Chapter 194 This Mermaid Is Not Pure 26
Ross wore a well-tailored black tuxedo, a very regular style, and it didn't look like anything special, except for a broken diamond rose brooch pinned to his chest, which sparkled under the dazzling light.

The well-regulated style can't hide Rose's beauty. In other words, you have to use this kind of clothes to suppress Rose's appearance, otherwise it will look too coquettish.

That long silver-white hair, which is different from ordinary people, is tied behind her back with a ribbon at will. No other decoration is needed. A pair of rippling eyes is enough to make people amazing.

As soon as he made his appearance, without saying anything, he had already captured everyone's attention.

And Lan Shuang beside him was not inferior, her long golden hair was tied up in an elegant and dignified bun, her wine red velvet dress was full of restrained and extravagant light, and the golden silk rose with A little natural flamboyance.

"good evening."

Lan Shuang has red lips and white teeth, bright eyes and kind eyes, and a slight smile makes people feel good.

Everyone stared at her blankly, didn't come back to their senses for a while, and seemed to see the former queen who was born as a commoner but confident and dazzling in a trance, and the current queen was forgotten by others.

Celia stared at Lan Shuang's skirt with an ugly face, it was not her choice at all!Where did she get this dress from?
Originally, he wanted to make her look ugly, but why did he help her?
This feeling of lifting a rock and hitting her own foot made her feel stuck in her throat, and she couldn't say what she wanted to say.

"It seems that my dress tonight is not bad. I can see the surprise from everyone's eyes. Thank you for your affirmation. I did it myself. Your reactions gave me confidence. If I can't get along in the future You can become a tailor, and the business should be good."

Lan Shuang walked to the front of the stage and stood still, looking back with a smile and appropriate self-mockery, quickly resolved the embarrassment of the cold scene, everyone laughed and started applauding again.

"It's amazing that the eldest princess can make her own dresses!"

"It's so beautiful, the details are very well done."

"If Her Royal Highness becomes a tailor, I will be the first to join in!"

A handsome young man stood up and said.

Seeing that he was not malicious, Lan Shuang smiled: "Then I will write it down."


Everyone laughed.

Lan Shuang gave Ross a look, and Ross understood, and lifted her skirt for her to help her onto the high platform.

Seeing Lan Shuang coming up, the queen showed her professional smirk, and said softly, "Welcome Shuangshuang home, we miss you very much."

"Thank you." Lan Shuang walked in front of her neither humble nor overbearing, with a decent smile, not giving an inch.

The queen didn't want to give up her position so easily. She glanced at Lan Shuang's dress and said, "Don't you like the dress I had someone pick out for you before? But compared with yours, those are indeed inferior." A lot."

Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows, it's starting to sell out, right?

She smiled slightly, turned her head to face the crowd and said, "The queen did choose some dresses for me, but I reasonably suspect that she can't remember my exact age, and the styles are a bit... well, not suitable, so I changed one myself."

"But I appreciate the queen's kindness."


Lan Shuang took another step forward, her eyes were clear, with a touch of banter, it doesn't matter if you don't let me go, the protagonist is not the one standing in the center.

She turned around, stood side by side with the queen, and said loudly: "I'm very glad that everyone can come to my reception banquet. It's not accurate to say it's a reception banquet. It should be said that it's my birthday celebration."

As soon as this remark came out, the scene below that had just become lively became cold again.

Everyone looked at each other, looking at Lan Shuang in disbelief.

Lan Sisi slowly clenched her hands, and looked at Lan Shuang nervously. She didn't know what Lan Shuang wanted to do, but she had a bad premonition.

Ossie was also looking up at Lan Shuang from below without moving his eyes. Is his ex-fiancee so beautiful?
The queen was taken aback, and then said to Lan Shuang seriously: "Let's talk about this matter when we go back. Isn't it good to say this in front of so many people? Everyone is here to celebrate today..."

"Celebration? Isn't it just to celebrate my escape from the dead? Since it's a celebration, why don't you make it clear?" Lan Shuang continued without changing her expression, "I felt uncomfortable because of some personal relationship issues a while ago. I wanted to go out for a walk, so my maid Daixi gave me an idea to go out to sea."

The queen was cold all over, and kept winking at Lan Shuang, trying to make her shut up, but Lan Shuang didn't even look at her. She opened her mouth to want Lan Shuang to shut up, but after she tried hard, she found that she couldn't speak.


Her tense expression instantly turned into panic, but everyone thought she was afraid of Lan Shuang's experience, so they didn't take it seriously.

The queen wanted to raise her hand to let everyone discover her abnormality, but she couldn't raise her hand this time, and even her whole body seemed to be tied up, unable to move, as if she was nailed to the ground!
Lan Shuang continued to say: "I really felt good when I first went out to sea. The sea is beautiful and the people are very interesting, but it was not until the boat sailed to the middle of the sea that I realized that everything was just my illusion. The end point is the center of the sea, my burial place."


There was a burst of exclamation below.

The queen was so anxious that beads of sweat appeared on her forehead, but she couldn't do anything.

In addition to Lan Shuang's voice, there was only the sound of her crazy heartbeat, which hurt her eardrums.

Soon, she saw a silvery white light from the corner of her eye, and someone walked over.

She tried her best to look over, and saw Ross cast her down and gave her a cold look, as if she was looking at some jumping ants who were overwhelmed.

At this moment, the queen understood that all the abnormalities on her body were caused by this person in front of her!

She really wanted to scold him, but she couldn't open her mouth, she couldn't even stare at him!
Ross has already withdrawn his gaze. How can she destroy the drama that Shuangshuang has carefully choreographed?

No one is allowed to move until the play is over.

There was a faint smile on Rose's lips, hidden in the darkness, no one could see.

"... She took advantage of my unpreparedness and pushed me into the sea. The moment I turned around, I saw her distorted face clearly. I don't know if she has always been like this or was bought by someone, but after I came back, she gone."

Lan Shuang finally showed a bit of regret and sadness on his face, and everyone in the audience talked about it.

"How did this happen? Isn't that maid too courageous? How dare she murder the eldest princess?"

"It must have been bribed, otherwise she is a maid, why would she do such a thing? It is not good for her if the princess dies."

"Who will buy her...could it be?!"

Someone looked at the queen on the stage, and his face changed instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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