Chapter 185 This Mermaid Is Not Pure 18
It was obviously a very spacious big bed, but at this moment it suddenly shrank, so small that Lan Shuang couldn't see or hear anything.

The eyes are Rose, the breath of Rose is in the ears, and even the nose is the smell of Rose, which is a faint and bitter aroma.

"Loth..." Lan Shuang called softly, and after a moment of pondering, she raised her head and wanted to ask Rose's lips, but the moment they touched her immediately, Rose turned her face away and hid.

Lan Shuang: "???"

Her soft lips just stuck to Rose's jaw.

Ross's Adam's apple rolled uncontrollably, and the veins on the side of his neck bulged slightly, which seemed to have a kind of restrained sex appeal.

Lan Shuang seemed to be bewitched, she took the next best thing, and kissed the side of his neck.

This seemed to turn on a switch in Ross's body, releasing the beast that had been dormant for a long time.

His eyes suddenly sank, like the sea before a storm.

Lan Shuang felt the danger later, and it was too late to run. Lost's leg turned into a tail at some point, and it was wrapped around Lanshuang's leg. Lanshuang couldn't move her lower body, and Ross smiled instead.

He seemed to be very satisfied with this. He freed his hands to pinch Lan Shuang's wrists, folded them together and raised them above his head. Lan Shuang licked his lips nervously, "Are you angry? Why?"

She tried her best to recall what she said or did that night. Didn't she do anything bad to Ross?
As for saying...

Lan Shuang's eyes froze for a moment, could it be because she said that she once liked Ossie very much?

What a misunderstanding!The one who likes Osi very much is the original owner!It wasn't her. She said that at the time in order to conform to the temperament of the original owner and to give a reasonable explanation.

"Wait, I can explain, you first... um!"

However, Ross didn't want to hear it now. He leaned down and pressed down tightly, with a sense of oppression and aggression that he had never had before, and even plundered with punishment and malicious intent.

Lan Shuang felt suffocated for the first time on land.

When the tide was surging and her consciousness was blurred, she even suspected that she was going to be swallowed by Ross.

The teardrops overflowing from the corners of the eyes were kissed away by Ross again, and his hot lips traveled all the way down her side face, and finally stopped by her ears.

The scorching breath sprayed on Lan Shuang's earlobe, and she thought wildly: the mermaid who is usually cool, turns out that when she is in love, her breath is also hot, because she is hot.

This idea occupied Lan Shuang's mind, which gave her an inexplicable sense of accomplishment.

However, Ross sucked her earlobe in the next moment, licked the small piece of soft meat and said hoarsely: "You said you like Ossie very much, I am very upset."

"Sure enough, it's because of this..." Lan Shuang trembled sensitively, her voice was a little fluttering, she tried to clear her throat, found her own voice and said, "Why are you still jumping and listening to people talking? I clearly It’s about the past! Do you understand the past? It’s the past.”

Because it happened for real, she doesn't want to deny it. Not being honest is a big taboo between couples, and she doesn't think there is anything that cannot be said about this kind of thing. Isn't it normal to like someone at the beginning of love?
Rose's teeth were slightly hard, and Lanshuang bit a little painful. She stretched out her hand and pinched Rose's face: "Eat expired vinegar?"

Ross snorted through his nose, which sounded a bit arrogant. Thinking back to when they first met, the little mermaid was so obedient, she would blush when teased, what about now?

Lan Shuang wept silently in her heart.

After a long while, Ross himself was reluctant to let go of his teeth. He stared at the teeth marks on Lan Shuang's earlobe for a long time, raised his hand and hugged Lan Shuang tightly, rubbed his head against her neck, and said sullenly: "I'm jealous. You said you liked him very much before, but you never said that about me."

Lan Shuang: "Really?"

She thought about it blankly, as if she hadn't said it.

"Okay, okay, then you look up, and I'll tell you."

Ross slowly raised his head to look at her, Lan Shuang sat up on the bed, and Ross flicked his tail on her lap, sitting sideways beside Lan Shuang.

Lan Shuang put her arms around Rose's neck, smiled for a while before restraining her expression, and said seriously: "I like Rose very much."

Ross looked at her with good eyes.

Lan Shuang came up and kissed him on the forehead.

"I really like it very much."

She went down and kissed him on the bridge of the nose.

"I like it so much that I don't know what to do with it."

She paused, and instead of kissing his lips as Rose expected, she moved down and kissed lightly on his superior jaw.

Rose's eyes were burning.

Lan Shuang raised her eyes to look at him again, "The past is over, no one can take the place of Ross in my heart from now on, no matter it is this life, the next life, or the next life, as long as you are here, I will will come to you."

888 was still immersed in dog food, and suddenly felt a little strange when he heard this: "Host, Ross is just a mermaid in this world. Even if he knows magic, he can't travel through time and space. Are you cheating? Are you too serious?"

Lan Shuang smiled, and slowly moved her hands to the side of Ross's face, holding his face, slowly approaching, and devoutly planted a kiss on his lips.

"So, don't be jealous, okay?"

Los's heart softened into a puddle of water, how could he remember being jealous?
His ears were burning hot, like a kindling, which would spread to his whole body as soon as the wind blows.

This fire will consume his reason, his calmness, and his restlessness, let him die in the fire, and be reborn in love.

The person who set the fire was her, and he was willing to die generously and become a sacrifice of love.

Finally, Lan Shuang kissed the little mole under his eyes.

The moment her lips left, she said to 888 in her heart: "Whether there is a next life or not, at least my love at this moment is true."

888 nodded half-understood: "Yes, yes."

Lost by her love words, the breath around his body calmed down, revealing a bit of laziness after being satisfied.

The silvery white fish tail swayed like a shooting star in the night.

Lan Shuang couldn't help touching it, it was slippery and cool, the scales fit tightly together, it didn't look scary, and even had a sense of regular beauty.

However, she didn't touch it twice, and she didn't have enough hand addiction. Luo Si suddenly leaned on her, gasped twice, and said in a sexy voice, "Don't touch it, itchy."

Lan Shuang: "..."

The mermaid's tail seems to be quite sensitive indeed.

She withdrew her hand, glanced out of the corner of her eye, and seemed to see something suspicious at the tail of the fish below Ross's abdomen.

"Huh?" She was about to take a closer look, when Rose suddenly rolled over and got out of bed, turned back into human legs, and walked to the bathroom with her back to her hands and feet: "I'm going to take a bath, do it."

Lan Shuang: "..."

She pursed her lips, and couldn't hold back, so she covered her mouth with her hand and smiled softly.

Hey, she's actually a pure little mermaid, isn't that embarrassing?

 Silly daughter, how could he be innocent?

(End of this chapter)

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