Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 186 The First 3 Lives After Marriage Extra Collection

Chapter 186

The first story of Jun Conglan x Lanshuang
It is said that since King Ming supported the little emperor to ascend the throne, he has been fishing for three days and drying the net for two days as the regent.

It's spring day, the wind is sunny, the willows are green and the flowers are red, the little emperor looks happy, thinking about inviting the Ming king into the palace for a talk, uncle and nephew tasting wine and watching the spring, wouldn't it be a great thing?
However, the eunuch went away excitedly and came back desertedly.

The little emperor frowned: "Where's the uncle?"

The eunuch said awkwardly: "The regent said that he has recently been addicted to reading books and cannot extricate himself. He appreciates the emperor's kindness, but he is now newly married and needs to spend more time with the princess."

Little Emperor: "..."

The little emperor: "It's really rare for an uncle who is so talented to study so hard."

He sighed and said: "I have to learn from the emperor's uncle, that's all, I will give this pot of wine to the emperor's uncle, let him take care of his health, I will go back to review the memorial."


The eunuch turned around and went to the Regent's Palace again.

He still didn't see King Ming's figure, he was stopped halfway, and he was coaxed out in a daze without seeing anything.

Yu Xiao and Yu Heng stood side by side in the porch, and Yu Heng laughed while holding the delicate flagon: "Should I give this thing or not?"

Yu Xiao glanced at him: "If you have nine lives, go and deliver them."

Yu Heng shrugged: "Forget it, put it away first, in case the prince comes out at night, maybe it can still be used."

Yu Xiao: "..."

At this time, the prince in question was sitting in the pineapple armchair in the study, holding Lan Shuang's hand and writing something.

It's just that Lan Shuang's hands were shaking so badly that she couldn't write normally at all. The words she wrote were crooked, as if ants had crawled over them.

If King Ming hadn't held her hand from behind, she wouldn't have been able to write at all.

Lan Shuang gritted her teeth, and said intermittently, "Jun... Jun... Cong Lan! You, you are nothing!"

King Ming raised his eyebrows, stretched his other hand forward to help her brush her sweaty hair behind her ears, and exchanged a long and hot kiss with her, "It's very smooth when you scold me."

Lan Shuang: "...I still want to bite you—um..."

"Okay, welcome to bite, I'll see where it's better to bite."

King Ming's face has been trained to be invulnerable, thick enough to be used as a city wall. After he finished speaking, he looked down at himself, "Well, the shoulders are hard, and the arms are hard, where should I bite?"

Lan Shuang: "..."

On the face of this person, he is an upright gentleman, he doesn't blush or breathe when he speaks coquettishly, but he is merciless in torturing her.

She felt that she was riding a rebellious wild horse, galloping across the grassland.

Unbearable, she took King Ming's hand and bit his fingers fiercely.

King Ming's body tightened, but he smiled more happily, "Bite it, can't you write any more? Then I'll do it."

He took the pen, held Lan Shuang in one hand, and wrote a line of words on the paper steadily with the other hand.

Lan Shuang looked down and almost passed out of breath.

"On a certain day of a certain year, the king of Ming and his concubine shared the scriptures together in the study room, and the secret drama written on it was unheard of. The king of Ming was puzzled, so he tried it with the concubine. Ming Wang was very happy, deeply felt that his wife was lovely, so he remembered it and kept it as a memory, so that he could read it back at Baishou, and never forget it."

"Jun Conglan!" Lan Shuang's voice was a little crying, "You old rascal!"

King Ming readily agreed, kissing away the teardrops at the end of her eyes, "Well, you are a rascal alone."


The Second World Jianghan x Lanshuang's illness

After being with Lan Shuang, the frequency of Jiang Han's bipolar disorder became less, maybe love can really heal everything.

But the low frequency doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Every time a manic attack occurs, Jiang Han is extremely excited and can't sit still or relax. He has to find something to vent.

In the past, he had a tendency to self-harm. Every time he locked himself in the room and refused to come out, so as not to hurt others.

After getting married, he was with Lan Shuang, afraid of hurting Lan Shuang, he secretly pressed the chain in the guest room, with handcuffs and anklets attached to both ends. Once he fell ill, he would lock himself in the room and wait until later. The beginning stages are fine.

How keen Ke Lanshuang was, she noticed his abnormality early in the morning, and when she saw him going to the guest room, she followed him. When he was about to lock the door, Lanshuang pushed the door open.

"I thought we were husband and wife, you can trust and rely on me more."

Lan Shuang didn't question, nor did she lose her temper, she just looked at Jiang Han calmly, but Jiang Han panicked.

Yes, even in a panic, the mighty Jiang Ye was sometimes in such a mess.

At that moment, Lan Shuang felt extremely distressed.

Jiang Han said: "I will hurt you, Shuangshuang, I don't want that, I don't want you to be hurt because of me."

His eyes were bloodshot, and he had obviously endured to the extreme, "I'm afraid, I'm afraid you will regret it, and I'm even more afraid that you won't regret it."

