Chapter 192 This Mermaid Is Not Pure 24
Ossie turned back and looked at the king, but the sword in his hand had already been thrust out, and it was too late to take it back.

Lan Shuang's eyes froze: "Los is careful!"

She raised her hand to use magic to stop her, but Ke Luosi took a step first and seemed to retreat to one side, but did not retreat completely. The sharp sword tip pierced the clothes on the shoulder, leaving a red mark immediately, blood The beads flowed down the sleeves, dyeing a large area red.

"Loss!" Lan Shuang opened her eyes slightly, and quickly walked down the steps with her skirt in hand. When she passed by Ossi, she grabbed his wrist and took the sword.

Ossie said in astonishment: "Princess, I... ah!"

Lan Shuang also hit his arm with a backhand.

Ossie clutched his arm, the facial features that were so painful that they were not spacious were tightly squeezed together.

The king frowned, "Lan Shuang!"

Lan Shuang threw the sword on the ground casually, "What's wrong? Can I help Ross return it? According to the laws of our country, those who maliciously hurt others should be treated with an eye for an eye. He stabbed Ross's arm. I It's fair to give him back a sword, even if people from the Ossi family come, they can't say anything."


She stood beside Ross, turned her head to look at the screaming Ossie, and said coldly but clearly, "The one who flirts first is the cheapest."

Now the king has nothing to say.

Lan Shuang took out her handkerchief and wiped the blood on Ross's wound, but unexpectedly, his wound healed itself soon.

888 explained in time: "The host, the mermaid has a special constitution, and injuries will heal quickly, so don't worry."

Lan Shuang: "I forgot about this, so this guy can't do it on purpose, right?"

888: "Well, I don't know about that~"

Lan Shuang snorted, and stuffed the handkerchief into Ross's hand: "Wipe it yourself."

Rose was a little confused by her sudden indifference, but quickly realized that she had deliberately injured her hands with rose thorns in her last life, and she had the same reaction.

I stepped on the thunder accurately again.

Ross didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he was obedient and didn't act like a monster anymore, he took the veil and pressed it on it, pretending that the wound was still bleeding.

Lan Shuang turned her head to look at Ossi and the king. The captain of the personal guard had already told what happened just now with great insight, without favoring anyone.

After hearing that, the king's face was very ugly, and he gave Ross a cold look. This face is indeed very good, and the beauty is indistinguishable, but apart from his beauty, this person is useless.

And Ossie...

Thinking of what Lan Shuang said just now, and Ossie's various actions, the king's eyes darkened: "Ossie, I give your family the favor of allowing you to enter the palace with swords, but this is just a symbol of honor, but not for you. You have the capital to flaunt your power, and you are not allowed to hurt people in the palace!"

Ossie's arm was actually not seriously injured, it was just a layer of skin punctured. His chest heaved in anger, but seeing the king's face was gloomy, he still lowered his head and said, "Dear Your Majesty, please forgive me for offending me for a while. I'm also being so rude because of this popular mind."

Ossie glared at Ross, and then looked at Lan Shuang, feeling quite uncomfortable.

"Your Royal Highness, I am your fiancé, why did you break off the engagement with me without my consent?"

Ossie is really confused. At this time, he even questioned Lan Shuang. Didn't he see that the king's face was almost blackened?

888 was sweating for this fool.

Lan Shuang had a panoramic view of the king's expression changes from the corner of his eyes, and said with a smile: "Viscount Ossi, let me remind you that you were the one who was unfaithful first. At the palace dinner a month ago, you were in front of me. Showing great attention to my sister, and later flirting with the noble daughter in the garden, do I need to find witnesses for these?"

Ossie's face changed drastically. He could still explain the former one, saying that he appreciated the talent of the second princess and had no other meaning, but the latter...


He was very guilty, and wanted to refute but couldn't refute, fearing that Lan Shuang really had witnesses.

"Ossie! I'm so disappointed in you!" The king finally found a chance to explode, and said angrily, "I watched you grow up since I was a child, and I really liked you so I made a marriage contract with the eldest princess for you, but now you What you have done has become farther and farther away from a qualified husband. In this case, I declare that from now on, the engagement between you and the eldest princess will be cancelled. From now on, your marriage will have nothing to do with each other. happiness."

Lan Shuang lowered her eyes and smiled slightly. Originally, she told the king that the king was still hesitant and worried about the power of the family behind Ossi, but now that Ossie personally brought up the matter, how could the king tolerate it?

I am really grateful to the pig teammates for their great help.

Ossie panicked completely, "No, Your Majesty, I was confused for a while, please forgive me! Please give me another chance!"

The king waved his hands in disappointment: "Please go out, Viscount Ossi, oh yes, and he will not allow Viscount Ossie to enter the palace with a sword in the future."


The captain of the personal guard immediately turned his face, walked up to Ossi and said with a strong attitude: "Viscount Ossie, please leave."

"No...Your Majesty, Princess! Listen to my explanation!"

Ossie stretched his neck and looked back unwillingly, Lan Shuang immediately winked at the guards on the side: "It's not convenient for the captain of the guard to be alone, you go and help."

The guards looked at each other, and seeing that the king didn't speak, they felt that he had acquiesced, "Yes, Your Highness."

A group of people swarmed up and drove Ossie out.

As soon as the noisy people left, the garden became quiet, so quiet that it was a bit embarrassing.

The king stared at Ross without saying a word, but Ross didn't look at him, but moved closer to Lan Shuang, as if a little timid.

The king's eyes flashed when he saw this, and he immediately showed a bit of disdain.

Lan Shuang glanced at Luo Si beside her, raised her eyes to meet the king's gaze, and saw the king's thoughts clearly, "Your Majesty, you should think about what I told you. Luo Si still has injuries on his hands. I want to take him back, excuse me."

The king nodded and watched them leave without saying a word.


Luo Si and Lan Shuang returned to the bedroom. As soon as the door was closed, Luo Si hugged Lan Shuang tightly from behind, and lightly pecked her on the back of the neck: "I was wrong, don't be angry, okay?"

It's a good move to preemptive strikes.

Lan Shuang gritted her teeth: "So you admitted in disguise that you didn't avoid it on purpose just now?"

Ross dawdled on her neck, and said flatteringly, "It's not intentional, it's just an idea, and I think it will be more helpful to you."

"But I don't need your help to hurt yourself!"

Lan Shuang wanted to pull his hand away, but Ross had predicted it in advance, and added some strength to her hand, making it impossible for her to break free.

Lan Shuang: "..."

How do you feel that this mermaid is getting smarter?
 Ross: Guess~
(End of this chapter)

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