Chapter 203 This Mermaid Is Not Pure 35
Neither Lan Shuang nor Luo Si had much surprise on their faces, even if they looked carefully, they could see some expectation in Lan Shuang's eyes.

She had been planning for so long and had waited for this day.

The king's face was rather ugly. He stared at the direction of the door, and saw the queen walking in surrounded by a group of guards, and Du Xilun, who had disappeared for a long time, was also there!

"Queen?!" The officials stared blankly, and Lan Sisi also froze.

"Who let you out?"

The king snapped.

The queen walked in unhurriedly, with a calm and elegant posture. She was wearing a black dress, a top hat, and a pair of black lace embroidered gloves on her hands. She looked the same as usual, but it was different everywhere. .

"Everyone is here, how can I be missing? I am the current queen anyway. According to seniority and etiquette, Lan Shuang still has to call me queen mother. Why don't you let me come when she gets married? Your Majesty, this is unreasonable, right? "

"That's right, Your Majesty, if the juniors get married and don't invite the elders, it will hurt the face of the royal family."

Du Xilun smiled triumphantly, looking at the king's eyes had faded from the respect he had when he was a minister, and instead had a provocative look.

This is going to tear your face apart!

The officials immediately reacted and began to worry.

The king narrowed his eyes: "Is it for you to speak here? Du Xilun, I'm looking for you. If you don't hide well, you still dare to appear in the palace. Did you come from a trap?"

"Should I throw myself into the trap or fight to the death, don't you know, Your Majesty?" Du Xilun sneered: "How do you think we got here?"

The king was startled, and then shouted: "Come here—drive them out!"

However, after a while, no one came.

The king's face suddenly brightened, and his heart sank a little bit.


The queen laughed abruptly, "I didn't expect you to have today, Your Majesty? I didn't intend to do this. After all, we are husband and wife. I still love you very much, but what you did made me feel so sad, obviously You love me, I love you, shouldn't our child be the most honorable princess, the future crown prince?"

She changed the subject abruptly, pierced Lan Shuang's eyes sharply like a knife, and pointed her hand, "But you finally listened to her, gave her the position of crown prince, and even attacked our Duxilun family. what?"

The king's face was livid with anger, "Queen, I think you are really crazy! Sisi is my second daughter, and I will definitely not treat her badly. Her temperament is gentle and soft, and she is not suitable to be a king. A rich and happy queen is not good. Okay? You insist on going your own way, but you have considered half of her for her?"

He looked at Lan Sisi, whose eyes were red and still in a daze, and said in a deep voice, "Haven't you ever thought about how she will deal with herself in the future if you lose today?"

The queen didn't even look at Lan Sisi, she raised her chin and said, "Losing? Heh - we won't lose!"

"The soldiers of the Ryan family have surrounded the entire palace. Today, there is destined to be only one winner, and that is—"


Lan Shuang answered the words calmly, interrupting the queen's nonsense.

"What?" The queen gave her a vicious gouged look, and was about to say something, but Ross was already impatient, he raised his hand and a flash of silver light flashed, and the queen's hand was immediately pierced.


She screamed, and her painful face twisted instantly.


"younger sister!"

Du Xilun supported the queen's crumbling body from behind, looked at her pierced palm, and said angrily, "You know magic?!"

Ross's face was as cold as snow on a mountain, and there was a chill when he spoke, "I don't want my hands anymore, you can try again."


Such an arrogant gesture naturally angered Du Xilun, and he shouted angrily: "Come here—kill the king and Queen Morian, and this green-eyed monster! Whoever can get their heads will be crowned king and knight tomorrow!"

"Green-eyed monster?" Lan Shuang laughed angrily. She pulled out the sword from the king's waist with her backhand, flicked the blade, "Not bad, it's just you."

King: "...What about me?"

Lan Shuang glanced at him: "Stay back, the sword has no eyes, don't hurt you."


This king's life is worse than that of a dog, bah!

Du Xilun gave an order, and the guards waiting outside rushed in immediately, and fought with the king's personal guards. After all, the personal guards were few, and the situation was almost one-sided.

The ministers ran away in fright, and some shouted: "Protect Your Majesty and the Queen! Don't panic!"

"I see who dares!" The queen gritted her teeth and stood up, holding her bleeding hand and said viciously: "Who dares to protect the king and Lan Shuang, kill!"

"Kill!" The guards rushed forward, raising their swords and about to charge forward.

Lan Shuang immediately took a step forward, stood on the edge of the high platform, and said sharply, "I'll see who dares!"

"You are so arrogant! You are just a queen who has no real power, do you really think you are a king?" Du Xilun looked at Lan Shuang mockingly.

Lan Shuang's face remained unchanged, and there was even a faint smile on her lips: "Really? Maybe you've heard a word?"

"What?" Du Xilun squinted his eyes, and suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

Pointing at the tip of Lan Shuang's sword, she said word by word: "Please, sir, enter, urn."

"Louis—what are you waiting for? It's time to make a name for yourself!"

She suddenly yelled, and this yell used magic to spread the sound far away. She pointed at the hidden doors on both sides of the main hall. Louis' eyes lit up, and the blood all over his body was agitated. He pointed at the soldiers behind him. With a wave of his hand: "Go!"


Everyone broke through the door immediately, pouring into Du Xilun's team like a wave, and scattered the soldiers. The one-sided situation was instantly reversed.

Louis raised his sharp sword high, and his voice was like thunder: "Brothers! Protect the king, protect the queen, and eradicate the traitors. This is a great honor! Today we will fight to become famous!"

"Kill!" The soldiers on both sides fought together for a moment, and the ministers hurriedly ran to the high platform, huddling in the corner and not daring to move.

The sound of sword points colliding was endless, and the originally holy and elegant wedding hall instantly turned into a blood-splattered hell.

Lan Shuang and Ross looked at each other, "It's been a long time since we fought, do you want to try?"

"Okay." Rose agreed with a smile.

Du Xilun and the queen were shocked but not surprised. The queen gritted her teeth and said, "Louis, you really colluded with Lan Shuang! You said that you will always be loyal to the king, and the reputation of the Louis family is ruined by you!"

Louis was not bewitched by her words. He smiled, stabbed the sneak attacking soldier to death with a sword, and said calmly, "I am also loyal to the king. If there is no accident, Queen Morian will be the future king. I will do my best in advance." Obligation, why not?"


 Rest recently, there is no third watch!Meme~
(End of this chapter)

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