Chapter 200 This Mermaid Is Not Pure 32
Lan Shuang ignored her, and walked straight to the bed with a sword in her hand. Rose followed, and the others stood still and did not disturb the doctor.

Seeing that Ross had also passed by, the queen still felt terrified when she remembered what he controlled last time, so she immediately reached out to stop her: "What do you want to do?"

Could it be that he wanted to assassinate the king directly and let Lan Shuang succeed him?

The more I thought about it, the more I felt it was possible, the queen looked at Ross in the wrong way.

Rose glanced at her hand, then looked at the queen, didn't bother to say anything, and took a step to move forward, but the queen refused to let go, "Stop! Are you trying to use magic to harm His Majesty? I know you can use magic , you are not an ordinary person, if you take the opportunity to attack, we will not be able to see it, right?"

She yelled loudly, and the faces of everyone present except Lan Shuang changed.

Because of the matter of the first queen, the king has always been secretive about magic, and his attitude towards magicians is even more lukewarm, which made the status of magicians very embarrassing for a time.

But now the mysterious man next to the eldest princess is actually a magician?

Seeing that everyone was silent, the queen regained her confidence and calmly analyzed: "Lan Shuang, would you like to explain what you want to do by bringing a magician here at this time?"

"Queen, don't beat me up, if I want to harm His Majesty, there are plenty of opportunities, why wait until now?"

Lan Shuang chuckled, and said to Rose: "Since the queen is so scared, then don't come here, I can do it myself."

Ross nodded, turned and retreated to a safe distance.

The queen looked at him fearfully, and looked at Lan Shuang suspiciously.

Ke Lanshuang ignored her and asked the doctor, "How is it? When will His Majesty wake up? What's wrong?"

The doctor thought about it and said: "Your Majesty is in a hurry, coupled with the fact that he has been overtired recently, and his mood has fluctuated too much, so he didn't come up to hold his breath. Wake up... We can't guarantee it."

Lan Shuang nodded: "You go and prescribe some medicine, the kind that regulates the body, Your Majesty needs to make up for it."

"Yes." The doctors walked aside to study countermeasures. Taking advantage of everyone's inattention, Lan Shuang moved her fingers slightly under the cover of her sleeves, and a ray of light golden magical power circled around the king's wrist and penetrated into the king's wrist. off his skin.

"Host, what are you doing?" 888 was from Lanshuang's perspective the whole time, so she could see her little movements clearly.

Lan Shuang said: "This is a kind of healing magic, which can make people wake up quickly. Because it is too weak, it is actually used less, but in those years when the queen lived alone in the attic, I studied hard and learned a lot of strange things. I taught it to the original owner."

"So that's how it is." 888 admired, "I didn't expect it to come in handy, so there is no useless knowledge."

Lan Shuang agreed, "Yes, yes."

After the healing magic entered the king's body, it took effect very quickly. Almost within 2 minutes, the eyeballs under the king's eyelids quickly turned.

Lan Shuang yelled deliberately: "Doctor, Your Majesty moved, are you going to wake up?"

The doctors immediately gathered around the bed, staring at the king's face with more than a dozen eyeballs.

The king raised his eyelashes tremblingly, and saw such a creepy scene. For a moment, he suspected that his soul had gone out of his body.

He widened his eyes and took a deep breath, but before he could catch his breath, he choked on his saliva and coughed frantically.


"Your Majesty, calm down!"

"Your body can't stand the toss now, it's better to be calm, nothing is more important than your body."

The doctors rushed forward to comfort the king.


I'm just scared by you, do you still have the face to say it?Stay away from me!

He couldn't speak, so he could only stretch his arms and pull around.

Lan Shuang held back her internal injury with a smile on the side, coughed lightly, and spoke her mind for the king: "Everyone spread out, the king doesn't know who to answer when he sees so many people."

The doctors also realized that they were too excited, and they all backed away. Lan Shuang was able to step forward, "Your Majesty, do you feel better?"

Hearing her voice, the king was relieved at last. He struggled to sit up. Lan Shuang raised his hand to help him, and made him sit against the head of the bed.

"All right."

The king nodded: "I feel much better, but my chest is still tight."

"That's because the anger hasn't died down."

The doctor said: "Your Majesty, no matter what happens to you, you should take it easy. You are very depleted and overtired, and you are prone to multiple illnesses."

Hearing what he said, the king sighed, "Understood."

"Your Majesty—" the queen threw herself to the bed, and Li Hua said with rain, "You really scared me."


He looked at the queen's still beautiful face with love and hate.

"You go out first—"

The king waved to the doctors, and the doctors left obediently after a few more words of advice.

Seeing this, the ministers stepped forward and stood there silently without speaking.

The king glanced at the people in the room, and finally his eyes fell on Lan Sisi, and he said softly, "Sisi also go back."

Lan Sisi was stunned for a moment, not understanding why so many people only asked her to go back.

It was Lan Shuang who glanced at her and said, "Your sister really should go back, there are some things that are not good for you."

She looked at the queen meaningfully, and Lan Sisi instantly realized that what Lan Shuang said about the Duxilun family just now, she looked at the king and queen lonely, nodded and said: "Yes, my daughter is leaving first , father, take care."

As soon as Lan Sisi left, the atmosphere in the whole bedroom changed.

The king sat on the head of the bed silently, without much expression on his face, and did not look at the queen. The queen panicked and called out tentatively: "Your Majesty..."



No one expected that the king, who had been sitting all this time, suddenly jumped up, raised his hand and slapped the queen's face fiercely, knocking the queen down to the ground and not getting up for a long time.

She covered her face and looked at the king in disbelief, "You hit me?"

"How about beating you? Shouldn't you be beating those things you did? How dare you say that those things the Dusilun family did were done without your backing?"

The king's face turned red, and Lan Shuang was really afraid that he would turn away while talking, so she quickly persuaded: "Your Majesty calm down, it's important to take care of your health."

The king looked up at Lan Shuang, feeling guilty for the first time.

Some time ago, he protected the queen and lightly punished Du Xilun, but today, they gave him an invisible slap and laughed at his indecision.

It was also at this moment that the king made up his mind, closed his eyes and calmed his breath, and said in a deep voice: "In front of several old ministers, let me say one last time, Lan Shuang's position as crown prince is unshakable. After she gets married, Just the canonization ceremony."

The queen bit her lower lip hard.

"As for you—" the king looked at the queen disheartened, "without my order, the queen is not allowed to step out of the palace! Someone! Drag it out!"

"Your Majesty!" The guard stepped forward to help the queen to go out. The queen shouted sharply, but the king was unmoved and didn't even want to look at her.

Until the door closed in front of her eyes, the queen struggled to break away from the guards' restraint, looked at them coldly, and left quickly.

Oh, forever crown prince?Think beautifully!
She will never let her plans for so many years be ruined!

(End of this chapter)

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