Chapter 187 This Mermaid Is Not Pure 20
Lan Shuang didn't know that a piece of his memory had recovered, so she moved over limply, rested her head on his lap, wrapped her arms around his waist and patted his back comfortingly: "It's okay, it's all over. Yes, don't be afraid, don't be afraid."

Ross's breathing gradually stabilized, and he looked at Lan Shuang who was so sleepy that he couldn't open his eyes and was still comforting himself with a complicated expression. Those memories surged up again, extremely clear.

Is that what they have experienced?
Does she know those are all him?Or does it mean that she doesn't know, and she also has no memory in every life?
As soon as this idea came up, Rose himself denied it. No, from her memory, she obviously recognized herself. Every time she saw herself, she would be slightly absent-minded, as if she was recognizing herself.

And every time she said something to herself, it seemed to have a deep meaning...

Thinking of what Lan Shuang said to herself yesterday on this bed, in the next life, in the next life, as long as she is here, she will always love her. Is this what she meant?

Ross was enlightened at this moment, and all the unreasonable things that had been ignored before were explained.

It turns out that they have been in love for a long time, and they have gone through so many reincarnations together.

No wonder she got so close to him as soon as she saw her, no wonder she didn't resist her liking, and always tolerated her various tempers.

Ross couldn't help sighing from the bottom of his heart, and raised his hand to caress Lan Shuang's face. Lan Shuang felt itchy, and couldn't help turning over and burying her face in his arms.

"Don't make trouble, sleepy..."

Rose laughed lowly, reached out to pull the woman out of his arms, let her sit on his lap, and knocked his chin on his shoulder, as if there was no bone.


Lan Shuang really didn't get enough sleep, she barely opened her eyelids and looked out, it was just dawn.

Ross smiled and pinched the back of her neck, Lan Shuang woke up suddenly, and she stared at Ross with wide eyes.

Ross covered her eyes with his hand and pecked her lips.

Lan Shuang stretched out her hand to push him: "I haven't brushed my teeth yet."

Ross was helpless, but just grinded on her lips, without going deep.

But the teasing all at once is also very grueling.

Unable to bear it, Lan Shuang pushed him back on the bed, rode on him, and grabbed his lapel viciously and asked, "You sincerely don't let me sleep, do you? Huh? You've lost your mermaid skills!"

Ross raised his eyebrows and accepted the evaluation of "bad" frankly.

He pinched Lan Shuang's waist with both hands, as if he couldn't get enough of it, his eyes lingered on Lan Shuang's face, and Lan Shuang couldn't bear it at the end.

She whimpered and buried her face on Ross's body, and said sullenly, "Don't look at it, even if you have a thick skin, you will see a hole."

Ross smiled lowly: "Shuangshuang, I really like you."

"So you tormented me not to let me sleep, just to say this?" Lan Shuang narrowed her eyes and looked at Ross dangerously.

Lost paused, "Yes."

Lan Shuang: "..."

"I fought with you!"

The two just started fighting on the bed, um, pure fighting, nothing else.

After arguing for a while, Ross pressed Lan Shuang's wrist and said, "Okay, let's stop making trouble, sleep for a while when you're sleepy, and I'll hold you."

"I'm all refreshed, how can I sleep?" Lan Shuang turned over sadly and lay flat on the big bed.

Rose stretched out his arms to pull Ren Pa into his arms, and kissed the top of her hair, "I'll sing to coax you."

"Huh?" Lan Shuang raised her head, "Singing? Sing me a lullaby."

"Lullaby? Are you a baby?" Ross couldn't help laughing.

Lan Shuang: "I don't care, I'm still a baby in my heart, can't I? I just want to hear it."

"Okay, I'll sing for you."

Ross cleared his throat, hugged him in his arms, and sang in a low voice.

"Sleep, sleep, my dear baby, my hands gently rock you, the cradle rocks you to sleep quickly, sleep peacefully in the cradle, warm and comfortable..."

The mermaid's voice has its own charm buff, and the effect of singing is doubled. It is low and has unparalleled magnetism, like an echo from the depths of the sea, long and mysterious.

At first, Lan Shuang laughed at him for changing the lyrics, changing "Mom" to "I", but soon fell asleep, and she fell asleep with a smile.

Listening to her regular and long breathing, Rose stopped after singing the last sentence, and closed her eyes tightly next to her.

Go to sleep, my sweetheart.


When she woke up again, it was bright outside, and Lan Shuang rolled out of Luo Si's arms, stretched her waist, and felt extremely comfortable. She felt that she was sleeping softly, in good spirits, and not sleepy at all.

She turned her head and glanced at Ross, and Ross also opened his eyes. He was not sleepy at all, and his eyes were clear, which showed that he had woken up a long time ago.

"Have you had enough sleep?"

Ross smiled and propped up half of his body, and the black silk nightgown slipped off, revealing a large expanse of fair skin and tight abdominal muscles.

His eyes slanted in from the window and fell on him, making his whole body glow, like an angel who strayed into the mortal world.

Lan Shuang admired the beauty for a while, reached out and touched Ross's abdominal muscles, got up and said, "Well, I've had enough sleep."

Rose chuckled, put his clothes together and followed suit.

