Chapter 201 This Mermaid Is Not Pure 33
The king kept Lan Shuang, and originally wanted Ross to leave, but after thinking about it, he still didn't say anything in the end.

Turning to ask those old ministers: "You said there is one more thing, what is it?"

At that time, after listening to their report on Du Xilun's matter, it was already too much. They said there was something else, and he rolled his eyes before he could listen. At this time, he remembered it.


When it came to this matter, several ministers hesitated instead.

The king frowned, keenly aware that something was wrong, and his voice was a little cold: "Why? Can't you say it?"


The senior minister in charge glanced at Lan Shuang, and said slowly: "Actually, this matter has something to do with Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess."

"Me?" Lan Shuang pointed at herself.


The king also looked at Lan Shuang, his eyes condensed slightly, and his tone became a little more serious: "Say!"

"Yes." The old minister replied, "It's about the former queen. Back then, the former queen was neglected by His Majesty because of magic, and later she was convicted because of it. There is actually something strange about it. I am investigating the case of corruption and indiscriminate murder by the Dusilun family. It was discovered in the investigation that the person who accused the queen of abusing black magic against His Majesty was actually a member of the Dusilon family."

"In the early years, he was expelled by the family because of gambling. Later, he lived in poverty and became a beggar for a while, but then he was suddenly taken back to the master's house for a period of time. Later, he became an experimental subject who identified the queen and practiced black magic."

The minister thought about it and said: "So the case of the first queen may really be wronged, and the person behind it is Du Xilun, or..."

He stopped there deftly and didn't say the queen's name, but everyone present understood.

The king's expression changed suddenly, "What did you say?"

Lan Shuang was not surprised by this. She said coldly: "Although my mother was born as a commoner and learned magic from several parade magicians for several years, she never had any intention of harming others. This must be related to her. Your Majesty, who is with you day and night, understands best, right? It’s just that the relationship fades, and trust naturally becomes vulnerable.”

As soon as the words came out, the ministers did not dare to answer, and they all looked at the king on the bed in unison.

In fact, it wasn't that he didn't notice the strangeness at the beginning, but he was having sex with the current queen Celia, and the first queen was too staunch to accept the fact that the king fell in love with someone else. In the end, the two broke up unhappy, so really When this kind of thing happened, the king just wanted to teach the queen a lesson, let her calm down and think clearly, and waited for her to take the initiative to give in. Who knew that this would be the eternal separation of yin and yang?
It was too late to regret at this time, so Lan Shuang did not intend to hold on to this matter. After a moment of silence, she said: "Since the truth is revealed, my mother was wronged, can Your Majesty restore my mother's innocence? It's the end of your relationship."

The king pursed his lips and said nothing, and nodded after a long time: "I see, I will take care of this matter, you go back first."


All the goals for tonight have been achieved, and Lan Shuang doesn't plan to stay any longer, so she takes Rose away.

The ministers surrounded the king, and the king ordered a few more words, and he didn't let them go out until he felt that he was really out of spirits.


The queen was grounded in the palace and did not stop, and sent someone to send news to Du Xilun overnight.

Lan Shuang stood in the dark and saw clearly. Rose stood behind her, half of her face was immersed in the night, but her eyes were bright, "Why don't you stop me?"

"Why do you want to stop it?" Lan Shuang asked back.

Ross: "Huh? Are you not afraid that they will do something together?"

Lan Shuang smiled lightly, held Luo Si's hand and walked back, "This is what I'm waiting for, the bigger the trouble, the better, and I can catch them all in one go."

Rose looked at her dotingly behind her, really black-bellied, but who made me like it?Still have to act together.

As long as she is happy.

"Let's go, go back to sleep, and then we'll just sit back and wait."

Lanshuang's voice gradually disappeared in the wind.


The king has been sick for many days, and he has not got up, but he is not idle, and summons the ministers to the palace to discuss matters every day.

The evidence of the Dusilun family's crimes was conclusive, which violated the king's authority. The king could not show mercy this time, and cut the mess straight away. Once the evidence was collected, they would all be arrested and punished according to the severity of the crime.

The culprit, Du Xilun, should be hanged in public, but when the guards went to arrest him, he ran away first.

The king was furious and ordered to strengthen investigations across the country, and he must be caught.

At the same time, he went to the harem to question the queen, but the queen was stubborn, and the king had no evidence, so he could only let it go, confiscated her personal guards, and sent his own people to watch her.

The queen didn't care, she seemed to have accepted her fate, and stayed in the bedroom calmly, neither crying nor making trouble.

Lan Sisi knew about it and wanted to visit her, but was also rejected by the king.

Not long after, the king issued an order to announce the wedding of the eldest princess. On the day of the wedding, a canonization ceremony was held to formally confirm her status as crown prince.

The big wedding will be held a month later. It is already autumn, and the weather is clear and clear, which is suitable for marriage.

And in this short month, people up and down in the palace were so busy that their feet didn't touch the ground, even Lan Shuang was tossed about several times to try on the wedding dress.

Ross was almost outraged, and stared at the tailors with a sullen face every day, looking at that posture, wishing to stare a hole in them with his eyes.

The tailors were frightened by the sight, always suspecting that if the eldest princess hadn't been around, the queen-to-be would jump on them and beat them up!

Fortunately, this tragic day is over, September NO.15, the wind is clear, the sky is high and the clouds are light, and the whole country celebrates.

The eldest princess Lanshuang Modo wore a snow-white wedding dress and a beautiful crystal crown. She drove around the city in a chariot of four white horses and was escorted by a magnificent guard of honor. Her husband-Loss.

The king's decree was issued early this morning. Now Lan Shuang is the queen of Morian, and Morian is the title of the crown prince of Modo, while Luo Si is named King Qile, a temporary false name, to make him appear to have a higher status, so as not to It's too embarrassing.

Ross was waiting for the queen's carriage at the hotel, and when there were warm cheers and gun salutes outside, he knew that his queen was coming.

He stood up and walked out surrounded by a group of maids, just in time to meet Lan Shuang who got off the carriage.

Away from the hustle and bustle of the crowd, the deafening ceremony and music, the sky full of ribbons and brilliant flowers, the two looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

Lan Shuang stretched out her hand wearing white lace gloves, and said to Rose, "My dear husband——Mr. Rose, I'm here to pick you up."

There was a smile that was so gentle that it was about to overflow in Rose's eyes, and he stretched out one hand behind the other, took Lan Shuang's hand and kissed it lightly, half bowed and said in a deep magnetic voice: "Her Majesty is here, I an honor."

 Married again~ Congratulations, happy fourth marriage!
(End of this chapter)

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