle of the battlefield with his sword supporting his body.

Rose and her were back to back, and they were also very tired. Those green eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of haze, which was terribly gloomy.

Lan Shuang looked at the corpses all over the ground and the remaining [-] or so soldiers, and said loudly: "We have won the last battle! I - Lan Shuang Modo, hereby swear that if I succeed to the throne in the future Your Majesty, you are all meritorious officials, and you will be promoted to nobles to repay today's kindness!"

"Swear to follow Her Highness the Princess!"

After the catastrophe, everyone's heart was fluctuating. Hearing Lan Shuang's words, the blood in their bones and yearning for power were immediately ignited. The soldiers knelt down on one knee and offered their most loyal promises to Lan Shuang!

With a faint smile on her lips, Lan Shuang glanced at everyone present, and finally landed on Louis.

Louis and her looked at each other for a moment, then slowly got up, stood up straight in silence, then slowly bent down and knelt down, clenched his right hand to his heart, "Louis will follow Her Royal Highness to the death!"

Lan Shuang then laughed, "Okay! Let's go back to the capital!"

Ross turned around to look at her proud appearance, and with a thought, he sneaked a kiss on her side quickly while everyone was not paying attention.

All of Lan Shuang's aura suddenly leaked out, like a balloon that had been pecked out, and suddenly went limp.

She looked at Ross helplessly, and secretly held his hand and squeezed it: "Go back and make trouble."

Ross likes the way she can't do anything about him and can't get angry, and likes her preference for him, so he always makes some small moves recently, but he also knows what is enough, and after hearing what Lan Shuang said, he obediently followed her Go, no more talking.


They tidied up and set off on the road, without changing or cleaning their clothes, they walked for a long time with their tattered clothes and the strong smell of blood, and finally arrived at the foot of the king's capital in the evening.

 Digression: Thank you for your support, which has made our achievements even better. There is no way to repay it. We can only work hard to update and write carefully. This month, I will try to update three times a day. I hope you will continue to support me. Let Wenwen continue to rush forward!If you have a vote, vote, if you don't have a vote, remember to watch it every day, I love you!

(End of this chapter)

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