Lan Shuang understood the meaning of his words, stepped forward and hugged him, "It's okay, I have identified you in my life, I believe you will not hurt me, your illness needs to be vented, but violence is not the only way to vent. "

Jiang Han was taken aback: "You mean..."

Lan Shuang's hand slowly rubbed upwards along his back, evoking Jiang Han's desire in an instant.

Finally, her hand rested on Jiang Han's neck, making him bow his head slightly, "Kiss me."

Jiang Han's pupils opened, and then they became darker in an instant.

After all, rationality was defeated by instinct, and he would never be rational in front of his sweetheart.

This hearty "war" was over, and Lan Shuang felt like she had been dismantled and reassembled, nothing looked like the original one, and everything was sore.

But the good news is that after venting, Jiang Han's mood became much more stable, and he fell asleep peacefully after taking the medicine.

Lan Shuang sighed, and gently traced Jiang Han's outline with her hands, as if she wanted to engrave him in her heart.

And when Jiang Han reached the depression stage, he became much more obedient, at most he didn't like to talk, he didn't like to move, he just wanted to cling to Lanshuang, and he didn't do anything, just put up stickers wherever he went.

Not seeing Lan Shuang for a while makes me feel uncomfortable all over.

If you see it, you must post it and have physical contact with Lan Shuang.

And at this time, Jiang Han's favorite thing to do is to watch Lan Shuang draw or play the piano.

Lan Shuang also pampered him, and painted for him. At first, she was a little novice, but later she got better and better, just like a photo taken.

On the last day of the depression period, Jiang Han stood in the studio, touched his own portrait, and suddenly said: "If there is a next life, let me paint you, okay?"

Lan Shuang smiled and said, "Okay, I'll wait."


The secret of love at first sight in the third episode of Jiang Lusheng x Lanshuang
After Jiang Lusheng and Lan Shuang got together, once they were sitting on the open-air balcony with the night breeze blowing, drinking beer and eating fried chicken, and suddenly they played the truth.

The two were married at this time, Lan Shuang was afraid of getting the ring dirty, so she took it off and put it on a napkin aside, picked up a piece of fried chicken and ate it with satisfaction, "Well, the fried chicken here is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, the best It's delicious."

"Mmm," Jiang Lusheng was wearing off-white short-sleeves and shorts, very casual, leaning on the recliner, looking lazy, holding a can of beer in his hand and drinking it one after another.

"Today is fifteen, and the moon is very round."

He squinted at the moon, and suddenly remembered the photoshoot, "Actually, I really took pictures of the moon for you, and I changed my mind after seeing the news."

Recalling the old story, Lan Shuang leaned her head on his shoulder and said vaguely: "You jealous, we had nothing to do with each other at that time, and you can be jealous."

"It's just that you think it's okay. In my heart, you have long been mine."

Jiang Lusheng lowered his eyes and smacked her forehead, snatched the fried chicken from her hand and ate it.

Lan Shuang pinched him: "Are you so confident?"

"Yeah, because from the first moment I saw you, I was sure that you are the person I've been looking for."

Jiang Lusheng swallowed the fried chicken with a smile, with moonlight in his eyes, "It sounds absurd, but it's true. At that moment, a voice in the dark said to me: "It's her. "

Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows, took a sip of the cold beer with his hand, and then smiled softly: "Love at first sight?"

"Unbelievable, right? But it's such a romantic and clichéd development." Jiang Lusheng snatched the beer back, "Be careful of getting drunk."

He touched Lan Shuang's long hair and said softly: "Many people have said that I don't seem to have any desires. Obviously, God favors me so much and has given me so many talents, art, business, or physical ability. Either one of them could easily make me climb to the top, but I have no interest, as if I just live to live."

"Until I met you."

He turned his head to look at Lan Shuang, the starry sky and her were reflected in his eyes.

"I was shocked to find that it's not that I don't have desires, it's just because of my desires that she became a human being and has been lost in the sea of ​​people by me. Only when I find her can I be considered a complete person."

Lan Shuang smiled: "Am I your desire?"


Jiang Lusheng wiped her hands for her, picked up the ring and helped her put it on devoutly, and kissed the back of her hand. The moment he raised his eyes, he was full of longing and ambition, "Now, you are trapped by me."

"You are my desire, the source of my evil, and the root of my life. As long as you are here, I will always be here."

Jiang Lusheng raised his hand and hugged Lan Shuang into his arms. Lan Shuang leaned on his shoulder and smiled softly, "Jiang Lusheng."


"Actually, we didn't fall in love at first sight."

She slowly closed her eyes and whispered in the rose-scented summer night: "We meet again after a long absence."

It's just that you forgot.

But that's okay, I remember them all, and always will.


Later, Jiang Lusheng framed the picture he drew after meeting Lan Shuang for the first time, and hung it on their bedside. Every time he saw that picture, Lan Shuang's eyes were always gentle and focused.

Jiang Lusheng thought she liked it, so he drew one for her every month until he couldn't hold the brush and she couldn't breathe.

He painted like this for a lifetime, fulfilling his promise in the previous life without memory.

(End of this chapter)

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