Chapter 188 This Mermaid Is Not Pure 21
Ross looked at Lan Shuang's calm face and said nothing.

Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows: "What's the matter, do you think I'm too cruel?"

Rose shook his head, looked at her intently and said in a low voice, "If you really have a sisterly relationship with her and change your original intention for her, I will think you are stupid, and that is not like you at all."

Lan Shuang just laughed: "I'm such a cruel person, with a small heart and little affection. If I give it to one person, others will naturally get less, but I don't think it's bad, and I don't want to. Change."

She tried to reveal a corner of her past to Ross in this way, cautiously probing, sensitively observing, and wanted to see Ross's reaction. Although he had no memory of every life, it did not prevent her from opening her heart. Seek a moment of solace.

But Luo Si won't let her lose, he gently held Lan Shuang's face, kissed her lips lightly, and whispered while breathing: "I don't care what kind of person you are, that's what I like You, with me, you don't need to change, it's fine."

A corner of Lan Shuang's heart softened.

She actively wrapped her arms around Rose's neck, deepening the kiss.


Lan Sisi went back to her bedroom and stayed there for a while, feeling desolate in her heart, not knowing what to do or what to do, her whole body was wrapped in inexplicable sadness.

The maids were very worried about her state, and some smart people secretly told the queen.

After a while, the queen came to Lan Sisi's bedroom with her maid guards.

"You stay here and watch, and when someone comes, go in and report."

The queen gave an order, stepped into Lan Sisi's bedroom, and went in without knocking on the door.

When Lan Sisi heard the movement and turned her head to look, seeing that it was the queen, she had mixed feelings.

"Mother, why are you here?"

"I can't come?" The queen asked back angrily, looked around proudly, and finally sat down on the carved soft cloth chair next to Lan Sisi's bed, and folded her hands in white lace gloves on her lap , showing her good etiquette and upbringing everywhere.

Lan Sisi used to think that her mother was her role model, she imitated her mother everywhere, and wanted to be a beautiful princess praised by everyone, but now she suddenly became confused.


"Why are you hesitating? Did I teach you this before? As a princess, you should be confident and generous, and speak well. You should think before you speak."

The queen watched Lan Sisi calmly, subconsciously feeling a little oppressed.

Lan Sisi shook her hand nervously, and after a moment of silence, she finally made up her mind, "Mother, sister was tricked into going to sea, did you ask someone to do it?"

"Huh?" The queen was taken aback, the smile on her lips froze immediately, and she asked in a bad tone, "Who told you?"

Seeing Lan Sisi's strange expression, she immediately stood up: "It's Lan Shuang? You went to see her in the morning, so she told you? Heh——"

The queen sneered: "Does she still want to use this trick to drive us apart?"

Lan Sisi: "Queen, do you mean you didn't do it?"

"I do not……"

"Queen, I'm not a fool."

Lan Sisi suddenly stood up and interrupted the queen's words, she looked at the queen with a painful and helpless look.

The Queen's words were stuck in her throat.

"My sister didn't say anything to me. I guessed it myself, but your reaction told me that I was right."

Lan Sisi's eye circles slowly turned red, "So why did you do this? She is my sister."

The queen's body stiffened for a moment, she raised her hand to support Lan Sisi's shoulder, and her tone eased to persuade her: "Well, now that you know, I won't hide it from you anymore. It's because your uncle and I felt that you didn't say anything before. It's too simple, I don't want you to be contaminated with these."

Lan Sisi shook her head, tears fell on the back of her hand.

"You should know the rules of Mordo Kingdom. The throne can only be passed on to the heirs of the first queen. No matter male or female, they will be arranged according to seniority. As long as Lan Shuang is alive, no matter what, the throne will not be passed on to you, Sisi Si, do you understand?"

The queen's eyes showed a bit of unwillingness, and her voice became excited: "Even if our family is noble, even if the first queen is a sinner, a commoner, and is not loved by the ministers, the rules cannot be broken. In front of the rules, everything else is fine." Ignored, even if you are a hundred times better than Lan Shuang, they will not support you, are you willing?"

Lan Sisi was puzzled: "Is it because of this? But my sister deserves it. I never thought of competing with her for the throne."

"You haven't thought about it, I've thought about it!" The queen suddenly let go of Lan Sisi, and reprimanded: "The hopes of our entire family are pinned on you. I don't usually say that I don't want to put too much pressure on you, but this It doesn't mean you can ignore the family's honor and life or death."

The queen's face was gloomy, and she got angry at Lan Sisi for the first time: "Otherwise, how do you think you got everything today? If it wasn't for the family behind us, would I be able to sit in this position? Can I secure this position?"

"Think about it, my dear second princess, no one can just enjoy the blessings without giving. You enjoy the benefits brought by the family, so you should take on the responsibility of revitalizing the family. Whether you want it or not, this throne, as long as you Could be ours!"

After throwing down these words, the queen took a deep breath to calm down, and with a professional smirk on her face, she said softly: "During this time, you should rest in your room, think clearly before going out, I'll go Go to the theater with your father."

After finishing speaking, she turned around and left Lan Sisi's bedroom quickly, and told the guards and maids at the door: "Take care of the second princess, she is not feeling well these days and needs to rest, don't let outsiders approach her, and don't allow her to go out. Inform me immediately of any abnormalities."

"Yes, queen."

Then the door was slowly closed from the outside.

Lan Sisi watched the door close little by little, her heart seemed to be locked up.

It turned out that what my sister said was true, they were destined to be enemies from birth.


The queen was so angry at Lan Sisi that she had nowhere to vent her anger, and she had to greet the king with a smile when she attended an event. The whole person was going crazy.

But Naihe is now at a critical juncture, she can't make any mistakes, so she can only use her acting skills that she has cultivated for decades, wandering among various nobles, trying to win them over.

When the event ended, the queen's face froze with laughter, and the king said, "I want to hold a reception banquet for Lan Shuang, so you can do it more grandly, and invite all the nobles here so that everyone can see her." Lan Shuang, you can also explain the previous oolong incident."


She almost gritted her teeth hard.

(End of this chapter)

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