Chapter 198 This Mermaid Is Not Pure 30
The doctors came in a hurry, stood in a row at the door, and went in one by one to treat the queen.

Fortunately, the queen's head injury only looked serious, bleeding profusely, but not life-threatening.

There may be a slight concussion, but people at this time do not understand what a concussion is. They just told the queen to pay attention to rest in the past few days and not to exercise vigorously to avoid dizziness and nausea.

"Okay, I've written it down, thank you doctor, is there anything else I should pay special attention to?" Lan Sisi nervously followed the doctor.

The doctor took her to a secluded corner and told her a few words, and she listened patiently.

The king looked at the pale and unconscious queen lying on the bed, with ups and downs in his eyes, and finally heaved a deep sigh.

Seeing this, Du Xilun wiped tears beside him, "I'm sorry, it's all my brother's fault, sister, wake up quickly."

As he said that, he knelt down in front of the king again, and confessed "sincerely", "Your Majesty, all mistakes are my fault. No matter how you want to deal with me, I will never complain."

He looked at the person on the bed with tears in his eyes, and said sadly: "But the queen is your wife after all. She has worked hard without merit for so many years, and Sisi, she is your own flesh and blood. She is so filial to you. I never thought anything bad. Please forgive them!

I would like to bear it all alone!The queen can't stand any blows now, so you must not let Sisi marry far away. "

Lan Sisi walked back, holding back her tears and knelt beside her without speaking.

She said so much wrong now, she could understand the meaning of the queen's collision, so she couldn't add trouble to them, but her conscience felt bad, and she could only choose to compromise in the end.

The room was very quiet for a while, except for the sound of Du Xilun sobbing. The dull atmosphere lasted for a long time. Finally, when Du Xi Lun could hardly kneel and his body was shaking, the king finally waved his hand and said kindly: "Forget it, since the queen has already borne the burden herself. I will not pursue this matter any further.

But Du Xilun, you can be exonerated from the death penalty, and the crime of living is inevitable. The crime of murdering the crown prince can be big or small. If the eldest princess comes back safe and sound, I will remove you from the post of finance minister and abolish your title. From now on, you Just shut yourself up in your own home. "

Du Xilun was overjoyed. He thought that the punishment would be more severe, but he didn't expect that his title was just abolished and his official position was abolished.

As long as Lan Sisi is still there, wouldn't it be a matter of her saying a word to restore the official in the future?

This time Du Xilun was truly grateful to the king from the bottom of his heart, and kowtowed to him three times respectfully.

The king didn't look at him again, "You can do it yourself."

"Yes!" Du Xilun didn't say anything, got up and glanced at Lan Sisi who was kneeling on the side, and stretched out his hand to support her.

He held Lan Sisi's hand and said earnestly: "From now on, uncle can no longer protect the princess. The princess must take care of herself and your mother, take care of yourself."

His words were earnest, and there was a hint of pleading in his eyes.

Lan Sisi understood it, but she hoped she didn't understand it, and she didn't want to accept this heavy burden, because once she agreed, there would be no turning back.

After a moment of silence, she recalled that the king was still watching and said hastily, "Don't worry, uncle, I will take good care of my mother and me."

Du Xilun sighed, said yes, and left in a daze.

Lan Sisi turned to look at the king, "Father..."

The king froze, and his shoulders relaxed after a while, "Sisi, take good care of your mother, and tell her when she wakes up that I will not pursue this matter any further. Let her not be overwhelmed, and I am willing to give it to her again. Opportunity will not let you marry far away. Marriage is not necessary, and there is no need to be so desperate, you are my daughter, and I wish you better than anyone else."

"I will..." Lan Sisi suppressed her crying.

The king shook his head, took one last deep look at the queen, turned and walked out, "Louis, send Daixi to the eldest princess, and finally tell her, if she has any dissatisfaction, ask her to come and talk to me face to face .”



Lan Shuang was not surprised when she received the news from Louis, and even the result was better than she expected. Daixi was also sent here, and she didn't even bother to talk nonsense, so she stabbed Daixi to death with a sword, and asked her to take the body carry away.

"You said the queen hit her head, is it serious?"

Lan Shuang invited Louis to the restaurant to talk, and the two sat face to face, with Ross sitting on Lan Shuang's right hand.

Hearing this, he lazily raised his eyes, "Isn't this just forcing the king to make a choice?"

Louis' complexion was not good, with a bit of boredom, "I didn't expect the second princess to stand up and say that she was going to marry at a critical moment. She may have good intentions, but she provided the queen with an excellent opportunity."

As he spoke, he looked at Lan Shuang's expression, but Lan Shuang just sat there with a cup of coffee, drinking it without changing his expression.

"Da—" the exquisite coffee cup was placed on the small saucer, and Lan Shuang smiled.

"Then it seems that the Queen's injury is not serious enough, and she passed out after negotiating the conditions with the King in an orderly manner. It can be seen that she was careful when the collision happened, and she didn't want to risk her life at all.

Afterwards, the king should be able to figure out the key to this. It just depends on whether his heart is soft enough. After all, they are husband and wife for many years, so there is still some affection, so this result is within my expectation, but after this incident, Du Xilun is full of vitality Seriously injured, the queen should stop for a while. "

Louis was puzzled, "If the Queen stops, how can I catch them?"

Lan Shuang raised her eyes, her expression was calm, "I don't need to worry about these things for General Louis, you have helped me enough, if you continue to get involved, the king will definitely suspect that your loyalty is not good for you."

Louis was taken aback, thinking about it, if he stretched his hand too long, the king would definitely remember it.

"The general doesn't need to say anything more. After you go back, you tell the king that I am very satisfied with the result and don't want to embarrass him. This matter ends here. As long as they don't take the initiative to come to me in the future, I will Make peace with them."

"it is good."

As soon as Louis left, Ross turned his head to look at Lan Shuang, "What's your plan next?"

"Of course I will continue to dig out their black material. They are always a hidden danger. If they are not dead, they always want to make trouble. Why don't I force them to completely solve this hidden danger."

After Lan Shuang drank the last sip of coffee, she went to write a few letters, and quietly sent someone to several honest old ministers.

What she wrote was not a letter to form a clique, but to remind these veteran ministers that there was a financial problem and asked them to check it out.

He spoke earnestly in his heart, analyzed the pros and cons, understood the truth, and moved him with emotion, successfully persuading several ministers.

It's okay if a few people don't check, but when they check it, they are shocked, and a bunch of people are involved by following the clues.

Due to the importance of the matter, no list was made within a short period of time.So the king doesn't know yet, and Lan Shuang is not in a hurry, please make sure these ministers check it out, there are no omissions, sort it out and hand it over to the king, so as not to be tampered with in the middle.

So one month after the incident of the queen hitting the pillar, on a sunny morning, several senior ministers jointly wrote a letter to ask to see the king, revealing all the things that the Dusilun family had done.

The king fainted immediately after seeing it, and the palace was in chaos.

 This world is not easy to write, hahahaha, it smells Chinese and Western, needless to say, I know it myself!Well, but this world is just a transitional practice, let’s continue with the old sayings in the next world, in fact, the old sayings are my body (bushi), and my writing of the old sayings is also very bad, but it is relatively smooth
(End of this chapter)

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