Chapter 183 This Mermaid Is Not Pure 16
This sudden burst of applause woke the king from his bewildered state. He glared fiercely at the uninvited guest, Luo Si, and then looked at Lan Shuang. His eyes suddenly became complicated, and those sharp and mean words suddenly became speechless. .

If she hadn't said it, he would have almost forgotten how Lan Shuang came here for so many years.

her mother...

Probably people have the problem of liking the new and loathing the old, and they get tired of being together for a long time, but when the person is gone, those grievances will gradually dissipate with time, and when they recall it, only each other is left.

The king is also a mortal, so it is unavoidable to be vulgar. Seeing Lan Shuang's face very similar to that of the previous queen, he was in a trance for a moment.

Lan Shuang was keenly aware of his vacillation, and immediately took advantage of the victory to pursue him, but this time she did not press her every step of the way, instead she sighed, her tone softened, with a hint of loss and grievance not obvious.

"I know the king has always disliked me because of my mother, but what's wrong with me? She is also the king's daughter, and Lan Sisi lives the best life. She is loved by her father, loved by her mother, and receives the best care." What about me? Sometimes I envy ordinary people. Although they don’t have a noble status, they at least have a happy family, but I have nothing..."

In the previous words, if it was a sharp knife that broke through the king's defense, now it is a pair of gentle hands, repeatedly kneading his heart, pulling it to both sides, making him hurt and uncomfortable.

The king's eyes became more and more complicated.

Seeing this, Ross held Lan Shuang's hand, lowered his head and kissed her fingertips, and said almost reverently, "It's okay, I'll be with you from now on."

"En." Lan Shuang looked at him and smiled softly.

Looking at this scene, the king felt even more uncomfortable, "Cough... this is not the reason why you left without permission. You said that you were deceived into going to sea by someone. Who and how did you deceive yourself?"

Although he still questioned, his tone was more than a little bit better than before.

Lan Shuang lowered her eyes and said softly: "Your Majesty, you blame me for not running away and for bringing a man back, but do you know that my dear fiancé Ossie openly courted Lan Sisi at the banquet? My fiancé, but my sister's idea, what do you make me think?"

When she looked up again, her eyes were already full of tears, and she was about to fall. The king was stunned, and he heard her complain and asked: "Is it his face, my face, and the face of the Moduo royal family are not face?" Is it ashamed of me, and you are also ashamed, they didn't put me in their eyes, why did they put you in their eyes?"

888 is amazed by Lan Shuang's progressive emotional performance, and she knows how to handle people's psychology. The king is a very face-saving person, and the older he gets, the more serious this problem is. No one is allowed to challenge him. Lan Shuang can step on this authority.

Sure enough, the king's face turned ugly again, "What did you say? That kid is courting Sisi?"

"Is it true what I saw with my own eyes? Your Majesty also knows that I liked him very much before. If I hadn't been heartbroken, how could I leave the meeting and go to sea in anger? It's because my maid told me that the wizard in the sea I know a secret technique that can make my sweetheart love me alone, I believed it, and went out to sea with the boat, but I didn’t expect that when I was in the middle of the sea, my maid took me back into the sea.”

Speaking of this, Lan Shuang's body trembled slightly, as if she was too sad to bear it, Ross's eyes froze, fiancé?like very much? ?

Lan Shuang didn't notice his abnormality, and leaned towards him subconsciously. Although Ross was so jealous, he still reached out to support Lan Shuang's shoulder and let her lean in his arms.


The amount of information is too large, and he needs to digest it for a while.

He fell back to the throne, looked blankly at the two people in the hall, and asked after a long time, "Someone wants to kill you?"

Lan Shuang was tired of acting, and said to 888: "It's really not easy, the king's elm head can be regarded as the key to the problem."

888 rubbed his hands together: "Now the host wants to shake off the queen and the others?"

"That won't work." Lan Shuang resolutely refused, "I'm a princess who doesn't know much about the world."

888: "...?"

Lan Shuang leaned against Rose's arms, and gave Louis behind him a look under the cover of Rose. Louis nodded his head unobtrusively, knelt down and said, "Your Majesty, I have something to say—"

"Say." The king waved his hand, and his attitude towards Louis was not bad.

Louis said in a deep voice: "This time I ran into the eldest princess at the port and escorted her back. I encountered many assassinations along the way. The closer to the capital, the more intensive the assassinations and the more assassins. The last time we were almost wiped out. In the end, there were heavy casualties, I brought 200 people here, and now... there are only 20 people left."

He couldn't hide the grief in his voice: "Your Majesty, I don't know who sent the killer, but the other party's intentions are already obvious. Please investigate this matter thoroughly, Your Majesty, and give justice to the innocent soldiers who died in vain!"

"What?!" The king was furious, "How dare you do this under my nose, you really didn't pay attention to me!"

Louis strikes while the iron is hot: "The eldest princess was forced to take up a sword to resist and was injured on her arm."

Hearing this, the king's eyes immediately fell on Lan Shuang, "Is that so?"

Lan Shuang straightened up and rolled up the sleeve of her left hand to show the king.

A hideous gash stretched across Lanshuang's entire forearm. Compared with the surrounding white and intact skin, it was terrifying.

The king gasped, and his eyes fell on Lan Shuang's face, but Lan Shuang didn't look at him, but said in a low voice: "I am lucky to come back alive now."

She put down her sleeves and lifted the hem of her skirt and saluted the king, "Your Majesty, I have nothing to ask for now, but I hope that my engagement with Ossie can be dissolved."

The king was silent for a while, and was about to agree, when suddenly there was a sound of rustling clothes and skirts mopping the floor outside.

Lan Shuang narrowed her eyes, heh, it's finally here, she thought she could hold her breath.

She straightened up, raised her chin slightly, and kept her eyes fixed, not giving anyone who walked in a look.

Ross didn't even look, he didn't care who was coming.

"Shuangshuang is back, why is she in such a mess? This is—"

The pretentious voice rang out in the hall, compared with Lan Shuang's cold and stable voice just now, it stood out, and Louis frowned involuntarily. Is this the queen?

He turned his head and took a glance, and saw the queen walking in surrounded by a group of maids, her gorgeous skirt was dragging on the floor, and the fluffy skirt made her very petite.

As if sensing Louis' gaze, the queen stopped and smiled at him: "General Louis is here too."

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(End of this chapter)

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