Chapter 193 This Mermaid Is Not Pure 25
Ross walked forward while holding her, but felt that this posture was too awkward, so he directly picked her up and put her on the bed, and then pressed her up.

Lan Shuang was pressed on the bed by him, and she reached out to push him: "It's so heavy, get up..."

"No." Ross pressed tightly against her body, lowered his head and kissed her forehead lightly, and said with a kiss, "I'm sorry."

Kiss on the bridge of the nose, "I was wrong."

Kiss him sideways: "I won't dare next time."

Kiss on the chin: "Don't be angry, okay?"

Kiss the lips: "If you don't speak, I will take it as your agreement."

Lan Shuang: "I... um!"

He just made an announcement, and didn't intend to listen to Lan Shuang's rejection. Although he usually looks gentle, that's just the appearance, and the strength and domineering in his bones can't be hidden at certain times.

He has always been like this, but after meeting Lan Shuang, he willingly hid those dark and violent thorns, for fear of hurting her.

He once said that Lanshuang was his rose, but in fact, he was the one who really looked like a rose, gorgeous and dangerous, soft and sharp.

In front of Lan Shuang, he is willing to show his most beautiful and gentle side, while the dark side grows wildly in the dark.


Lan Shuang was almost out of breath, so Ross came back to his senses, stood up a little, put his hands on her face, and looked at her slightly flushed face and watery lips due to shortness of breath.

"Are you still angry?"

Ross rubbed his nose against hers affectionately.

Lan Shuang: "..."

Still angry?I'm going to die!
This mermaid is very bad!
"I'm really..." Lan Shuang said half a sentence helplessly, paralyzed on the bed with her eyes lost.

"What is it?" Lost couldn't hold back and took another bite on Lanshuang's swollen lips.

Lan Shuang: "..."

Ross successfully received Lanshuang's eye knife.

"There's really nothing I can do about you!" Lan Shuang pinched Rose's face and said through gritted teeth.

Luo Si laughed lowly, warm breath with a touch of mint fragrance hit Lan Shuang's face, "I'm sensible, I'm a mermaid, that little injury doesn't affect me, and it can help Don't you? I heard what you said to the king on the steps."

Lan Shuang was taken aback: "Have you heard it all? Your hearing is so good?"

Ross: "Well, the mermaid's talent."

"So that's it." Lan Shuang's anger almost subsided, she patted the place beside her and said, "Lie down, don't practice plank on me."

Ross smiled and rolled over to the side and lay down next to her, "Yeah."

Lan Shuang leaned her head to his side and said: "I have a showdown with the king. I said that although he doesn't like me, but my identity is here. It's not easy for him to get rid of me. Why don't you just make do with it? Since you like Lan Sisi, let her be a carefree princess."

"I'll be kind to her, swear by my name, and Ossie..."

When the name was mentioned, Ross' eyes darkened, "What about him?"

"Heh." Lan Shuang chuckled, "The family behind him has rapidly expanded in power and ambitions over the past few years. If I marry Ossie, I will only be a puppet in the future. No matter who succeeds me or Lan Sisi, As long as I give birth to Ossi's child, they will be used as pawns in the future."

"The king is so conceited to save face, surely he can't tolerate this kind of thing happening?" Ross said thoughtfully.

"Yes, I just picked on the king's weakness. He thought it made sense, so he was shaken. I took advantage of the trend and said that you have no power or power, and it is difficult to turn the tide. Compared with Ossie, you are the best candidate for the queen's wife. "

Lan Shuang paused as she spoke, then raised her head to look at Rose's face: "Do you feel uncomfortable when I say that?"

Rose shook his head, rubbed Lan Shuang's side face with one hand, his eyes were full of tenderness and tolerance: "No, because I understand what you mean, you are not belittling me, you are just persuading him from the aspect that the king cares about."

"It's a great blessing to have a reasonable lover!" Lan Shuang climbed to the top like a roller coaster.

Ross: "It's my good fortune to have you."


The two lay on the bed for a while, before Rose got up to take a shower and change his clothes.

And in such a short period of time, the news of the eldest princess and Viscount Ossi's divorce has spread throughout the entire palace, and with the palace as the center, it has spread to every corner of the capital.

Ossie was locked up immediately after returning home. After asking the ins and outs, they knew they were wrong, and they didn't dare to go to the king and Lanshuang to argue, so they had to endure it.

Ossie was unhappy and was ordered to reflect on himself at home.

Ossie was not released until Lan Shuang's welcome banquet began.


In the past few days, there has been a turbulent undercurrent in the capital city, but it has maintained a superficial calm.When night fell, the palace was brightly lit, and the classical and melodious piano sounded in the resplendent and resplendent hall.

Ladies and ladies dressed in bright clothes and exquisite makeup came together, while gentlemen and nobles stood aside and greeted each other with wine glasses.

The scarlet dark pattern carpet was spread from the main hall to the entrance of the palace. Ossi got off the carriage and wore a black dress. He looked calmer, but those frivolous eyes still betrayed his immature heart.

After he got off the carriage, he strode towards the main hall. As soon as he reached the door, he saw another carriage slowly parked beside him. He turned his face and his eyes lit up instantly.

"His Royal Highness Second Princess!"

Lan Sisi put her hands in white lace gloves on the palm of the maid, and carefully got out of the carriage with her skirt. When she saw Ossie standing beside her, she froze for a moment, "Viscount Ossie."

Ossie stretched out her hand graciously to help her, but she dodged it.

Lan Sisi supported the maid and smiled at him and said, "I'll go first, excuse me."

After speaking, he passed Ossi directly without looking at him again.

Ossie: "..."

He stood there in frustration, frowning.

The hall was full of excitement, with fragrant clothes and shadows on the temples. After entering, Lan Sisi looked to the front, but she didn't see Lan Shuang, so she couldn't tell what it was like.

She wanted to see her, but was afraid of seeing her.

To Lan Shuang, her own existence was originally a thorn, right?
She lowered her eyes, found the daughter she was familiar with and chatted.

After Ossie came in, her eyes kept falling on her, Lan Sisi just didn't know.

"Welcome to dinner tonight, everyone."

The queen stood on the high platform in front, and raised her voice: "Our princess survived the catastrophe and returned safely, so we will hold this banquet tonight to announce it to the world."

"Let us give the warmest applause to our protagonist tonight, Princess Lanshuang Modo!"

Everyone applauded for the sake of face, and looked in the direction of the entrance.

After the applause gradually died down, Lan Shuang walked in stepping on Ross's arm.

 By the way, I misremembered the name of the maid in front, I wrote Daixi as Oliver, and then I changed it back
(End of this chapter)

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