Chapter 184 This Mermaid Is Not Pure 17
Louis saluted her, "Queen."

The queen just smiled and walked past him without saying anything. When she passed by Lan Shuang, she was very enthusiastic. Sending her left hand over, the queen happened to hold Lan Shuang's forearm.

The queen was taken aback, before she could say anything, Lan Shuang let out a "hiss" first!
Then he shook off the queen's hand and backed away again and again, Ross immediately stepped forward to protect Lan Shuang, staring at the queen with cold eyes: "Why did you scratch her wound?"

The queen was stunned: "No, I didn't, it was her..."

"What about her? Didn't you stretch out your hand?" Rose obviously spoke slowly, but it was very oppressive. The queen was speechless when asked, so she had to say embarrassingly: "I didn't mean it, I didn't know that her arm was injured gone."

The king looked at the queen inquisitively. He usually trusted the queen, but just now he thought that if something happened to Lan Shuang, the queen and Lan Sisi would benefit the most.

At this time, the more he looked at the queen, the more he felt that something was wrong.

The queen didn't know what the king was thinking, and wanted to go around Ross to pull Lanshuang's hand: "Shuangshuang, you should know how I treat you. Didn't you still like me before? You should know that I am not Careful."

Lan Shuang: Hehe, then I know too much.

"Your Majesty, the queen probably didn't mean it."

Lan Shuang said in an uncertain tone.


Her face was slightly stiff, and she quickly covered it up. She glanced at Lan Shuang thoughtfully, and instead of insisting on talking to her, she walked towards the king.

The king glanced at her and nodded: "Why are you here?"

"Aren't I worried that His Majesty will punish Shuangshuang out of anger? She is also pitiful. No one has taught her how to be a princess for so many years. If there is any disrespect, Your Majesty will forgive me. When she gets married, she will be fine." .”

The queen seemed to be consoling, but in fact every sentence was poking at Lan Shuang's painful feet.

After she finished speaking, she glanced at Lan Shuang.

But Lanshuang smiled at her: "It doesn't matter, you can learn if you don't understand, but marrying someone like me is fine. Marrying is also embarrassing to His Majesty. It's better not to marry, and it's not impossible to get married."

The king pursed his lips, "I agree to what you said. Your engagement with Ossi will be terminated immediately, and I will tell the Senna family."

As he spoke, he glanced at Luo Si beside Lanshuang, hesitated to speak, and finally said nothing in public, waved his hand and said, "Go back and rest, let the doctor take a look at the injury on your arm."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Lan Shuang bowed, pulled Ross and turned to leave.


Is that the end?
She blinked, suspecting that she was dreaming, and turned to look at the king: "Your Majesty, you..."

"What's the matter?" The king turned to look at her, and the queen's eyes rolled: "It's nothing, I just think you treat Shuangshuang differently. I feel very relieved. We are all one family. How nice it is to be so intimate."

The king nodded: "It was I who neglected to discipline and take care of her in the past, but now she is not too young to let her go."

The queen lowered her eyes: "Yes, it's too late to care about it when you're old enough to get married."

The king glanced at her and didn't answer, "You go back first, I have something to ask Louis."

"Ok, I will wait for you."

The queen got up to leave, and the king looked at her back and fell into thought.


Lan Shuang took Rose back to her dormitory. Although she was not favored, her dormitory was quite exquisite. After all, it was too ugly for her face, and it was the king who lost her.

When the maids saw Lan Shuang came back, they went up to meet her. Lan Shuang glanced at Oliver, the eldest maid who didn't see her, and asked the rest of them, "When did Oliver leave?"

The maids looked at each other and whispered, "Since she came back to report the death of the eldest princess, she was demoted by the king."

Lan Shuang lowered her eyes and chuckled lightly: "Understood, go and call the doctor."

"It's... this time, are the doctors going back to rest?"

Maids, you look at me, I look at you, you don't want to go.

Lan Shuang's face darkened: "It's not time to go to sleep, what are you going to rest for? Whether they come or not is their business. You are responsible for running errands and passing on the message. I will let you go. You just need to go. You don't need to worry about the rest."

It was the first time she spoke in such a harsh tone, and the maids shook and said immediately: "Yes, we're going!"

Two left, two left.

Lan Shuang glanced at them: "Go get a clean bedding and put it on my bed, and put warm water in the bathtub."


After everyone left, Lan Shuang held Luo Si's hand and her voice softened: "Go, I will show you to my room."

Ross nodded.

Lanshuang's bedroom is large, with several doors inside.

One is to enter from the outside, one is to the bathroom, and the other is to her own small dining room.

Usually, Lan Shuang eats by himself in the small restaurant, not with the king and the others.

Rose didn't see anything after entering, but first noticed the luxurious and soft big bed.

It's really big, and it feels like it won't be crowded if ten people lie on it. It is surrounded by carved bedposts, and light pink gauze is hung on it.

The window on one side was left open, and the night wind was blowing in, and the light gauze was fluttering, making it look a little dreamy.

Rose didn't know what to think of, and his eyes stayed on the veil for a long time.

"How about it, is it okay?" Lan Shuang looked back with a smile, "You can sleep with me at night, the bathtub inside is very big, if you feel uncomfortable in the middle of the night, you can also stay in the bathtub."

While talking, the maid came out from the bathroom and said to Lan Shuang, "Your Highness, the water is ready."

"Well, go down and come back tomorrow morning. I didn't tell you not to come in."


The maids closed the door, and the atmosphere in the whole bedroom suddenly became ambiguous.

The light of the flower-shaped wall lamp is soft, which complements the white camellia in the crystal bottle on the table, which looks romantic and gentle.

Lan Shuang looked around and was thinking about whether to close the window, when she suddenly felt a tightness around her waist, and then she vacated.


The next moment, she fell onto the bed and bounced twice. Before she could get up, a shadow quickly enveloped her.

Lan Shuang subconsciously put her hand on Ross's shoulder.

Ross just looked at her condescendingly, his eyes were unclear, and his lips were tightly pursed, as if he was angry.

"What's wrong?" Sensing that he was in a bad mood, Lan Shuang reached out and touched his back.

Rose tensed up all over, as if trying to suppress something.

Lan Shuang frowned, but this small action touched Ross's sensitive nerves. He reached out and grabbed Lan Shuang's chin. At first, Lan Shuang showed a bit of pain, and Ross immediately relaxed. He only lightly touched Lanshuang's chin with his index finger, making her raise her head and look directly into her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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