Chapter 197 This Mermaid Is Not Pure 29
The king was escorted by the guards all the way back to the chamber, turned around and suppressed his anger and said, "Louis and the captain stay, and the rest get out!"

"Yes!" The guards sent Du Xilun and the queen away, threw Daixi casually on the ground, and left quickly, not daring to stay for a second, for fear that their anger would burn on them the next moment.

And at the moment when the door of the meeting hall was closed, there was a furious shout from inside: "Queen! You did a good job!"

The queen immediately knelt down and tried her best to argue: "Your Majesty, listen to me, it's not what you think. I really didn't bribe Daixi to let her harm the eldest princess! The eldest princess is your child, even if I don't Like it, it is impossible to kill her!"

She stared at the king with burning eyes, very sad, and seemed to be sincere, but the king was conceited and conceited, but he was not a fool.

He was blinded by the queen before, and he wanted to let it go, but after talking with Lan Shuang twice, he realized that he might be really wrong. potential.

Although Lan Sisi is excellent, her personality is still too soft and kind, and she can't sit in the king's position, so he never thought about abolishing Lan Shuang's crown prince, but he didn't want to. Someone thought about it for him, the king's How could he bear his majesty being provoked?
"Queen, do you think I'm a fool? Whether you bribed Daixi or not, but without your instruction, how could Du Xilun get in touch with Daixi so easily? How can a minister come in and out of the palace casually to contact the people around the eldest princess?" ?”


The queen was at a loss for words, and tried hard to search for words that could be justified.

The king gave her a disappointed look, then turned to look at Du Xilun, and this time his anger was even worse: "Du Xi Lun, I have valued you, even because of the queen's relationship, I have always tolerated you, but what about you? What have you done? ? That's how you repay me?"

Du Xilun looked at the queen and then at the king, knowing that he could not escape tonight's calamity, he knelt down and kowtowed, confessing his guilt frankly: "It was my fault, I failed His Majesty's trust, but Your Majesty please listen to me It’s not too late to convict me.”

The king snorted coldly, did not agree but did not refuse either.

Du Xilun regarded him as acquiescing, and was about to speak when the queen looked over and looked at him with complicated eyes. Du Xilun was startled, then turned his head and stopped looking at her, staring down at the pattern on the carpet and said in a deep voice: " The queen and I are brothers and sisters, our family is prominent, and we have never been wronged at all, but since the queen married Your Majesty, people have been suspicious everywhere, saying that she is a stepmother and can't take good care of the eldest princess, but these queens have endured it, and Your Majesty also sees it. In your eyes?"

The king didn't speak, but just glanced at the queen. The queen burst into tears, but said nothing.

"Later, the queen gave birth to Sisi and tried her best to cultivate her into a talent, but in the eyes of outsiders, Sisi was the second princess, and she couldn't compare to the eldest princess no matter what, but I watched Sisi grow up, how could she compare Is the eldest princess bad? Obviously they were all born to the same father. In another family, Sisi must be the eldest lady who is loved by thousands of people, but now because of Lan Shuang, she can only be overwhelmed. Hate it or not, but I, an uncle, can't stand it!"

"Sisi is going to come of age soon, and the neighboring country intends to marry again. At that time, won't Sisi only have to marry far away? I don't accept it, so I want to express this for Sisi. I was infatuated for a while, so I bought Dai Xi, let her lie to the eldest princess to go to sea, I promise to give her money that she can't use up in her lifetime, so that she can live a prosperous life for the rest of her life, and then..."

He looked up at the king's face, and said in a low voice, "Your Majesty knows everything about it."

Hearing this, the king slapped the armrest and stood up: "Okay, let's vent your anger for Sisi! After all, aren't you still doing it for your own selfish desires? Du Xilun, don't think I don't know what you're thinking!"

Du Xilun said without changing his face: "No matter what your majesty thinks, my original intention is indeed the same. It was my idea to send someone to assassinate the eldest princess later. The queen did not participate. If your majesty wants to punish, you can punish me alone. It's all my fault." , I have no complaints."

"His Majesty!"

The queen walked two steps forward, crying, and said to the king mournfully: "For the sake of my brother helping you with the affairs of state and my brother helping you with the affairs of state, please forgive him this time, even though he did something wrong. , but at least nothing really happened to the eldest princess..."

The king stared at her sullenly, and was about to say something when there was a sudden commotion outside.

He frowned and looked over, and saw Lan Sisi pushing the door in regardless of the guards' obstruction. As soon as he saw him, he ran in quickly, knelt on the ground and said, "Your Majesty, everything is caused by me, and if you want to be punished, you will be punished." Me, it’s my fault, without me, these things wouldn’t exist.”

The king looked at her with a headache: "You get up first."

For this daughter, he really likes her, she is obedient and sensible, but the matter is indeed caused by her, causing him to see Lan Sisi now, and his heart is in a mess.

"Your Majesty, don't be embarrassed."

Lan Sisi looked at her mother and uncle with nostalgia, got up and said: "I am willing to go to Saibi to marry, and it will be atonement for my mother and uncle."

The king was taken aback: "What did you say?"

The queen turned pale in shock: "No! I don't agree! The princes of Saibi Kingdom are not good people, how can I let you jump into the fire pit?"

"I don't agree either!" Du Xilun sternly objected, if Lan Sisi went to marry, they would never recover!

"But..." Lan Sisi looked at them sadly, trying to say something.

Seeing the king's hesitation, the queen's face suddenly changed. She gritted her teeth and rushed towards the pillar on one side with a muffled "bang".


"younger sister!"


The hall suddenly became chaotic, and everyone rushed to the queen, looking at the wound on her head, in a hurry.

The king ran over to hug the queen, and the queen said weakly in his arms, "Your Majesty, this matter... I was wrong, and I shouldn't be jealous, but..."

She grabbed the king's sleeve with trembling hands, and said with difficulty: "Sisi can't marry, I only have this one daughter, she is my life!"

The king frowned and shouted to the outside: "Come on! Come on! Tell the doctor!"

As soon as he picked up the queen, he walked out: "Why are you so cruel?"

"I can't help it. Someone will have to bear the consequences for doing something wrong. I can't let Sisi go. I will suffer the consequences myself."

The queen smiled weakly: "Your Majesty, I'm sorry..."

After speaking, she passed out completely.

Du Xilun and Lan Sisi followed the king and ran all the way to the queen's bedroom.

(End of this chapter)

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