Chapter 182 This Mermaid Is Not Pure 15
"Resisting the order?" Lan Shuang chuckled and raised her chin slightly: "I didn't say I wouldn't go back to the palace, but I want to walk back by myself, you don't need to catch me, I am a dignified princess of the Moduo Kingdom, and I didn't make any mistakes. Why? To be taken back?"

"That's what the king meant."

The captain of the personal guard frowned and said: "If you are dissatisfied, please go back and tell the king."

"Of course I will tell the king, but you have no right to arrest me, get out of the way—"

Lan Shuang's tone was sharp, and the captain froze for a moment, then frowned and said, "Princess..."

"Can't you understand?"

Louis pointed his sword at the captain of the personal guard: "The eldest princess is the crown prince. As long as the king doesn't order, no one can disrespect her. What are you?"

"You—" the captain of the guard felt that the people around him looked over, his face was burning like fire, he gritted his teeth and asked, "General Louis, what do you mean now? Didn't the Louis family never stand in line? Now Are you planning to openly side with the Princess and fight against His Majesty?"

"Pay attention to your wording." Lan Shuang took a step forward, her aura was fully open, her eyes were piercing, and the captain of the personal guard backed away unconsciously.

"I and the king are father and daughter, and have never been in opposition. How can you say that defending me is fighting against the king? Or is someone instigating you to say so, so as to provoke the relationship between me and the king in public?"

As soon as Lan Shuang's words came out, the people immediately aroused their approval.

The captain of the personal guard was stunned for a moment, "I didn't! I am the captain of the king's personal guard, and I will wholeheartedly obey His Majesty's orders! I will never be bribed!"

"Oh?" Lan Shuang sneered, and then asked sharply: "Then do you think that General Louis, who defends the country, can be bought at will? Are you insulting the achievements of the past?"

This crime is serious. The captain of the personal guard was stunned. Before he could refute, Lan Shuang chased after him: "Since you are the captain of the king's personal guard, you should understand that I am the crown prince of Morduo, and you must protect me. Your image and honor are your unshirkable duties, General Louis just did what he was supposed to do, what doubts do you have?"

"I..." The captain of the personal guard was stunned speechless, feeling that what he said was wrong.

The next moment, Lan Shuang strode forward and pushed him away: "Get out of the way if you have nothing to say."

The captain of the personal guard staggered when he was pushed, and the people next to him immediately moved away, their disgust was palpable.

When Ross passed by him, he glanced at him coldly, which made his heart shudder.

In the end, he didn't stop anyone, he could only follow behind, watching them swagger into the palace.


"Where is the king?" Lan Shuang asked the captain after entering the palace.

The captain pointed in the direction of the main hall aggrieved: "It's in the meeting hall."

Lan Shuang nodded, and pulled Ross over.

When the guards outside the meeting hall saw Lan Shuang and the man coming in hand in hand, their eyes widened, but they didn't dare to stop them, and they couldn't move casually. They just watched them go in, and then gossiped with each other.

The captain of the personal guard took a look, and reprimanded in a low voice: "Be honest, what are you doing winking?"


After the guards stood upright, the captain of the guards felt relieved. He followed Lan Shuang and the others in, and saw the king sitting on the throne, with his chin resting on one hand, his face darkened and his eyes dark.

"Didn't I let someone catch you back? Who made you walk in so swaggeringly?"

Before Lan Shuang spoke, the king took the lead in attacking her.

"Lan Shuang has met His Majesty the King."

She didn't call herself daughter, nor did she call him father, which made the king even more unhappy.

"Heh, your wings are stiff after going out, dare to talk to me like that?"

The king slapped the armrest and stood up, shouting angrily, "Kneel down!"

Lan Shuang didn't move, she stood straight on the spot, looking at the king without turning her eyes.

"Don't kneel."

"You—it's against you!" The king's eyes widened, like a lion on the verge of running wild.

Standing beside Lan Shuang, Luo Si looked at the king carefully, but found that Lan Shuang had almost no similarities with the king. He turned his head away in disgust. Is such a mediocre person really Lan Shuang's father?

The king naturally noticed his eyes, pointed at him viciously and asked, "Who is he? What do you want to do with him? Demonstrate to me, huh?"

Lan Shuang calmly asked, "Why is the king so angry?"

The king laughed back angrily: "Should I not be angry? You have done these outrageous things, contradicted your father, and eloped with others. I shouldn't be angry? My face, the face of my Morduo country, has been thrown away by you!"

"Heh." Lan Shuang laughed contemptuously, "Really?"

"When you brought my mother back, why didn't you feel ashamed? I just did the same thing as you. Why are you so angry? Your Majesty the King."

Lan Shuang's rhetorical question was like a slap across the face, slapping the king hard on the face.

"what are you saying?!"

Lan Shuang didn't bother to look at his eggplant-like face, her eyes fell on the throne, and she said indifferently: "You don't feel ashamed, and I don't think there is anything wrong with it. In addition, the law of Mordo Kingdom stipulates that the crown prince does not need to kneel when he sees the king." , this is the right of the crown prince, this law was set by the emperor back then, do you have any opinions?"

"Don't use the emperor to oppress me! I am your father. I teach my daughter a lesson. Do I still need the law to tell me what to do? Don't I even have this right?"

The king was so angry that he wanted to jump. Louis and the captain of the guards behind them tried their best to minimize their presence so as not to be affected by the artillery fire.

Lan Shuang said calmly: "Calm down first, don't get mad at yourself, it's not worth it."

"The law cannot stop you from disciplining your daughter, but the premise is that you have fulfilled your duty as a father. Ask yourself, have you done it? My mother was neglected by you and confined in a high-rise building. I grew up with my mother, and you ignored her. "

"After my mother died, I came out, but you still ignored me, allowing me to grow savagely in the palace."

"You think I need to get married, so you just set up a marriage for me, have you asked my opinion?"

"You think I'm not as good as Lan Sisi. When you belittle me outside, have you ever thought that you are my father? Have you thought about how I have lived these years?"

"When I was tricked into the sea and pushed off the boat, do you know how desperate I was? You don't know, you don't even know how I stood in front of you, and you kept questioning me, father did what you do Come on, it's so funny."

"You even sent your personal guards to arrest me, in front of everyone's eyes, you don't feel ashamed this time."

She asked questions like a cannonball, but the king couldn't get in the way at all, and was directly dumbfounded by the question.

The captain of the personal guard took a peek, and silently mourned for the king for two seconds in his heart. He had just experienced this kind of thing, and he really had lingering fears.

After Lan Shuang finished speaking, she thoughtfully gave the king time to react, and then said after a pause, "To sum up, what kind of duties have you fulfilled as a father?"


There was a dead silence in the hall, and Ross slowly raised his hand and clapped his hands.

"Clap clap clap."

 Ross: The daughter-in-law's field must be praised!
  King: Am I shameless? ? ?

  Rose glanced at him: oh

  clap clap clap...

(End of this chapter)

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