Chapter 199 This Mermaid Is Not Pure 31
Lan Shuang rushed to the king's bedroom as soon as she received the news. The queen had already arrived at that time. After all, she lived closer to Lan Shuang, and there were many eyeliners in the palace, so she was the first to arrive. As soon as she arrived, she let the guards Keep guard outside, and no one except the doctor is allowed to enter or leave at will.

And several old officials who came with the king were also turned away.

"We want to go in to check on His Majesty's situation, why should we be stopped outside?"

"What are you doing in there?"

The veterans were very emotional, and seeing the queen inside, they were even more worried about the king's safety.

But the queen's guards only obeyed the queen's orders, and they were unmoved by the reprimands, cursing or reasoning of the veterans, and blocked the door without giving an inch.

"What's the proper way to be noisy?"

Lan Shuang got down from the carriage and approached side by side with Rose. The eyes of several senior ministers lit up instantly when they saw her, as if they had seen a life-saving straw.

"His Royal Highness!"

"Your Highness, we wanted to go in to check on His Majesty's condition, but the Queen refused, and only let her trusted doctor go in."

"We're really worried."

Several old ministers surrounded Lan Shuang and began to complain.

Lan Shuang raised her hand with a calm expression: "Everyone, please be calm and don't be impatient. The situation is unknown, so you can't get confused."

As she spoke, she strode forward and stood at the door. The guards immediately stretched out their hands to stop her, "Your Highness, the queen has ordered that no one can enter until the king wakes up."

"Me too?" Lan Shuang's eyes sharpened, with a strong sense of oppression.

The guards looked at each other and shook their heads: "No."

"Oh, then your majesty has something wrong with it, who of you can take responsibility?"

Lan Shuang asked coldly.

The guards pursed their lips tightly and remained silent. They couldn't say anything anyway, so they simply resisted passively.

"You guys understand one thing. Although she is the queen, she is the successor. I am the crown prince appointed by His Majesty. I will be the ruler of this country in the future. Is what I say not as effective as a successor?"

Lan Shuang's words shook the guards a little.

"elder sister."

Lan Sisi walked in from the outside with her skirt in her hand, and nodded to several old officials with white hair and beard: "Your lords are also here."

The veterans glanced at her and saluted respectfully, but it was very different from the intimacy they had when facing Lan Shuang.

Obviously separated.

Lan Sisi didn't pay attention, she turned to look at Lan Shuang at the door, the two sisters met again after many days, when their eyes met, they exchanged signals calmly.

Lan Shuang's attitude is already very clear, and Lan Sisi...

She looked away and said to the guard at the door, "Open the door."

Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows, and glanced at Rose beside her. Rose narrowed her eyes. It seemed that Lan Sisi did not choose to stand with the queen in the end.

"Sorry Your Highness Second Princess, this is what the queen means, even you are no exception."

The head guard ruthlessly refused.

Lan Sisi frowned, "But Your Majesty..."


Lan Shuang gave Ross a look, raised his hand, and Ross immediately understood, and while the guards were not paying attention, he snatched the sword from his hand and threw it away.

"What do you want to do?!" The guard was startled and shouted sharply.

The next moment, under the eyes of everyone, Lan Shuang raised her hand to catch the hilt of the sword, and after pulling the sword flower, "shua", the sharp point of the sword pointed straight at the head guard and his party, and said coldly: "Open the door! Who If you dare to disobey my order, kill!"

"At a critical moment, the crown prince can act as the king. Do you want to test whether my sword is fast enough?"

Lan Shuang's arms were straightened, and the long sword moved up slightly, pointing at the head of the guard, with sharp and fierce eyes, the head of the guard was terrified.

I heard people say that the whole person is different after the eldest princess narrowly escaped from the dead. At that time, he still didn't believe it. The eldest princess didn't know that the number one soft persimmon in the palace can be pinched twice by anyone. How can it change? ?
But when he faced her directly today, he realized that he was completely wrong. The eldest princess has not only changed, she has been completely reborn!

At this moment, he clearly felt the awe-inspiring killing intent on Lan Shuang's body!
He swallowed: "Princess, don't make it difficult for us..."

Lan Shuang didn't talk nonsense with him, and as soon as she moved her wrist forward, the tip of the sword touched the button of the chief guard's collar, and the chief guard felt the pain vaguely through a layer of fabric.

"Is it still difficult?" Lan Shuang asked softly.

The head guard's hairs stood on end, and he immediately raised his hands in a gesture of surrender, "No, no, no, don't be embarrassing!"

Lan Shuang sneered and put down the sword.

The chief guard immediately turned his head and shouted: "Open the door!"

The guards immediately rushed forward to open the door, and dared not stop Lan Shuang, this princess really knows how to kill people!

Seeing this, the veteran officials in the back were immediately relieved, and exchanged a tacit look with each other.

Looking at Lan Shuang's cold profile, Lan Sisi suddenly realized the gap between herself and Lan Shuang.

This is the man born to be a king.

The king's bedroom is divided into two parts, inside and outside. After passing through the outside living room, Lan Shuang went straight to the inside bedroom with a sword in his hands.

The queen was standing at the end of the bed, looking at the person on the bed worriedly, feeling a battle between heaven and man.

The doctor was busy examining the king, trying his best to stimulate the king to wake up.

"How is Your Majesty?"

Lan Shuang's voice suddenly sounded in the room, which frightened the queen quite a bit. She trembled and almost twisted her neck.

She turned around and watched Lan Shuang rushing in with a group of people, her face suddenly changed, "Who told you to come in? Get out! Didn't you see that the doctors were treating the king?"

"I let them in." Lan Shuang was still holding the sword in her hand, and she stabbed the tip of the sword into the carpet in front of her, leaning on the hilt as a crutch, and said coldly: "I am the Crown Prince of Modo, His Majesty's biological son." Daughter, something happened to His Majesty, it is only natural for me to visit him, no one can stop me, including you—"

The queen felt that her coercion had been provoked unprecedentedly. She gritted her teeth and said, "Then you bring a group of people to make trouble? I don't know that the king needs to rest now? Why are you so peaceful?"

Lan Shuang smiled: "I should ask you this. Normally, I'm really not in such a hurry, but..."

She turned her head and glanced at the senior officials behind her, and said, "Your Majesty has just reported to His Majesty the crimes committed by the Du Xilun family. Your Majesty was stunned. At this time, Queen, you still don't allow anyone to enter the palace. How can you?" Doesn't it make people suspicious?"

The queen clenched her fists immediately: "So you all suspect me?"

Her eyes fell on Lan Sisi behind Lan Shuang, and suddenly became more complicated: "You doubt me too?"

Lan Sisi shook her head: "I didn't, I just came to see my father."

"Really?" The queen snorted, not knowing whether to believe it or not, she turned to Lan Shuang and asked, "I see now, the king is fine, please go out immediately."

(End of this chapter)

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