Chapter 189 This Mermaid Is Not Pure 22
"Is there a problem?" The king didn't hear the queen's answer, so he turned around and looked at her. The queen immediately straightened up her expression, her smile was very standard, and her eight teeth were shining brightly. .”

The king nodded casually: "Well, I can still trust you in your work. I went back and thought about what Lan Shuang said that day, and it really made sense. I haven't paid enough attention to her for so many years, and she is not young anymore. It’s not a problem to hide like this all the time, you still have to let her come out more to see the world, you should also go and see her clothes and jewelry, and buy what is missing.”

"Okay." The queen agreed, and turned back to her room to go crazy.

Crazy and incomplete, she didn't dare to drop those fragile things, for fear that the king would find out the abnormality and her true face of inconsistency, so she could only vent her anger with soft cloth such as pillows and pillows, grabbing a pillow and pushing it hard. I fell on the bed, fell to the ground, and went up to step on my feet in frustration.

Seeing her crazy appearance, the maids trembled aside.

Outsiders say that the queen is so elegant, gentle and magnanimous, and she is a model for women.

Only those who serve the queen know that she is a jealous and irritable lunatic!

When the queen had vented enough, her hair was loose, and she looked more like a crazy woman. She calmed down and sat on the ground, and the maids dared to go up to help her, and dragged her to the dressing table to recomb her hair and wear jewelry.

After the torment was over, the queen returned to her glamorous appearance, and said weakly, "Go to the storeroom and pick out a few sets of jewelry to send to the princess. I don't care about the style, I only pick expensive ones, the more expensive the better."

"The same goes for the clothes, pick out the flamboyant and expensive ones, and send a few more plain ones."

"Yes." The maids took the order and went.


After Lan Shuang received the clothes and jewelry, she couldn't help leaning on Rose's shoulder and laughing: "Look, the queen's little thoughts are fully revealed in these things."

Ross tried his best to pretend to be an idiot who didn't understand anything and asked, "How do you say?"

"Look, these jewels seem to be precious gemstones, which are of great value, but the styles are very vulgar and old-fashioned. Wearing them at an older age has a certain charm, which can be suppressed, but at my age, it seems too old-fashioned to wear them." Shen Shen."

Lan Shuang casually picked up an emerald necklace with her fingertips to show Ross.

Ross took it, looked at it for a moment and said, "It's really old-fashioned."

A large row of emeralds are embedded on the silver necklace, surrounded by a ring of broken diamonds. The style is very rigid. Nowadays, aristocratic women don't wear such jewelry for a long time. If Lan Shuang really wears it, she will definitely be laughed at.

"And these clothes don't need to be said." Lan Shuang stood up, holding a skirt in one hand to show Ross, "The gorgeous one on the left looks like a peacock, and I will be the brightest cub at the dinner party when I wear it, yes, it is the brightest." It is so bright that it can blind people's eyes."

"As for the one on the right hand, it doesn't look like a princess. I didn't look at the fabric and thought it was some rich lady. It's too simple and doesn't fit my identity."

"It seems to give me a lot of choices, but in fact there are pitfalls on the left and right."

Lan Shuang threw the clothes on the bed and sneered.

Ross put the necklace back, "What should I do then? The day after tomorrow is a dinner party, do you want to make it now? Will the king think you are targeting the queen?"

"It must be done now,'s not for people to do it, I will do it myself."

"Huh?" Ross raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Lan Shuang said to do it, she took scissors and needlework, dismantled the flashy skirts, selected some available fabrics and sewed them on the overly plain skirts.

Los, who recovered his memory, knew that Lan Shuang had strong hands-on ability, and she was still a designer in her previous life, so she was very optimistic about her from the beginning.

After working hard all afternoon, a wine red velvet dress appeared in front of Ross.

The hem of the long skirt is puffed up, the waistline is strung with gold thread, and a large rose is embroidered with gold thread underneath. It is not very conspicuous at first glance, but under the light, the gold thread is shining, which looks delicate and luxurious .

At the back is a hollowed-out design. A rose is outlined with gold wire on the back. The petals are all hollowed out, just revealing the beautiful back.

The style is elegant with a touch of uninhibitedness, and the beauty is somewhat mature and dignified, which is very in line with Lan Shuang's temperament.

"Is it okay?" Lan Shuang raised her skirt and looked at Ross.

Ross praised without hesitation: "If you become a tailor, it must be hard to find."

Lan Shuang put away her skirt with a smile, "Did you enroll in some love talk cram school behind my back?"

Ross looked at her blankly: "Huh?"

"It's nothing."

Lan Shuang forgot that there were no cram schools in this world, so she hurriedly stopped the topic and began to choose among jewelry, and finally chose a simple diamond necklace to match the dress.

After tidying up, Lan Shuang sat on the bed to rest, leaning back straight, "I'm so tired."

Rose lay down beside her, and looked with her at the veil overhead.

Just as Lan Shuang was about to say something, there was a buzzing sound in her head.

She froze for a moment, then hugged Delos next to her, and asked in her mind: "Xiao Baba?"


"Ang, what's wrong?"

"Host! Woohoo!" 888 burst into tears when he heard Lan Shuang's voice as if it had been a lifetime ago.

Lan Shuang didn't understand, so she said, "What's wrong with you? What happened? You seem to have been quiet all morning..."

She realized belatedly that it seemed that she had indeed not made a sound all morning.

"I don't know what went wrong. At first, the system space was broken, and an abnormality was detected, and then the screen crashed. Then the space was paralyzed, and the connection was interrupted. I couldn't contact you, nor could I contact the headquarters. I thought I could only be trapped in a dark space for the rest of my life, woo woo woo..."

"How did this happen?" Lan Shuang was puzzled: "Then how did you contact me now? Have you fixed it?"

"It's not..." 888 said hesitantly: "I don't know what happened just now. The screen turned on and the connection was made. I contacted the headquarters as soon as possible. They said that they had checked and found no abnormal reason. , upgraded the system library for me, and opened a direct channel at a critical moment."

"Direct passage?" Lan Shuang seemed to understand: "Is it possible to return to the headquarters directly through this passage in case of danger?"

"Yes! But you can only open it when you encounter danger that you can't escape, and you can't move at ordinary times." 888 collapsed on the ground, and he wanted to give himself a cigarette for the rest of his life after the catastrophe.

"Poor little Baba." Lan Shuang substituted herself, and couldn't help shaking her head: "When you were trapped inside, you were desperate, right?"

"Yeah, woo woo woo, the system is scared to death."

888 really wanted to hold Lan Shuang's headache and cry.

 Lan Shuang: Climb farther!
  As an aside, I have had a severe headache these past two days, and I can't sit up. I feel dizzy and nauseated after sitting for a long time, so I can only lie down, so the updates for these two days will be less. I will make up for what I owe at the end of the month. Thank you for your understanding.
(End of this chapter)

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