After washing and changing clothes, Ross took the medicine bottle and applied the medicine to Lanshuang. Just after applying it, footsteps came from the door again.

Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows and looked over, there was a conversation outside.

"Is sister awake?"

It was Lan Sisi's voice.

Maid: "Back to the second princess, I don't know, the eldest princess doesn't allow us to go in casually."

"That's it."

Lan Sisi hesitated and said, "Then I'll wait here."

Ross glanced in the direction of the door, twisted the cap and put the medicine bottle aside, "Okay."

Lan Shuang nodded: "Well, thank you."

Ross smiled.

Lan Shuang straightened her sleeves, got up and said to the door, "Come in."

Hearing this sound, Lan Sisi's eyes lit up, she was wearing a pink princess dress, and she pushed open the door happily, and then she saw a man and a woman standing and sitting by the bed, the smile on her face froze immediately.

" night..."

Lan Sisi felt that her tongue was tied up and she couldn't speak anymore, and she didn't even know where to look with her eyes, as if she couldn't look at it, and it didn't matter if she didn't look at it.

She hesitated for a while, then raised her hand to cover her eyes: "I didn't see anything."

Lan Shuang: "..."

Ross: "..."

Self-deception No.1.

Lan Shuang walked up to Lan Sisi, reached out and grabbed her wrist, and asked her to put her hand down and look at herself, "No, you saw it, and it was just like what you saw, we slept together last night, we didn't do anything, but share the same bed."

Lan Sisi blushed instantly when she heard the words, "Ah... alright."

"Are you planning to marry him?" Lan Sisi wanted to ask a lot before she came, but she was forgotten by the shock of the scene in front of her.

"En." Lan Shuang let go of her wrist, and said to the maid outside, "Prepare breakfast."

"Yes." The maids went.

Lan Shuang pointed to the sofa beside her and said, "Sit down."

Lan Sisi sat down on the sofa restrainedly.

Lan Shuang sat down opposite her, and asked while putting on makeup, "Why did you come here? Did your mother mean it, or did you mean it?"

Ross glanced at them, then turned around and walked around the other two rooms.

Lan Sisi breathed a sigh of relief, and said in a low voice, "It's what I meant, the queen mother doesn't really want me to come."

Lan Shuang nodded: "Well, I guessed it, she doesn't want you to get too close to me."

"But we are sisters." Lan Sisi had a sad expression on her face, "They said you were dead before, I don't believe it, I can feel that you are still alive."

Lan Shuang's thrush paused, looked at her through the mirror, smiled softly, and sighed, "I don't know if it's her luck or misfortune that your mother can raise such a simple daughter like you."

Hearing this, Lan Sisi looked at her blankly, not understanding what she meant.

"Sister, I heard from them that you were murdered. What happened? Father said you were injured? Is it serious?"

"It's not serious." Lan Shuang only answered the last sentence, finally put on lipstick, sipped it in front of the mirror, smiled with satisfaction and looked at herself in the mirror, then stopped smiling, and turned to look at Lan Sisi.

"No matter what state of mind you come to see me, Lan Sisi, we are destined not to reconcile."

"Why?" Lan Sisi looked at her puzzled, and asked in a low voice, "Is it because of my mother?"

"Yes, but she is only one side." Lan Shuang stood up and leaned against the dressing table, her fluffy skirt was slightly sunken, she brushed her long blond hair, and said in a deep voice: "I want the one from Mordo Kingdom." The throne, and you, are the biggest competitors."

Lan Sisi was taken aback, and just about to refute, Lan Shuang raised her hand suddenly and calmly stopped her: "Maybe you want to say that you don't intend to fight with me, but what about your mother? What about your uncle? Are you sure they don't mean that?" ?”

"I..." Lan Sisi couldn't speak.

Lan Shuang smiled lightly, her eyes darkened, "So, we are destined to take two diametrically opposed paths. You don't need to waste your time on me. We can't continue to play the scene of sisterly love."

"As for your mother, I will not let her go. You can remind her after you go back, be careful, don't be caught by me, I will not spare them for your sake, you and I are you and me, hate It's hatred, and it should not be confused."

Lan Shuang gently shook her index finger, "And if I lose, I don't need you to intercede. Life or death are all in my mind."

"Do you have any questions now?"

Lan Shuang's words successfully cut off all possibilities, and Lan Sisi was silenced.

She stared blankly at Lan Shuang for a long time, but in the end she didn't say anything, she stood up holding back her tears, nodded and left.

As soon as Lan Sisi left, Luo Si came out from the restaurant door. He walked up to Lan Shuang, touched Lan Shuang's face, and asked in a low voice, "She doesn't seem to be bad to you."

"It's because it's not bad, so I have to draw a clear line this morning." Lan Shuang held Ross's finger and said, "I have emotional entanglements with the enemy's daughter, which will affect my judgment. Why don't I break this relationship from the beginning?" Think about it."

 Both of these two chapters have [-] words, so they are the same as chapter three.

  Yesterday's small theater was blocked... I am really helpless, Baozi who watched late probably can only watch the cut version, I tried my best to release it, but it will take 48 hours... I failed to apply once, hugging my head cry!
(End of this chapter)

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