Chapter 181 This Mermaid Is Not Pure 14
The royal capital is bathed in the golden glow of the setting sun, and the Gothic-style castle and bell tower are coated with an ancient and mysterious afterglow, which looks thick and solemn.

Lan Shuang stood at the gate of the city and took a glance, then looked away. Hearing the bell from the bell tower, she curled her lower lip and said to the soldiers guarding the city, "Open the door."

The soldiers guarding the city looked at her for a while, "You are..."

"Presumptuous, why don't you be polite when you see the eldest princess?"

Louis put his hand on the scabbard around his waist and asked coldly.


The soldiers guarding the city looked at each other and looked at Lan Shuang in disbelief.

Lan Shuang's long hair was rolled up, and instead of wearing a skirt, she put on a white knight outfit. The shoulders and back looked very straight, and a golden tassel on the chest was stained with blood, and it fell casually. The noble and beautiful big princess is out of touch.

"Huh?" Lan Shuang looked at them calmly, with murderous intent and evil spirit still on her body, the soldiers guarding the city trembled, and hurriedly knelt down to salute: "I have seen Your Royal Highness!"

"Excuse me, open the door."

"Yes!" The soldiers quickly opened the door, and when they were walking in, Lan Shuang saw someone running away quickly from the corner of her eye.

She pulled her lips, her eyes were slightly cold, the queen's eyeliner, isn't it too late to report now?
She came back alive.

The news of the eldest princess's return quickly spread. The people stood on both sides of the street, paying attention to Lan Shuang and talking about her blood-stained clothes.

Seeing more and more people, Ross finally couldn't help it, and quietly hooked Lan Shuang's finger, Lan Shuang glanced down, and interlocked his fingers directly.

Los was taken aback, and looked at the hands they held tightly, the smile on their lips couldn't be suppressed no matter what.

She knew her possessiveness and anxiety, so she worked hard to love herself a little more, and told the world openly that she belonged to him.

How can there be such a lovely person?

Rose sighed in his heart, every day he felt that he already liked her very much, but the next day he would find that he could have liked her even more.

Along the way, he was immersed in the pink bubbles, and he no longer felt that the sight of these people was an eyesore, and even wished that there were as many people as possible, so that he could see their relationship clearly and stop thinking about Lan Shuang.

And the speed of the gossip spread didn't disappoint him. Soon, the family of three who were enjoying dinner in the palace received a message from the guard.

"Your Majesty, the queen, the second princess, the eldest princess and General Louis are back, have entered the capital, and are heading towards the palace, and the eldest princess..."

The guard knelt on the ground, and suddenly stuttered after speaking well.

The king asked impatiently, "What else?"

The guard lowered his head, and said in a low voice, "The eldest princess also brought back a man with silver hair and green eyes. The two of them walked down the street holding hands, with a very intimate gesture."

"What did you say?!" The king was taken aback for a moment, and then he reacted and stood up immediately, his face so ugly that he seemed to have eaten a thousand flies.

The queen was also taken aback, "A man? But the eldest princess..." She carefully looked at the king's face and whispered, "Don't you have a fiancé?"

These words undoubtedly added fuel to the flames, and the king's face turned green and black, which could be called a medical miracle.

Lan Sisi looked at her father, then at her mother, and asked worriedly: "Then do you want to send someone to pick up my sister?"

"Pick up what? Someone—catch her back for me, so she won't be ashamed outside!"

The king roared, and the guards immediately rolled and crawled away.

The queen persuaded hypocritically: "Your Majesty, don't be too angry. When the princess comes back this time, please tell her carefully. She will definitely listen. Maybe she has nothing to do with that man?"

"It doesn't matter, it's best, if she dares to do something outrageous, I will definitely break her leg!"

The king was so angry that he couldn't eat anymore, so he dropped his cup and left the table and went to the hall.

The queen looked at the direction he was leaving with satisfaction, and turned her head to serve Lan Sisi a bowl of soup: "This soup is good, drink more."

"Queen mother, is it really okay for the father to be like this? Isn't it more embarrassing to take my sister back? She must have encountered something outside."

Lan Sisi whispered: "Why don't you persuade Father Wang to take my sister back?"

"You also know your father's temper. If you say the same thing, how can I persuade you? Besides, Lan Shuang has the same temper as him. Why do you plead for her? Do you think she will appreciate it? Eat your meal well."

The queen's face paled, her daughter was good everywhere, gentle and sensible, smart and eager to learn, but she was too soft-hearted, she really regarded Lan Shuang as her sister from the bottom of her heart, but they were doomed to be impossible to reconcile.

But she felt that it would be good for Lan Sisi to keep her innocence, so that the king would like her more, so she never told Lan Sisi what she did with Du Xilun.

Now, I don't know if it's right or wrong to hide it like this.

The queen was a little worried.

Lan Sisi didn't know what she was thinking, she just lost her mind after a meal.


Lan Shuang took Rose and smiled with the people while walking. Many people thought she was approachable, and even greeted her proactively. Lan Shuang also responded, "I did encounter danger when I went out to sea this time. It was Rose who saved me. He saved me. I took it to the island, we stayed on the island for a month, and met a kind person who brought us back."

"My relationship with Ross?"

Lan Shuang glanced at Luo Si beside him, and Luo Si also looked over with some feeling. The two of them looked at each other, sparks sparked, and the common people were all excited.

Lan Shuang smiled and said, "It's the relationship you see."

Louis and the soldiers opened the way on both sides to protect them, with serious expressions, always on guard against killers rushing out of the crowd.

Fortunately, the journey went smoothly. When they reached the bell tower, the crowd in front suddenly became agitated. Then someone blew a whistle and shouted: "Everyone disperse! The king has an order to arrest the eldest princess and return to the palace!"

This man is also sincere, the king said to arrest him, he also said to arrest him, and he did not save any face. The originally enthusiastic people suddenly quieted down, as if a big basin of cold water had been poured down, and everyone looked at Lan Shuang in doubt and incomprehension.

Lan Shuang stood still, and a group of king's personal soldiers came separately from the crowd. The leader bowed first after seeing Lan Shuang, and then said coldly: "Your Highness, the king has an order, let us arrest you, please Don't resist, come with us."

As soon as he waved his hand, the guards behind him immediately surrounded him, Ross' eyes turned cold immediately, and he took a step forward to block Lan Shuang, Lan Shuang reached out to stop him, shook his head and said, "It's okay."

The soldiers brought by Louis immediately drew out their swords and protected Lan Shuang in the middle.

"What is the eldest princess doing? Resisting the decree?" The face of the captain of the personal guard became gloomy.

(End of this chapter)

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